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View of Sequences for complexes II


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1. Introduction and Notation

This short paper elaborates on an example given in [4] to illustrate an applic- ation of sequences for complexes:

LetRbe a local ring with a dualizing complexD, and letMbe a finitely generatedR-module; then a sequencex1, . . . , xn is part of a system of parameters forMif and only if it is aRHomR(M, D)-sequence [4, 5.10].

The final Theorem 3.9 of this paper generalizes the result above in two directions: the dualizing complex is replaced by a Cohen-Macaulay semi- dualizing complex (see [3, Sec. 2] or 3.8 below for definitions), and the finite module is replaced by a complex with finite homology.

Before we can even state, let alone prove, this generalization of [4, 5.10]

we have to introduce and study parameters for complexes. For a finite R- moduleM everyM-sequence is part of a system of parameters for M, so, loosely speaking, regular elements are just special parameters. For a complex X, however, parameters and regular elements are two different things, and kinship between them implies strong relations between two measures of the size ofX: theamplitudeand theCohen-Macaulay defect(both defined below).

This is described in 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.

The definition of parameters for complexes is based on a notion ofanchor prime ideals. These do for complexes what minimal prime ideals do for mod- ules, and the quantitative relations between dimension and depth under dagger duality—studied in [3]—have a qualitative description in terms of anchor and associated prime ideals.

ThroughoutRdenotes a commutative, Noetherian local ring with maximal idealand residue fieldk=R/ᒊ. We use the same notation as in [4], but for convenience we recall a few basic facts.

The homological position and size of a complexXis captured by thesu-

Received May 2, 2000.


premum,infimum, andamplitude:

supX =sup{∈Z|H(X)=0},

infX =inf{∈Z|H(X)=0}, and ampX =supX−infX.

By convention, supX= −∞and infX= ∞if H(X)=0.

Thesupportof a complexXis the set

SuppRX= {ᒍ∈SpecR|X 0} =


As usual MinRXis the subset of minimal elements in the support.

Thedepthand the (Krull) dimensionof an R-complex X are defined as follows:

depthRX= −sup(RHomR(k, X)), for XD(R), and dimRX=sup{dimR/ᒍ−infX|ᒍ∈SuppRX},

cf. [6, Sec. 3]. For modules these notions agree with the usual ones. It follows from the definition that

(1.1) dimRX≥dimRX+dimR/

forXD(R)andᒍ∈SpecR; and there are always inequalities:

−infX≤dimRX for XD+(R); and (1.2)

−supX≤depthRX for XD(R).


A complex XDbf(R) is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if dimRX = depthRX, that is, if an only if theCohen-Macaulay defect,


is zero. For complexes inDbf(R)the Cohen-Macaulay defect is always non- negative, cf. [6, Cor. 3.9].

2. Anchor Prime Ideals

In [4] we introduced associated prime ideals for complexes. The analysis of the support of a complex is continued in this section, and the aim is now to identify the prime ideals that do for complexes what the minimal ones do for modules.


Definitions2.1. LetXD+(R); we say that ∈ SpecR is ananchor prime ideal forX if and only if dimRX = −infX > −∞. The set of anchor prime ideals forXis denoted by AncRX; that is,

AncRX= {ᒍ∈SuppRX|dimRX+infX=0}.

Forn∈N0we set

Wn(X)= {ᒍ∈SuppRX|dimRX−dimR/ᒍ+infXn}.

Observation 2.2. Let S be a multiplicative system in R, and let ᒍ ∈ SpecR. If S = ∅ then S1ᒍ is a prime ideal in S1R, and for XD(R) there is an isomorphism S1XS−1 X in D(R). In particular, infS1XS−1=infXand dimS−1RS−1S1XS−1=dimRX. Thus, the next biconditional holds forXD+(R)andᒍ∈SpecRwithᒍ∩S= ∅.

(2.1) ᒍ∈AncRX ⇐⇒ S1ᒍ∈AncS−1RS1X.

