Twittering Machine Paul Klee 1922
1837: Of the Refrain
A Thousand Plateaus. Capitalism and Scizophrenia.
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari 1987
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Light Territories
Light Rhythms in Architecture – creating Light Territories
1 1 2 5 6
3 4 7 7 8
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Hachico Exit, Shibuya 2001
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Q Front Building, RIA, 2000
Case 4 Q’s Eye
Avix Inc., 1999
QFront Building, Shibuya Tokyo RIA, 1999
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Q Front Building, RIA, 2000
Shibuya Crossing
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Case 1
Westfriedhof U-bahnstation München
Belysning, Ingo Maurer, 1998 Arkitekter, Auer + Weber, 1998
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
room for other rhythms to appear
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Case 6
Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen
Indehaveren, 1998
The Lux Building, Shoreditch London
Macreanor Lavington, 1998
Coronet Street
Hoxton Square
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
the construction of chance
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Case 7
Den blå elevator
Lighting, Gunver Hansen, 2001 Office building in previous warehouse Ole Hagen, 1966
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
evidence of human in control
Experience of light territories in urban environment
– they are places of identity and meaning in a landscape of milieus!
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Experience of light territories in urban environment
– they are places of identity and meaning in a landscape of milieus!
Next to the pulsing square
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Experience of light territories in urban environment
– they are places of identity and meaning in a landscape of milieus!
Next to the pulsing square
Among the structure of underground stations
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Experience of light territories in urban environment
– they are places of identity and meaning in a landscape of milieus!
Next to the pulsing square
Among the structure of underground stations Between traffical directions
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Experience of light territories in urban environment
– they are places of identity and meaning in a landscape of milieus!
Next to the pulsing square
Among the structure of underground stations Between traffical directions
Inside the layout of a building
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture
Experience of light territories in urban environment
– they are places of identity and meaning in a landscape of milieus!
Next to the pulsing square
Among the structure of underground stations Between traffical directions
Inside the layout of a building
there are plenty more light territories waiting to be created!
katja bülow architect phd assistant professor archiectural lighting institute of technology the royal danish academy of fine arts school of architecture