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View of Regularity and Free Resolution of Ideals Which Are Minimal To $d$-Linearity


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For given positive integersn d, ad-uniform clutter on a vertex set [n] = {1, . . . , n}is a collection of distinctd-subsets of [n]. LetC be ad-uniform clutter on [n]. We may naturally associate an idealI (C)in the polynomial ringS =k[x1, . . . , xn] generated by all square-free monomialsxi1· · ·xidfor{i1, . . . , id} ∈C. We say a clutterChas ad-linear resolution if the ideal I (C)has ad-linear resolution, whereCis the complement ofC(the set ofd-subsets of [n] which are not inC).

In this paper, we introduce some classes ofd-uniform clutters which do not have a linear resolution, but every proper subclutter of them has ad-linear resolution. It is proved that for any twod-uniform cluttersC1,C2the regularity of the idealI (C1C2), under some restrictions on their intersection, is equal to the maximum of the regularities ofI (C1)andI (C2).

As applications, alternative proofs are given for Fröberg’s Theorem on linearity of edge ideals of graphs with chordal complement as well as for linearity of generalized chordal hypergraphs defined by Emtander. Finally, we find minimal free resolutions of the ideal of a triangulation of a pseudo-manifold and a homology manifold explicitly.

1. Introduction

Although the problem of classification of monomial ideals withd-linear resol- ution is solved ford=2, it is still open ford >2. Passing via polarization, it is enough to solve the problem for square-free monomial ideals. An ideal gener- ated by square-free monomials of degree 2 can be assumed to be an edge ideal of a graph and more generally, an ideal generated by square-free monomials of degreed is the circuit ideal of ad-uniform clutter. R. Fröberg [6] proved that the edge ideal of a graphGhas a 2-linear resolution if and only if in the complement graph ofGevery cycle of length greater than 3 has a chord. In this case, linearity of the resolution does not depend on the characteristic of the ground field. To generalize Fröberg’s result to higher dimensional clutters, we face the problem that linearity of resolutions of a circuit ideal of ad-uniform clutter ford > 2 depends on the characteristic of the ground field. For in- stance, the ideal corresponding to triangulation of the projective plane has a linear resolution in characteristic zero while it does not have a linear resolution

Received 6 November 2013.


in characteristic 2. In a new proof of Fröberg’s Theorem in [13], the notion of cycle plays a key role. That means:

(1) Cycles are exactly those graphs that are minimal to 2-linearity.

(2) The edge ideal ofGdoes not have a 2-linear resolution if and only ifG contains a cycle of length>3, as an induced subgraph.

Trying to find a similar notion for cycles, we introduce the notion of min- imal tod-linearity in arbitraryd-uniform clutters. By Proposition 6.5, pseudo- manifolds have the property of minimal to d-linearity. Also we know that, ifC is ad-uniform clutter which has an induced subclutter isomorphic to a d-dimensional pseudo-manifold, then the idealI (C)does not have a linear res- olution. But, Example 6.6, shows that the class of pseudo-manifolds is strictly contained in the class of minimal to linearity clutters. Another difficulty for generalizing Fröberg’s Theorem, is the term ‘induced’ in point (2) above. That is, there are clutters which do not have a linear resolution and do not have any induced subclutter minimal tod-linearity. For instance, consider C is a triangulation of the sphere (with large enough number of vertices), which is a pseudo-manifold, letv1,v2,v3be vertices such that{v1, v2}belongs to a circuit ofC and neither{v1, v3}nor {v2, v3}belong to any circuit. Then add a new circuit{v1, v2, v3}toC. The new clutter does not have any induced subclutter which is minimal tod-linearity, however its circuit ideal does not haved-linear resolution.

In [4], [7], [16], [17] the authors have partially generalized Fröberg’s The- orem. They have introduced several definitions of chordal clutters and proved that corresponding circuit ideals have linear resolution. In [12], the notion of simplicial submaximal circuit is introduced and proved that removing such submaximal circuits does not change the regularity of the circuit ideal. This proves linearity of resolutions of a large class of clutters (Remark 3.10 in [12]).

To attack this problem from another direction, in the present paper we invest- igate clutters which do not have a linear resolution, but any proper subclutter of them has a linear resolution.

