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Typer/kategorier, definitioner og implikationer af tillid i CSM

In document Brug af eksterne konsulenter - (Sider 30-33)

3. Teoretisk ramme

3.2 Partnerskaber og tillid i Supply Chain Management

3.2.2 Typer/kategorier, definitioner og implikationer af tillid i CSM

3.2.2 Typer/kategorier, definitioner og implikationer af tillid i CSM

Fra de overordnede tilgange af partnerskaber og tillid, netværk og TCA, ses der nu nærmere på skole, typer/kategorier, definitioner og implikationer af tillid i relationen fra supply chain Fra de overordnede tilgange af partnerskaber og tillid, netværk og TCA, ses der nu nærmere på skole, typer/kategorier, definitioner og implikationer af tillid i relationen fra supply chain

Kapitel 3 – Teoretisk ramme

management perspektivet. Tillid kan inddeles i tre generelle ”sociologiske” typer (Barney &

Hansen, 19948), der ses i (Skjøtt-Larsen, 1999, s. 104):

management perspektivet. Tillid kan inddeles i tre generelle ”sociologiske” typer (Barney &

Hansen, 19948), der ses i (Skjøtt-Larsen, 1999, s. 104):

”Weak trust

”Weak trust (limited possibilities of opportunism), can usually be regulated through the mar-ket or adequate economic and social safeguards”

“Semi-strong trust (trust through regulations), can usually be regulated through the market or adequate economic and social safeguards”

“Strong trust (”hard-core” trustworthiness), the trustworthy behavior usually rests on values, principles and standards that are internalized in the parties participating in a commercial ex-change”

Tillid kan også inddeles i tre typer i ”TCA sammenhæng” (Williamson, 19939), der ses i (Skjøtt-Larsen, 1999, s. 103):

”Calculative trust, derives from the parties’ contractual arrangement of ex post safeguards that prevent the other party from acting in an opportunistic way”

”Hyphenated trust, is related to the institutional surroundings in which the transactions are embedded” and “derive from safeguards that are in place in the environment of a relationship”

”Personal trust, is reserved for very special relationships between family, friends and lovers, and consequently, it does not belong in the world of business”

Fra ovenstående ses, at tillid kategoriseres på forskellige måder, hvor både sociologiske og økonomiske elementer spiller ind, dog med en overvægt mod de økonomiske. Disse elementer søges yderligere undersøgt med henblik på management af relationen.

Tillid ses hos Dyer og Chu som værende et unikt element som ”governance mechanism” (Dy-er & Chu, 2003, s. 66), og de opdel(Dy-er int(Dy-er-organisationel tillid i tre kategori(Dy-er: 1) Reliability, 3) Fairness og 3) Goodwill/benevolence, og opstiller endvidere fire hypoteser om sammen-spillet mellem tillid, transaktionsomkostninger og informationsdeling (Dyer & Chu, 2003, ss.


8 Barney, J.B. & Hansen, M.H. 1994. Trustworthiness as a Source of Competitive Advantage. 1993. Strategic management Journal, Vol 15, pp. 175-190.

9 Williamson, O.E. 1993. Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organization. Journal of Law and Economics, 1993, Vol36, April, pp. 453-486.

“Hypothesis 1.

“Hypothesis 1. The greater the supplier trust in the buyer, the lower the ex ante transaction costs (contracting costs) incurred by the exchange partners.”

“Hypothesis 2. The greater the supplier trust in the buyer, the lower the ex post transaction costs (monitoring and enforcement costs) incurred by the exchange partners.”

“Hypothesis 3. The greater the supplier trust in the buyer, the more the supplier will share valuable (confidential) work-related information with the buyer.”

“Hypothesis 4. All else being equal, the greater the buyer trustworthiness, the lower the buyer transaction costs and the better the buyer's profit performance.”

Dyer & Chu konkluderer ”We believe that trust in supplier-buyer relations may be an impor-tant source of competitive advantage in industrial settings” (Dyer & Chu, 2003, s. 67).

Styring af relationen er også i fokus hos Ghosh & Fedorowicz, 2008, idet de ser på hvordan tillid influerer “Relations Governance” i supply chain management. Tillid angives at spille en vigtig og central rolle i supply chain governance, hvor “Contract, Trust and Bargaining Power” udgør “governance in supply chain information sharing” (Ghosh & Fedorowicz, 2008, s. 461). Ghosh & Fedorowicz opstiller og benytter fire typer af tillid (Ghosh & Fedo-rowicz, 2008, s. 458):

Calculative trust – “Calculative trust is an ongoing, market-oriented, economic calculation for assessing the benefits and costs that can be derived from creating and sustaining a relation-ship. It thus reflects an assessment of a partner’s likely cooperation, based on the partner’s qualities and social constraints. This type of trust develops in the building phase of a business relationship”.

Competence trust – “This refers to the ability of a chain member to perform a task that it says it can perform. Competence trust covers technical, operational, human and financial abilities.

It develops when the skills needed to perform a task reside across partners. The other factor that contributes to its development is the level of search undertaken by one party for those skills before selecting the right partner to enter into such a relationship. This trust develops during the early interaction phase.”

Trust in integrity – “Trust in integrity is the belief that a trustee makes good faith agreements, tells the truth and fulfils promises. Consistency and loyalty are two components of integrity.

Integrity is based on experience from interpersonal relationships between the trustee and the

Kapitel 3 – Teoretisk ramme

trustor and more specifically on their perceptions of each others’ past behavior. Integrity is important in a supply chain because of the presence of numerous players with sometimes con-flicting goals and the existence of written and oral promises to be fulfilled.“

trustor and more specifically on their perceptions of each others’ past behavior. Integrity is important in a supply chain because of the presence of numerous players with sometimes con-flicting goals and the existence of written and oral promises to be fulfilled.“

Trust in predictability

Trust in predictability – “Predictability reflects the trustor’s belief that a trustee’s actions (good or bad) are consistent enough that it can be forecasted in a given situation. It is based on the premise that organizations are consistent, stable, and predictable in relation to past pat-terns of behavior. Relationship development explained by this type of trust depends on an ability to predict outcomes with a high probability of success, which is key to the effective and uninterrupted operation of a supply chain.”

Overordnet kan tilgangen til relationens management altså inddeles i to hovedgrupper/skoler:

”a behavioural or humanistic” og ”economic” (Cousins, 2002, s. 72), hvor netværksteorien fokuserer på den første og TCA på den anden. De to tilgange komplimenterer hinanden (Skjøtt-Larsen, 1999, s. 108), hvilke derfor også er gældende for tillid.

In document Brug af eksterne konsulenter - (Sider 30-33)