Theorem2.3. ForXD+(R)there are inclusions:

MinRX⊆AncRX; and (a)



Furthermore, if ampX = 0, that is, if X is equivalent to a module up to a shift, then

(c) AncRX=MinRX⊆AssRX;

and ifX is Cohen-Macaulay, that is,XDbf(R)and dimRX = depthRX, then

(d) AssRX⊆AncRX=W0(X).

Proof. In the followingXbelongs toD+(R).

(a): If ᒍ belongs to MinRX then SuppRX = {ᒍ}, so dimRX =

−infX, that is,ᒍ∈AncRXand henceᒍ∈AncRXby (2.1).

(b): Assume thatbelongs to W0(X), then dimRX = dimR/ᒍ−infX, and since dimRX≥dimRX+dimR/ᒍand dimRX≥ −infX, cf. (1.1) and (1.2), it follows that dimRX= −infX, as desired.

(c): ForMD0(R)we have

AncRM = {ᒍ∈SuppRM |dimRM=0} =MinRM,


and the inclusion MinRM ⊆AssRMis well-known.

(d): Assume thatXDbf(R)and dimRX = depthRX, then dimRX = depthRXfor allᒍ∈SuppRX, cf. [5, (16.17)]. Ifᒍ∈AssRXwe have

dimRX=depthRX= −supX≤ −infX,

cf. [4, Def. 2.3], and it follows by (1.2) that equality must hold, soᒍbelongs to AncRX.

For eachᒍ∈SuppRXthere is an equality


cf. [5, (17.4)(b)], so dimRX−dimR/ᒍ+infX=0 forᒍwith dimRX=

−infX. This proves the inclusion AncRX⊆W0(X). Corollary2.4.ForXDb(R)there is an inclusion:

(a) MinRX⊆AssRX∩AncRX;

and for∈AssRX∩AncRXthere is an equality:

(b) cmdRX=ampX.

Proof. Part (a) follows by 2.3 (a) and [4, Prop. 2.6]; part (b) is immediate by the definitions of associated and anchor prime ideals, cf. [4, Def. 2.3].

Corollary2.5.IfXD+f(R), then

dimRX =sup{dimR/ᒍ+dimRX|ᒍ∈AncRX}.

Proof. It is immediate by the definitions that




and the opposite inequality follows by 2.3 (b).

Proposition2.6. The following hold:

(a) If XD+(R)andbelongs toAncRX, thendimR(HinfX(X))=0.

(b) If XDbf(R), thenAncRXis a finite set.

Proof. (a): Assume thatᒍ∈AncRX; by [6, Prop. 3.5] we have



and hence dimR(HinfX(X))=0.

(b): By (a) every anchor prime ideal forXis minimal for one of the homo- logy modules ofX, and whenXDbf(R)each of the finitely many homology modules has a finite number of minimal prime ideals.

Observation2.7. By Nakayama’s lemma it follows that inf K(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=infY, forYD+f(R)and elementsx1, . . . , xn∈ᒊ.

Proposition2.8 (Dimension of Koszul Complexes). The following hold for a complexYD+f(R)and elementsx1, . . . , xn∈ᒊ:

dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y ) (a)

=sup{dimR/ᒍ−infY|ᒍ∈SuppRY ∩V(x1, . . . , xn)}; and dimRYn≤dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )≤dimRY.



The elementsx1, . . . , xnare contained in a prime ideal (c)

ᒍ∈Wn(Y ); and

dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=dimRY if and only ifx1, . . . , xn ∈ᒍ (d)

for some∈W0(Y ).