Section 2 is devoted to collect prerequisites and basic definitions which we need in the next chapters. In Section 3, some homological behaviours of the Stanley-Reisner ideal of a simplicial complexwith indeg(I)≥1+dim are investigated and some minor extensions are made for results of Terai and Yoshida in [15].

Sections 4 and 5 contain the main results of this paper. Section 4 is about uniform clutters and their circuit ideals. In this section, we prove that for two d-uniform clutters C1,C2, the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the ideal I (C1C2), is the maximum of the regularities of these two compon- ents, whenever V (C1)V (C2) is a clique or SC(C1)∩SC(C2) = ∅ (See


Definition 4.1). In Section 5, we define notions of obstruction tod-linearity, minimal to d-linearity and almost tree clutters. These are clutters such that their circuit ideals do not have ad-linear resolution but any proper subclutter of them has ad-linear resolution. We compare these classes and then, com- pute explicitly the minimal free resolution of clutters which are minimal to d-linearity.

In Section 6, as some applications to the results of previous sections, we give an alternative proof for Fröberg’s theorem. Also a proof for linearity of resol- ution of generalized chordal hypergraphs defined by Emtander in [4] is given.

Finally, we find minimal free resolutions of circuit ideals of triangulations of pseudo-manifolds and homology manifolds.

2. Preliminaries

LetKbe a field andRbe a standard gradedK-algebra with irredundant ho- mogeneous maximal idealᒊ. LetMbe a finitely generated gradedR-module and · · · −→F2−→F1−→F0−→M −→0

a graded minimal free resolution ofM withFi = ⊕jR(−j )βi,jK for alli. The numbersβi,jK(M) = dimKTorRi (K, M)j are called thegraded Betti numbersofM and

proj dim(M)=sup

i: TorRi (K, M)=0

is called the projective dimension of M. Throughout this paper, we fix the fieldKand for convenience we write simplyβi,jinstead ofβi,jK. The Auslander- Buchsbaum Theorem enables us to find the projective dimension in terms of depth.

Theorem2.1 (Auslander-Buchsbaum [3, Exercise 19.8]).LetKbe a field andRbe a standard gradedK-algebra with irredundant homogeneous max- imal ideal. LetM be a finitely generated gradedR-module with finite pro- jective dimension. Then,

proj dimM+depth(, M)=depth(, R).

TheCastelnuovo-Mumford regularityreg(M)ofM =0 is given by reg(M)=sup{j−i:βi,j(M)=0}.

Theinitial degreeindeg(M)ofM is given by indeg(M)=inf{i:Mi =0}.


We say that a finitely generated gradedR-moduleMhas ad-linear resolution if its regularity is equal tod =indeg(M).

Asimplicial complexover a set of verticesV = {v1, . . . , vn}is a col- lection of subsets ofV, such that{vi} ∈ for alli, and ifF, then all subsets ofF are also in(including the empty set). An element ofis called afaceof, and thedimensionof a faceF ofis|F| −1, where|F|is the number of elements ofF. The maximal faces ofunder inclusion are called facetsof. Thedimensionof, dim, is the maximum dimension of its fa- cets. LetF()= {F1, . . . , Fq}be the facet set of. A simplicial complex is called a subcomplex of ifF()F(). The non-face ideal or the Stanley-Reisner idealof, denoted byI, is the ideal ofS=K[x1, . . . , xn] generated by square-free monomials{xi1· · ·xir | {vi1, . . . , vir}∈/}. Also we callK[] :=S/ItheStanley-Reisner ringof. We have




wherePF¯ denotes the (prime) ideal generated by{xi |vi/F}. In particular, dimK[]=1+dim.

For a simplicial complex of dimensiond, let fi = fi()denote the number of faces ofof dimensioni; by conventionf1= 1. The sequence f()=(f1, f0, . . . , fd)is called thef-vectorof.

Letbe a simplicial complex with vertex setV. Anorientationonis a linear order onV. A simplicial complex together with an orientation is an oriented simplicial complex.

