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Andet Godt Nyt


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Andet Godt Nyt�

Godt Nyt og Andet Godt Nyt er udarbejdet af infodok – Infor-

mations- og dokumentationscenter for fremmedsprogspædagogik:



sprogforum 58 . 2014


Bjørke, C., Myklevold, G., & Dypedahl,

M. (2014). Fremmedspråksdidaktikk (1. udg.). Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Byram, M. & Hu, A. (2013). Routledge Encyclopedia of language teaching and learning (2. ed.). Abingdon:


Du, X. (2012). Text memorisation in Chinese foreign language education.

Bern: P. Lang.

Du, X. & Kirkebæk, M. (2012). Exploring task-based PBL in Chinese teaching and learning. Newcastle upon Tyne:

Cambridge Scholars Pub.

González Rey, I. (2013). Phraseodidactic studies on German as a foreign language. Hamburg: Kovac.

Götz, S. (2013). Fluency in native and nonnative English speech. Amster- dam: John Benjamins.

Houghton, S. & Yamada, E. (2012).

Developing criticality in practice through foreign language education.

Oxford: Lang.

Jørgensen, M. & Fibiger, J. (2014). Tæt på sprog: Håndbog i dansk sprog og sprogdidaktik (1. udgave). Kbh:

Hans Reitzel.

Kirilova, M. (2013). All dressed up and nowhere to go: Linguistic, cultural and ideological aspects of job inter- views with second language speakers of danish. Ph.D dissertation. Køben- havn: University of Copenhagen, Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics.

Kirkebæk, M. J., Du, X., & Aarup Jensen, A. (2013). Teaching and learning culture: Negotiating the context.�

Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.�

Kümmerling-Meibauer & Gawlitzek- Maiwald, I. (2013). Mehrsprachigkeit und Kinderliteratur (1. Aufl.). Stuttg- art: Fillibach.

McDonough, K. & Mackey, A. (2013).

Second language interaction in diverse educational contexts.

Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Mehlhorn, G. & Heyer, C. (2011).

Russisch und Mehrsprachigkeit:

Lehren und Lernen von Russisch an deutschen Schulen in einem vereinten Europa. Tübingen:


Muller, T. (2012). Innovating EFL teaching in Asia. Basingstoke:

Palgrave Macmillan.

Neumann, A. (2013). Wortschatzarbeit unter Bedingungen von Hetero- genität: Theoretische Überlegungen und praktische Beispiele im Kontext mehrsprachiger Ausbildung.

Hamburg: Kovac.

Robinson, P. (2013). The Routledge Encyclopedia of second language acquisition. New York: Routledge.

Siemund, P., Gogolin, I., Schulz, M., &

Davydova, J. (2013). Multilingualism and language diversity in urban areas:

Acquisition, identities, space, educa- tion. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

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Proceedings, Symposium January 19, 2008 (Copenhagen: Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Section of Musicology, University of Copenhagen, 2008).. Online publication:

research community. All universities, including the University of Copenhagen, all of the major public and private foundations, and all research councils and institutions have

In a different paper, Wintle extends this set to include “the standardization and unification of the coinage and currency, of language and linguistic usage, weights

This research attempts to follow up on the study by Callahan and Herring and explore the linguistic mosaic of university websites in Arab countries, attempting to answer

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Second language acquisition and first language attrition of Spanish subject realiza- tion and word order

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