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Tensed possibilities: The Cultural Schoolbag as dissensus in teacher education


Before the students took part in the work-shop in its original context, the primary school, they reflected on the coming re-sponse from the teachers and pupils. They all thought that the workshop would be welcomed positively. However, one stu-dent remarked that the teachers might ask for the relevance and intention and ask the question “What is the gain?” This is a valid question that can also be applied to the stu-dents who participated in Teiporama.

I beleive the project demonstrates the

potential of letting teacher students en-counter art and artists within their educa-tion. By getting a first hand experience with encountering artists and art practice, it is more likely that the students will appreciate the value of letting their future pupils en-gage in art projects organized by both TCB and others. The project also demonstrates the potential of being disrupted in existing practice and what is good education, what I call educational dissensus. I have here re-ferred to some of reflections by the students who see the value of being introduced to ed-ucational practice that disturbs them. In this particular project it was both the temporal, processual, not object oriented, not focus on assessment that interrupted their notions of normal order within their teacher pro-gram. This I claim is educational dissensus that leads to the possibilities for the students to exist as subjects, to encounter the world and others as well as themselves.

But, is it possible to plan for dissensus,

plan for the event of subjectivation? Is it possible to let dissensus be a kind of meth-od in teaching? Biesta says that subjectivity cannot be produced (Biesta, 2014), still he says that it is quite easy to prevent events of subjectivation. By not putting ourselves at risk, there will not be any chance for ques-tioning the habits and the norms. There won´t be any chance for liberating us from the existing state of affairs.

In a recent article I argue for an aesthet-ical turn and more dissensus in education (Skregelid, in press). I also make a call for disobedience in education as suggested by professor Dennis Atkinson (Atkinson 2018). I think we should allow ourselves to welcome rebellion against the existing norms in education, and as in this particular workshop the uprising can be a more qui-et and relaxed one. I think this project and the Teiporama workshop demonstrates the tensed possibilities in both art and within art education.


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