Supposeis an oriented simplicial complex of dimensiond, andF a face of dimensioni. We write F = [v0, . . . , vi] if F = {v0, . . . , vi}and v0 < . . . < vi, andF = [ ] ifF = ∅. With this notation, we define the augmented oriented chain complex of,

C˜(): 0−−→d+1 Cd −−→d Cd−1


−−→ · · ·−−→1 C0 0

−−→C1−−→0, by setting

Ci =

F dimF=i

KF and i(F )= i j=1


for allF; hereFj =[v0, . . . ,vˆj, . . . , vi] forF =[v0, . . . , vi]. A straight- forward computation shows thatii+1=0. We set



= keri

Imi+1, i= −1, . . . , d,


and callH˜i(;K)thei-th reduced simplicial homology of. SinceCiK is a vector space of dimensionfi, elementary linear algebra yields

(1) −1+d


(−1)ifi = d



Ifis a simplicial complex and1and2are subcomplexes of, then there is an exact sequence

(2) · · · −→ ˜Hj(12;K)−→ ˜Hj(1;K)⊕ ˜Hj(2;K)

−→ ˜Hj(12;K)−→ ˜Hj1(12;K)−→ · · ·, with all coefficients inK, called thereduced Mayer-Vietoris sequenceof1


Hochster’s formula describes the Betti number of a square-free monomial idealIin terms of the dimension of reduced homology of, whenI =I.

Theorem2.2 (Hochster formula, [8, Theorem 8.1.1]).Letbe a simplicial complex on[n]. Then,





whereW is the simplicial complex with vertex setWand all faces ofwith vertices inW.

The following theorem, extends the well-known Herzog-Kühl equations [9]

in the case ofβi,di+1(M)=0 for alli≥0.

Theorem2.3 ([1]).LetM be aN-gradedS-module, and letρ be its pro- jective dimension. Supposed=(d0< d1<· · ·< dρ < dρ+1)Nρ+2is such thatMhas a free resolution of the following form:


· · · →S(−d2)β2,d2S(−d1)β1,d1S(−d1)β0,d1S(−d0)β0,d0M →0. For1≤iρ, putβi=βi,diβi−1,di. Then we have:

(i) Ifdepth(M)=dimM andβρ,dρ+1 =0, then for all1≤iρ,

βi =β0(−1)i


k=1 k=i





(ii) Ifdepth(M)= dimM,βρ,dρ+1 = 0andd0 = 0, then for all1 ≤ iρ+1,


ρ+1 k=1,k=idk

ρ!e(M) ρ+1

k=1,k=i(dkdi) .

(iii) Ifdepth(M)=dimM−1,βρ,dρ+1 =0andd0=0, then for all1≤iρ,

βi =(−1)i−1β0



−1)!e(M) ρ

k=1,k=i(dkdi) .

3. Simplicial complexeswith indeg(I)≥1+dim

As we shall see later, the ideals which are minimal to linearity are located in the class of square-free monomial idealsI, with indeg(I)=1+dim(see Definition 5.1). For square-free monomial idealIwith indeg(I )d, we have the following proposition.

Proposition3.1.Letbe a simplicial complex on[n]anddbe an integer such thatindeg(I)d. Then,

(i) H˜i(W;K)=0, for alli < d−2andW ⊂[n].

(ii) Ifβi,j(I)=0, then1≤jnanddji ≤dim+2.

Proof. (i) Let dim=r and

C˜(): 0−−→Cr −−→ · · ·r −−→d+1 Cd −−→d Cd−1




−−→ · · ·−−→1 C0 0

−−→C1−−→0 be the augmented chain complex of. Let(d−2)be the pure(d−2)-skeleton of, that is(d−2) = {F ∈|dimFd−2}. Then the augmented chain complex of(d−2)is:

C˜((d−2)): 0−−→Cd−2 d−2

−−→ · · · −−→C1 1

−−→C0 0

−−→C1−−→0. So thatH˜i(;K)= ˜Hi((d−2);K)fori < d−2. Since, indeg(I)d, the facet set of the complex(d−2)is all(d−1)-subsets of [n]. HenceH˜i(;K)= H˜i((d−2);K)=0 fori < d−2.

Moreover, ifW ⊂[n] and|W| ≥d, then all(d−1)-subsets ofWare again in W. This implies that indeg(IW)d. Hence by what we have already proved, we conclude thatH˜i(W;K)= 0 for alli < d−2. This completes the proof.


(ii) Ifβi,j(I)=0, then by Theorem 2.2, there existsW ⊂[n] with|W| =j andH˜j−i−2(W;K)=0. So that, 1≤j = |W| ≤nandji−2≤dim. Moreover, by part (i), we haveji−2≥d−2.

