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Litteratur til workshop-temaet


Agger N P, Ölgod J. Maend og Kraeft. Anbefalinger og handlingskatalog. Kraeftens Bekaempelse, Köpenhamn 2001

Eriksen T R. Livet med kraeft i et stötte- og omsorgsperspektiv. Munksgaards forlag, Köpenhamn 1996

Gray R mfl. Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Selfhelt Groups: Reflections on differences.

Psycho-oncology, Vol 5:137-142, 1996

Jacobsen B m fl. Kraeft og eksistens – om at leve med kraeft. Dansk Psykologisk forlag, Köpenhamn 1998

Johnsson A L. Psykosociala insatser för män med cancer. NAU – Nordic Cancer Union, Stockholm 2000

Jörgensen S E. Maend med kraeft – en interviewundersögelse. Kraeftens Bekaempelse, Köpenhamn 1999

Menn og Kreft. FFKO – Faglig forum for kreftomsorg, nr 2, årgång 11. Den Norske Kreftforening, 2000

Ölgod J. Breve fra maend med kraeft. Kraeftens Bekaempelse, Köpenhamn 1999 MAND - KRÆFT - FORSØRGERROLLEN


ICIDH-2: International Classification of Functioning and Disability. Beta-2 draft, Full version.World Health Organization, Geneve, 1999

ICF: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, World Health Organization, Geneve 2001

(WHO godkendte i maj 2001 den endelige version af den nye klassifikation med forkortelsen ICF, der er resultat af en revidering af ICIDH. I modsætning til forgængeren tager ICF hensyn til omgivelsesfaktorerne. Klassifikationen kan bestilles fra WHO eller hentes fra WHO's hjemmeside i pdf-format. Der er en svensk version som pdf på adressen

www.sos.se/epc/klassifi/FILER/ICF.pdf) Artikler

Arai Y, Kawakita M, Hida S, Terachi T, Okada Y, Yoshida O. Psychosocial aspects in long term survivors of testicular cancer. The Journal of Urology 1996;155:574-8

Bloom J R, Kessler L. Emotional support following cancer: a test of the stigman and social activity hypotheses. J Health Soc Behav. 1994 Jun;35(2):118-33

Harrison J, Maguire P, Pitceathly C. (1995) Confiding in crisis: gender differences in pattern of confiding among cancer patients. Social Science & Medicine, 41, 1255-1260

Hoffman B. Employment discrimination against cancer survivors: multidisciplinary interventions. Health Matrix. 1989 Spring; 7(1):3-10

Jensen A B. The impact of psychological and social facotrs upon the disease course in breast cancer. University of Odense 1995

Johansen C, Kjaergaard J, Johnsen G E, Ottsen B. Colostomy after cancer of the rectum:

coping with life. Surg Res Comm 1990; 8:311-20

Kiss A, Meryn S. (2001) Effect of sex and gender on psychological aspects of prostate and breast cancer. BMJ, 323, 1055-1058

Maunsell E, Brisson C, Dubois L, Lauzier S, Fraser A. Work problems after breast cancer: an exploratory qualitative study. Psycho-Oncology 1999 Nov-Dec;8(6):467-73

Mellette S J. The cancer patient at work. CA Cancer J Clin, 1985 Nov-Dec;35(6):360-73 Moynihan C. (1998) Theories in health care and research: Theories of masculinity, BMJ; 317, 1072-1075

Quick H E, Moen P. Gender, employment, and retirement quality: a life course approach to the differential experiences of men and women. J Occup Health Psychol. 1998 Jan;3(1):44-64 Salander P. Bergenheim A T, Henriksson R. How was life after treatment of malignant brain tumour. Soc Sci med 200;5:589-98

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Lont-term breast cancer survivors: confidentality, disclosure, effects on work and insurance.

