View of Seventh Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, Aarhus, Denmark, October 24-26, 2006
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State space exploration is one of the main approaches to model-based verification of concurrent systems and it has been one of the most successfully applied analysis methods
The different steps of our method (finding events and state observers, looking for properties, modelling with a coloured net, checking the properties) are explained and illustrated on
When working with an open case in FLOWer, users can: (1) Execute the work item which is next in the process de nition; (2) Open for execution a work item that is still not ready
These places hold information about the process, including what information has been produced (Output Information place), what information is available (Input In- formation
In this section we have discussed serious limitations of high-level Petri nets when it comes to (1) patterns involving multiple instances, (2) advanced synchronization pat- terns,
between the trading role entities (i.e., Consumer, Merchant, Payment Handler, and Delivery. Handler) during a
This section highlights key parts of the analysis and illustrates how the Occurrence Graph Analyzer (OGA) of Design/CPN can be used for behavior verification. The analysis was done
In this paper, we describe the computer tool Design/CPN supporting editing, simulation, and state space analysis of Coloured Petri Nets.. So far, approximately 40 man-years have