Remark 3.2. Let be a (d −1)-dimensional simplicial complex such that indeg(I)d. The main property of is that it contains all faces of dimensiond−2. Hencecontains all faces of dimension−1,0, . . . , d−2.

So that

(3) fi =

n i+1

, i = −1, . . . , d−2.

For a monomial idealI, letμ(I )denote the cardinality of a minimal set of generators ofI and e(I )denotes the multiplicity ofI. As a consequence of Proposition 3.1, we have:

Corollary3.3.Letbe a(d−1)-dimensional simplicial complex on[n] such thatindeg(I)d. Then,


dimKH˜d−2(;K)−dimKH˜d−1(;K)= d−



(−1)d+i−1 n



Proof. Using (1), Proposition 3.1 and (3), we have:


= −1+(−1)d−1fd−1+d−



(−1)i n



Sincee(S/I)=fd−1, we get the conclusion.

The following theorems extend some results of Terai and Yoshida (cf. [15]).

Theorem3.4.Letbe a(d−1)-dimensional simplicial complex on[n] such thatindeg(I)d. Then,

(i) ifβi,j(I)=0, then1≤jnanddjid+1, (ii) d ≤reg(I)d+1,

(iii) indegId+1, and equality holds if and only ifIhas(d+1)-linear resolution,

(iv) (nd)−1≤proj dim(I)nd.

Proof. (i) Ifβi,j(I)=0, then by Theorem 2.2, there exists∅=W ⊂[n], such that |W| = j andH˜j−i−2(W;K) = 0. So that 1 ≤ jnand by Proposition 3.1,d−2≤ji−2≤d−1. That is,djid+1.


(ii) By part (i), we have

d ≤indeg(I)≤reg(I)=max{j −i:βi,j =0} ≤d+1.

(iii) Ifxi1· · ·xijI, thenβ0,j =0. So that by (i),jd+1. In particular, indeg(I)d+1.

If indeg(I)=d+1, then reg(I)d+1 and by (ii),Ihas(d+1)-linear resolution. On the other hand, ifIhas (d+1)-linear resolution, then each generator has degreed+1. So that indeg(I)=d+1.

(iv) Letρ=proj dim(I). By Theorem 2.1, ρ+1=proj dim S


=n−depth S I

n−dim S I



On the other hand,βρ(I)= 0. Hence, there exists 1≤ jn, such that βρ,j =0. So, by (i),jρd. This implies thatρjdnd.

Theorem 3.5.Let S = K[x1, . . . , xn] be a polynomial ring over a field K and let be a (d−1)-dimensional simplicial complex on[n] such that indeg(I)d. Then,S/Iis Cohen-Macaulay if and only ifH˜d−2(;K)= 0.

Proof. We know that dimS/I=d. So that Theorem 2.1, implies that S/Iis Cohen-Macaulay if and only if proj dimS/I=(nd). In view of Theorem 3.4(iv), it is enough to prove that

proj dimS/I=(nd)+1⇐⇒ ˜Hd−2(;K)=0.

(⇐) IfH˜d−2(;K)=0, then by Theorem 2.2,β(n−d)+1,n(S/I)=0. So that proj dimS/I(n−d)+1. Hence by Theorem 3.4(iv), proj dimS/I = (nd)+1.

(⇒) If proj dimS/I = (nd)+ 1, thenβ(n−d)+1(S/I) = 0. Hence there exists 1≤jnsuch thatβ(n−d)+1,j(S/I)=0. Using Theorem 3.4(i), jn. Hencej =n. Thus,



= n j=1





=dimH˜d−2(;K), by Theorem 2.2.


Now, letbe a(d−1)-dimensional simplicial complex on [n] such that indeg(I)=d. As a consequence of Theorem 3.4, we conclude that:

Corollary3.6.Letbe a(d−1)-dimensional simplicial complex on[n] such thatindeg(I)= d. Then,I =Ihas ad-linear resolution if and only ifH˜d−1(;K)=0.

Proof. IfIhas ad-linear resolution, then by Theorem 2.2, we have:


Assume thatIdoes not haved-linear resolution, by Theorem 3.4(ii), we have:

d+1=reg(I )=max{j−i:βi,j(I)=0}.

Letd +1 = j0i0andβi0j0(I) = 0. Then by Theorem 2.2, there exists W ⊂ [n] with|W| = j0andH˜d−1(W;K) = 0. This in particular implies thatH˜d−1(;K)=0, forH˜d−1(W;K)⊂ ˜Hd−1(;K).