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Nov;34(11):1084-9 Øvrig litteratur

Work & Illness/The cancer patient. Edited by Ivan Baofsky: Work Patterns Among Long-term Survivors of Hodgkin´s Disease, Fobiar P et alt, samt Maximizing the producitve Activities of the Cancer patient: Research Issues

Rapport från Verbeek; Factors reported to influence he return to work of Cancer survivors: a litterature review

Eksempelsamling fra Danmark – relevante officielle publikationer 34-K Fokus på arbejdsfastholdelse, Socialministeriet 1999

Virksomheders sociale engagement, Årbok 2001, Anette Kruhöffer och Jan Högelund, Socialforskningsinstituttet, Köpenhamn 2001

Evaluering af Projekt Arbejdsfastholdelse (fase II) i Vejen, Brörup og Holsted kommuner, Torben bager och Fabienne Knudsen, Institut for Samfunds- og Ervervsudvikling

Sundhedsområdet, Sydjysk Universitetscenter, Esbjerg 1997

Kommunerne, virksomhederne og den aktive socialpolitik – Casestudier af den lokale samarbejde, Bodil Damgaard, socialforskningsinstituttet, Köpenhamn 2000

Eksempelsamling fra Sverige – relevante officielle publikationer

Regeringens proposition 1990/91:140, Arbetsmiljö och rehabilitering. Stockholm:


Rehabilitering till arbete. SOU 2000:78

RFV redovisar 1996:3 Sjukfrånvarons diagnoser och avslutningsanledningar 1990

SOU 1996:133, Jämställd vård – Olika vård på lika villkor. Huvudbetänkande av utredningen om bemötandet av kvinnor och män inom hälso- och sjukvården. Stockholm: Allmänna förlaget

Ohälsa och sjukvård 1980-89. Levnadsförhållanden – rapport 76. SCB, Stockholm 1992 MAND - KRÆFT - SEKSUALITET

Agger N P. Kraeft og sexualitet. Personale eller patient problem, FS 13–nytt 3/00 Gregory P. Psychosexual Therapy, Nursing Standard, vol 13(48), 1999

Evenshaug T. Når potensen er borte, Kreft seksualitet, selvbilde, FFKO 4/97 Friis-Baastad. Pasienterfaringer, Kreft, seksulaitet, selvbilde, FFKO 4/97

Hautamaki K. Attitudes towards discussion about sexuality related issues with patients, Abstract ECCO 11, Lisabon 2001

Helgason m fl. Decreased sexual capacity after external radiation theraphy for prostate cancer impairs quality of life. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. Vol 32. No 1 pp 33-39, 1995 Helgason m fl. Waning sexual function – the most importand disease-specific distress for patients with prostate cancer, British Journal of Cancer (1996), 73, 1996

Helgason m fl. Sexual desire, erection, orgasm and ejaculatory functions and their importance to elderly Swedish men: A population-based Study, Age and agenng 1996, 25

Horenblas m fl. Sexuality preserving cystectomy and neobladder: Initial results, The Journal of Urology, vol 166, 837-40, 2001

Johansen M m fl. Seksualitet på alvor, Etiske utfoordringer for helse- og socialarbeidere, Fagbokforlaget, Oslo 1998

Kreft og seksualitet, pasientbrosjyre, Den Norske Kreftforening

Löwert A. Sex og sykdom fremdeles tabu, Faglig forum for Kreftomsorg, DNK 2001

Opjordsmoen m fl. Sexuality in patients treated for penile cancer: Patients experiences and doctors judgement, British Journal of Urology, 1994, 73, 554-560

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Quinn, Kelly. Sperm baning and fertility concerns: enhancing practice and support availiable to men with cancer, European Journal of Oncology Nursing 4( 1), 55-58, 2000

Sheppard An assessment of sexual difficulties in men after treatment for testicular cancer, Sexual & relationship Theraphy 16 (1):477-58, 2001

Siston A K m fl. Sexual functioning and head and neck cancer, Journal of psychosocial Oncology 15 (3/4) 107-22, 1997

Smith D m fl. The effects of treatment for cancer on male fertility and sexuality, Cancer Nursing 15(4) 271-275, 1992

PSYKOSOCIALE INDSATSER FOR MÆND MED KRÆFT Ambjörnsson R. Mansmyter, Ordfront 1999

Bergstrand G, Bratemo C-E. Tro i psykoterapi, Libris 1997

Böhm T. Biggles tappar håret. En bok om och för killar runt femtio, Bonniers 1995

Davidsén-Nielsen M. Bland lejon – att leva med livshotande sjukdom, Scandbook AB, 1997 Davidson L. Preventive attitudes towards midlife crisis, American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1997

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Ogden T. The matrix of the mind. Object relations and the psychoanalytic dialogue. 1986 Perski A. Det stressade hjärtat. Att leva med sjukdom (s 126-145)