4. Clutters and clique complexes

Definition4.1. AclutterCon a vertex set [n] is a set of subsets of [n] (called circuitsofC) such that ife1ande2are distinct circuits ofC thene1 e2. A d-circuitis a circuit consisting of exactlydvertices, and a clutter isd-uniform if every circuit hasdvertices. A(d−1)-subsete⊂[n] is called ansubmaximal circuitofC if there existsFC such thateF. The set of all submaximal circuits ofC is denoted by SC(C). Fore∈SC(C), we denote by degC(e), the degreeofeto be

degC(e)= |{F ∈C :eF}|.

For a subsetW ⊂[n], theinduced subclutterofC onW,CW, is a clutter with verticesW and those circuits ofC for which their vertices are inW.

For a non-empty clutterC on vertex set [n], we define the idealI (C), as follows:

I (C)=(xT :TC) ,

wherexT =xi1· · ·xit forT = {i1, . . . , it}, and we defineI (∅)=0.

Let nd be positive integers. We define Cn,d, the maximal d-uniform clutter on[n], as following:

Cn,d = {F ⊂[n] :|F| =d}.

One can check that I (Cn,d) has d-linear resolution (see also [12, Example 2.12]).


IfCis ad-uniform clutter on [n], we defineC, thecomplementofC, to be C =Cn,d \C = {F ⊂[n] :|F| =d, F /C}.

Frequently in this paper, we take ad-uniform clutterC and we consider the square-free idealI =I (C)in the polynomial ringS=K[x1, . . . , xn]. We call I =I (C)thecircuit idealofC.

Definition4.2. LetC be ad-uniform clutter on [n]. A subsetV ⊂[n] is called acliqueinC, if alld-subsets ofV belongs toC. Note that a subset of [n] with less thandelements is supposed to be a clique. The simplicial complex generated by cliques ofC is calledclique complex of C and is denoted by (C).

Remark4.3. Let C be a d-uniform clutter on [n] and = (C) be its clique complex. Then by our definition, all the subsets of [n] with less than delements are also in(C). In particular, this implies that indegId. So that by Proposition 3.1, we have:

(5) H˜i(W;K)=0, for all i < d−2 andW ⊂[n].

Proposition4.4. LetC be ad-uniform clutter on[n]withI = I (C)K[x1, . . . , xn] the circuit ideal. Let = (C)be the clique complex ofC. Then,

(i) C =F (d−1),

(ii) for alluG(I),deg(u)=d, and (iii) I=I.

Proof. We know that,




So that,

(6) xTI ⇐⇒T([n]\F )=∅, for all FF().

(i) Clear.

(ii) Letu=xTG(I). By Remark 4.3, we know that deg(u)= |T| ≥d. If deg(u)= |T|> d, then for alld-subsetTofT,xT/ I. This means thatTfor alld-subsetTofT (i.e.T is a clique inC). So thatT which is contradiction to the fact thatu=xTG(I).


(iii) LetTC andxT/I. Then, by (6), there existFF()such that TF. SinceT is ad-subset ofF, soTC which is contradiction. So that I (C)I.

For the converse, letxTG(I). Then,T /. Using part (i),T /C. Moreover, by (ii), we have|T| =d. Since|T| =d andT /C, one can say TC. This means thatII (C). This completes the proof.

Definition 4.5. A d-uniform clutter C is called decomposable if there exist properd-uniform subcluttersC1andC2such thatC =C1C2and either V (C1)V (C2)is a clique or SC(C1)∩SC(C2)=∅.

In this case, we write C = C1 C2. A d-uniform clutter is said to be indecomposableif it is not decomposable. Ford =2, this definition coincides with the definition of decomposable graphs in [8].

Below we will find the regularity of the circuit ideal ofC in terms of circuit ideals ofC1andC2, wheneverC =C1C2. First we need the following lemma.

Lemma4.6.LetC1andC2bed-uniform clutters on two vertex setsV1andV2 and putC =C1C2. Let(resp.1, 2)be the clique complex ofC (resp.


(i) IfGV1V2withG(V1\V2)=∅andG(V2\V1)=∅, then G⇐⇒ |G| ≤d−1.

(ii) H˜i(;K)∼= ˜Hi(12;K), for alli > d−2.

Proof. (i) LetGbe a subset ofV1V2, as in (ii). If|G| ≤d−1, then by definition,Gis a clique inC andG.

Now, let|G| ≥dandxG∩(V1\V2),yG∩(V2\V1). IfFbe ad-subset ofGwhich containsx andy, then by Proposition 4.4(i), F /C1C2 = C. HenceG /.

(ii) First note that forF, we have fori=1,2:

(7) Fi ⇐⇒FVi. Now, let


G:G(V1\V2)=∅, G∩(V2\V1)=∅ . Then (i) and (7), imply that:

dim3=d−2, =123.

It is clear that dim(13)=dim(23)=d−3. In particular, H˜i((12)3;K)=0, for all i > d−3.


Hence from (2), for alli > d−2, we have:

H˜i(;K)∼= ˜Hi(12;K)⊕ ˜Hi(3;K)= ˜Hi(12;K).

Corollary 4.7. Let C = C1C2 be a d-uniform clutter and (resp.

1, 2)be the clique complex ofC (resp.C1,C2). IfV (C1)V (C2)is a clique inC, then

H˜i(;K)∼= ˜Hi(1;K)⊕ ˜Hi(2;K), for alli > d−2.

Proof. By our assumption,12is a simplex. So thatH˜i(12;K)= 0 for alli. Using (2), for alli >0, we have:

H˜i(12;K)∼= ˜Hi(1;K)⊕ ˜Hi(2;K).

Combining with Lemma 4.6(ii), we get the conclusion.

Corollary 4.8. Let C = C1C2 be a d-uniform clutter and (resp.

1, 2)be the clique complex ofC (resp.C1,C2). IfSC(C1)∩SC(C2) = ∅, then

H˜i(;K)∼= ˜Hi(1;K)⊕ ˜Hi(2;K), for all i > d−2.

Proof. By our assumption, dim(12)d − 2. So that H˜i(12;K)=0 for alli > d−2. Using (2), for alli > d−1, we have:

H˜i(12;K)∼= ˜Hi(1;K)⊕ ˜Hi(2;K) andH˜d−1(1;K)⊕ ˜Hd−1(2;K) → ˜Hd−1(12;K).

We claim thatH˜d−1(1;K)⊕ ˜Hd−1(2;K)∼= ˜Hd−1(12;K). Proof of claim. LetC(, ∂)(resp.C(1, ∂(1)),C(2, ∂(2))) be the chain complex of(resp.1,2). Since SC(C1)∩SC(C2)=∅, we have:


F dimF=d−1

KF =








Take 0 = F + Imd ∈ ˜Hd−1(;K). Then by (8), we can separate F as F = (c1F1+ · · · + crFr)+(c1G1+ · · · +csGs), whereci, ciK and FiC1,GiC2. Let

d−1(c1F1+ · · · +crFr)=(d1e1+ · · · +drer),

d−1(c1G1+ · · · +csGs)=(d1f1+ · · · +dsfs),


wheredi, diKandei ∈SC(C1),fi ∈SC(C2). Since

0=d(F )=d−1(c1F1+ · · · +crFr)+d−1(c1G1+ · · · +csGs)

=(d1e1+ · · · +drer)+(d1f1+ · · · +dsfs)

and SC(C1)∩SC(C2)=∅, we conclude that

d−1(c1F1+ · · · +crFr)=d−1(c1G1+ · · · +csGs)=0. This means that the natural map

H˜d−1(1;K)⊕ ˜Hd−1(2;K) → ˜Hd−1(12;K) is onto too, showing the claim.

By what we have already proved, we have:

H˜i(1;K)⊕ ˜Hi(2;K)∼= ˜Hi(12;K), for all i > d−2. In combination with Lemma 4.6(ii), we get the conclusion.

Remark 4.9. Let C1,C2 be d-uniform clutters on vertex set V1, V2 with V1V2=[n] andC =C1C2. For allW ⊂[n], one can easily check that:

(i) CW =(C1)W(C2)W, (ii) W =(CW),

(iii) SC((C1)W)∩SC((C2)W)⊂SC(C1)∩SC(C2).

Hence, if V1V2 is a clique or SC(C1)∩SC(C2) = ∅, then (i)–(iii) and Corollaries 4.7 and 4.8, imply that

(9) H˜i(W;K)∼= ˜Hi((1)W;K)⊕ ˜Hi((2)W;K), for all i > d−2. Now we present the main theorem of this section.