Tannen D. Du begriper ju ingenting, Wahlström & Widstrand 1990


Banks I. No mans´ land: men illness, and the NHS, BMJ, 323, 1058-1060, 2001

Doyal L. Sex, gender and health: the need for a new approach, BMJ, 323, 1061-1063, 2001 Foss C. Kjonn som variabel i pasienttilfredshet, Tidskrift for den Norske laegeforening, 10, 3282-3286, 2000

Gray R E, Fitch M, Phillips C, Labrecque M, Fergus K. To tell or not to tell: patterns of disclosure among men with prostate cancer, Psycho-Oncology, 9, 273-282, 2000

Greimel E R, Padilla G V, Grant M M. Gender differences in outcome among patients with cancer, Psycho-Oncology, 7, 197-206, 1998

Hagedoorn M, Buunk B P, Kuijer R G, Wobbes T, Sanderman R. Couples dealing with cancer: Role and gender differences regarding psychological distress and quality of life, Psycho-Oncology, 9, 232-242, 2000

Hampton M R, Frombach I. Womens´ experience of traumatic stress in cancer treatment, Health Care Women International, 21, 67-76, 2000

Harrison J, Maguire P, Pitceathly C. Confiding in crisis: gender differences in patterns of confiding among cancer patients, Social Science & medicine, 41, 1255-1260, 1995

Kiss A, Meryn S. Effects of sex and gender on psychosocial aspects of prostate and breast cancer, BMJ, 323, 1055-1058, 2001

Mandlige kraeftpatienter på sygehusavdelningen i Maend og kraeft. Anbefalinger og handlingskatalog til alle der arbejder med mandlige kraeftpatienter, sid 15-16, Kraeftens Bekaempelse 2001

Moynihan C, Theories in health care and research: theories of masculinity, BMJ, 317, 1072-1075, 1998

Moynihan C, Bliss J M, Davidson J, Burchell L, Horwich A. Evaluation of adjuvant

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Schofield T, Connell R W, Walker L, Wood J F, Butland D L. Understanding mens´ health and illness: a gender-relations approach to policy, research, and practice, Journal of American College Health, 48, 247-256, 2000

Volkers N. In coping with cancer, gender matters, Journal of the National Cancer institute, 91,1712-1714, 1999


Anderson P J, Dowell C J, Fairbrother G, Louey M A. Prostate disease patients: planning services to meet their coping needs, Urologic Nursing, 18(3):195-7, 1998 Sep

Arrington MI. Sexuality, society, and senior citizens: an analysis of sex talk among prostate cancer support group members, Sexuality & Culture, vol 4(4):45-74, 2000

Caroll J C, Grey R E, Orr V J; Chart P, Fitch M, Greenberg M. Changing physicians´

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Coreil J, Behal R. Man to Man prostate cancer support groups, Cancer Practice, 7(3):122-9, 1999 May-Jun

Gray R E, Carroll J G, Fitch M, Greenberg, Chart P, Orr V. Cancer self-help groups and family physicians, Cancer Practice, 7(1):10-5, 1999 Jan-Feb

Jämställd vård – Olika vård på lika villkor. Huvudbetänkande av Utredningen om bemötande av kvinnor och män inom hälso- och sjukvården. SOU 1996:133

Klemm P, Hurst M, Dearholt S L, Trone S R. Gender differences on Internet cancer support groups, Computers in Nursing, 17(2):65-72, 1999 Mar-Apr

Krizek C, Roberts C, Ragan R, Ferrara J J, Lord B. Gender and cancer support group participation, Cancer Practice, 7(2):86-92, 1999 Mar-Apr

McGrath P. Findings from an educational support course for patients with leukemia, Cancer practice, 7(4):198-204, 1999 Jul-Aug

Poole, Gary m fl. Social support for patients with prostate cancer: the effects of support groups, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, vol 19(2):1-16, 2001

Smith J. ”Internet patients” turn to support groups to guide medical decisions, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 90(22):1695-7, 1998 Nov

Steginga S K, Occhipinti S, Dunn J, Gardiner R A, Heathcote P, Yaxley J. The supportive care needs of men with prostate cancer, Psycho-Oncology, 10(1):66-75, Jan-Feb 2001 Volkers N. In coping with cancer, gender matters, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 91(20):1712—4, 1999, Oct