Theorem4.10. LetC = C1C2be ad-uniform clutter and letI (resp.

I1, I2)be the circuit ideals ofC (resp.C1,C2). Then, (i) βi,j(I )βi,j(I1)+βi,j(I2), forji > d.

(ii) IfI1andI2are non-zero ideals, thenreg(I )=max{reg(I1),reg(I2)}. Proof. (i) Let(resp.1, 2) be the clique complex ofC (resp.C1,C2).


Then, by (9) and Theorem 2.2, forji > d, we have:

















Hence by Proposition 4.4(iii),βi,j(I )βi,j(I1)+βi,j(I2), wheneverj−i > d. (ii) IfI has ad-linear resolution,βi,j(I ) = 0 for allji > d. So that (i) implies thatβi,j(I1) = βi,j(I2) = 0, for allji > d. This means that, both idealsI1 and I2 have ad-linear resolution and the equality reg(I ) = max{reg(I1),reg(I2)}holds.

Assume that,Idoes not haved-linear resolution. Let r =reg(I )=max{j−i :βi,j(I )=0}

andj0,i0be such thatr =j0i0withβi0,j0(I )=0. By Theorem 2.2, there exists aW ⊂[n], with|W| =j0andH˜r−2(W;K)=0. Sincer−2> d−2, from (9) we conclude that

either H˜r−2((1)W;K)=0 or H˜r−2((2)W;K)=0.

Without loss of generality, we may assume thatH˜r−2((1)W;K)=0 and we putW = WV (1). Then,Wis a subset of the vertex set of1with the property thatH˜r−2((1)W;K)=0. Using Theorem 2.2 once again, we have:


T⊂V (1)



≥dimKH˜r−2((1)W;K) >0. Hence,β|W|−r,|W|(I1)=0 and,

max{reg(I1),reg(I2)} ≥reg(I1)=max{j−i :βi,j(I1)=0}

(|W|)−(|W| −r)=r.


The inequality, max{reg(I1),reg(I2)} ≤ r comes from (i). Putting together these inequalities, we get the conclusion.

The following example shows that, the inequality βi,j(I )βi,j(I1) + βi,j(I2), forji > din Theorem 4.10, may be strict.

Example4.11. Consider the 3-uniform clutter

C = {123,124,134,235,245,345,347,367,467,356,456}.


2 3

4 6 7

5 C

LetC1 = {123,124,134,235,245,345}andC2 = {345,347,367,467,356, 456}. Then,C =C1C2and a direct computation using CoCoA, shows that the minimal free resolution of the idealI (C)is


−→S61(−4)S2(−5)−→S24(−3)−→I −→0. Note thatβ2K,6(I (C1))=β2K,6(I (C2))=0, whileβ2K,6(I (C))=4.

Remark4.12. LetC =C1C2be ad-uniform clutter on [n] withI(resp.

I1, I2) be the circuit ideals ofC (resp.C1,C2). Let (resp. 1, 2) be the clique complex ofC (resp.C1,C2).

• If both ofI1andI2are zero ideals, then1and2are simplexes and they have zero reduced homologies in all degrees. So thatH˜i(W;K) = 0 for all W ⊂ [n] and i > d −2 by (9). So thatβi,j(I ) = 0 for all ji > d. That is, the idealI has ad-linear resolution.

• If only one of the idealsI1orI2is a zero ideal, sayI1, then1is a simplex and all the reduced homologies of1is zero. Using (9), we conclude thatH˜i(W;K)∼= ˜Hi((2)W;K)for allW ⊂[n] andi > d−2. This implies that reg(I )=reg(I2).

• IfI1andI2are non-zero ideals, then Theorem 4.10(ii) implies that reg(I )=max{reg(I1),reg(I2)}.


5. Minimal tod-linearity

In this section, we define three classes of clutters for which their circuit ideals do not haved-linear resolution but the circuit ideal of any proper subclutter of them has ad-linear resolution.

A clutterCis said to beconnectedif for each two verticesv1andv2, there is a sequence of circuitsF1, . . . , Frsuch thatv1F1, v2FrandFi∩Fi+1=∅. A connectedd-uniform clutter C is called a tree if any subclutter ofC has a submaximal circuit of degree one. A union of trees is called a forest. By Remark 3.10 of [12], the circuit ideal of anyd-uniform forest has ad-linear resolution.

Definition5.1. LetC be ad-uniform clutter on [n],=(C)its clique complex. Suppose thatI =I (C)K[x1, . . . , xn], the circuit ideal ofC, does not haved-linear resolution.

(i) The clutter C is called obstruction to d-linearity if for every proper subclutterC C, the idealI (C)has ad-linear resolution.

(ii) The clutterC is called minimal tod-linearityif it is obstruction to d- linearity and dim=d−1.

(iii) The clutterC is calledalmost treeif every proper subclutter ofC has a submaximal circuit of degree 1.

LetCdobs,Cdmin andCda.treedenote the classes of clutters which are obstruction tod-linearity, minimal tod-linearity and almost tree, respectively.

Note that ifCCdminand=(C)is its clique complex, then we have:

(10) indegI =indegI (C)=d=1+dim.

Lemma 5.2.Let C be ad-uniform clutter on[n] which is minimal to d- linearity and=(C)be the clique complex ofC. Then,

(i) dimKH˜d−1(;K)=1.

(ii) IfW [n], thenH˜d−1(W;K)=0.

Proof. (i) Let 0=F = c1F1+ · · · +crFr ∈ ˜Hd−1(;K)whereciK andFiC. Then, Supp(F ) := {Fi : ci = 0}is equal toC, because every proper subclutter ofC has linear resolution.

If dimKH˜d−1(;K) >1 andF =c1F1+. . .+crFr, G=d1F1+. . .+drFr

be two basis element ofH˜d−1(;K), then 0 = c1Gd1F ∈ ˜Hd−1(;K) and Supp(c1Gd1F )C which is a contradiction.

(ii) One can easily check thatW =(CW)for allW ⊂[n]. By definition, for all W [n], the induced clutter CW has linear resolution. So that by Theorem 2.2,H˜d−1(W;K)= ˜Hd−1((CW);K)=0.


The following is the main theorem of this section which gives an explicit minimal free resolution for the circuit ideal of a clutter which is minimal to d-linearity.

Theorem5.3.LetC be ad-uniform clutter on[n]which is minimal tod- linearity andI =I (C)K[x1, . . . , xn]be the circuit ideal. Then the minimal free resolution ofIis

(11) 0−→Sβn−d,n(−n)−→S(−n)Sβn−d−1,n−1(−(n−1))

−→Sβn−d−2,n−2(−(n−2))−→ · · · −→Sβ1,d+1(−(d+1))

−→Sβ0,d(−d)−→I −→0, where

(i) βn−d,n(I )=1−e(S/I )+d−1



, (ii) βi,i+d(I ) = n−d

i d




e(S/I )

, for 0 ≤ ind − 1 and e(S/I )=n


μ(I ).

Proof. Let = (C)be the clique complex ofC. Since indeg(I) = indegI (C)=d =1+dim, by Theorem 3.4(i) and Lemma 5.2(ii),βi,j(I )= 0 eitherji < dorji > d+1 orji=d+1 andj < n. Moreover, we haveβn−(d+1),n=dimKH˜d−1(;K)=1. Hence the minimal free resolution of I has the form (11). The equation (ii) comes from Theorem 2.3. Using Theorem 2.2 once again, we haveβn−d,n(I )= dimKH˜d−2(;K). Hence (i) comes from Corollary 3.3. In order to find the multiplicity, note thate(S/I )= fd−1()= |C| =n


μ(I ).

LetC be ad-uniform clutter. The clutterCis calledstrongly connected(or connected in codimension one) if for any two circuitsF, GC, there exists a chain of circuitsF =F0, . . . , Fs =GinC such that|FiFi+1| =d−1, fori =0, . . . , s−1.

Besides the algebraic properties of the cluttersCCdobs, a combinatorial property of such clutters is that they are strongly connected.

Proposition5.4.IfCCdobsbe ad-uniform clutter, then (i) C is indecomposable, and

(ii) C is strongly connected.

Proof. LetC =C1C2whereC1andC2are proper subclutters ofC. By definition, the idealsI1 = I (C1)andI2 = I (C2)haved-linear resolutions.

In view of Remark 4.12, the idealI (C) has d-linear resolution which is a contradiction.



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