Proof. Since SuppRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y ) = SuppRY ∩V(x1, . . . , xn) (see [6, p. 157] and [4, 3.2]) (a) follows by the definition of Krull dimension and 2.7. In (b) the second inequality follows from (a); the first one is established through four steps:

1 Y = R: The second equality below follows from the definition of Krull dimension as SuppRK(x1, . . . , xn) = SuppRH0(K(x1, . . . , xn)) = V(x1, . . . , xn), cf. [4, 3.2]; the inequality is a consequence of Krull’s Prin- cipal Ideal Theorem, see for example [8, Thm. 13.6].

dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=dimRK(x1, . . . , xn)

=sup{dimR/ᒍ|ᒍ∈V(x1, . . . , xn)}

=dimR/(x1, . . . , xn)




2Y =B, a cyclic module: Byx¯1, . . . ,x¯nwe denote the residue classes in Bof the elementsx1, . . . , xn; the inequality below is by 1.

dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=dimRK(x¯1, . . . ,x¯n)

=dimBK(x¯1, . . . ,x¯n)



3 Y = HD0f(R): We setB = R/AnnRH; the first equality below follows by [6, Prop. 3.11] and the inequality by 2.

dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;B)



4YDbf(R): The first equality below follows by [6, Prop. 3.12] and the last by [6, Prop. 3.5]; the inequality is by 3.

dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=sup{dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;H(Y ))|∈Z}

≥sup{dimRH(Y )n|∈Z}


This proves (b).

In view of (a) it now follows that


for someᒍ ∈ SuppRY ∩V(x1, . . . , xn). That is, the elementsx1, . . . , xn are contained in a prime idealᒍ∈SuppRY with

dimRY −dimR/ᒍ+infYn, and this proves (c).

Finally, it is immediate by the definitions that

dimRY =sup{dimR/ᒍ−infY|ᒍ∈SuppRY∩V(x1, . . . , xn)} if and only if W0(Y )∩V(x1, . . . , xn)= ∅. This proves (d).


Theorem2.9. IfYDbf(R), then the next two numbers are equal.

d(Y )=dimRY +infY; and

s(Y )=inf{s ∈N0| ∃x1, . . . , xs :∈AncRK(x1, . . . , xs;Y )}.

Proof. There are two inequalities to prove.

d(Y )≤s(Y ): Letx1, . . . , xs ∈ᒊbe such that∈AncRK(x1, . . . , xs;Y ); by 2.8 (b) and 2.7 we then have

dimRYs ≤dimRK(x1, . . . , xs;Y )= −inf K(x1, . . . , xs;Y )= −infY, so d(Y )s, and the desired inequality follows.

s(Y ) ≤ d(Y ): We proceed by induction on d(Y). If d(Y ) = 0 thenᒊ ∈ AncRY so s(Y ) = 0. If d(Y ) > 0 thenᒊ ∈AncRY, and since AncRY is a finite set, by 2.6(b), we can choose an elementx ∈ᒊ− ∪AncRYᒍ. We set K = K(x;Y ); it is cleat that s(Y ) ≤ s(K)+1. Furthermore, it follows by 2.8 (a) and 2.3 (b) that dimRK <dimRY and thereby d(K) <d(Y ), cf. 2.7.

Thus, by the induction hypothesis we have

s(Y )≤s(K)+1≤d(K)+1≤d(Y );

as desired.

3. Parameters

By 2.9 the next definitions extend the classical notions of systems and se- quences of parameters for finite modules (e.g., see [8, § 14] and the appendix in [2]).

Definitions3.1. LetY belong toDbf(R)and setd = dimRY +infY. A set of elementsx1, . . . , xd ∈ᒊare said to be asystem of parametersforY if and only ifᒊ∈AncRK(x1, . . . , xd;Y ).

A sequence x = x1, . . . , xn is said to be aY-parameter sequenceif and only if it is part of a system of parameters forY.

Lemma3.2. LetYbelong toDbf(R)and setd =dimRY+infY. The next two conditions are equivalent for elementsx1, . . . , xd ∈ᒊ.

(i) x1, . . . , xdis a system of parameters forY. (ii) For everyj ∈ {0, . . . , d}there is an equality:

dimRK(x1, . . . , xj;Y )=dimRYj;

andxj+1, . . . , xdis a system of parameters forK(x1, . . . , xj;Y ).


Proof. (i)⇒(ii): Assume thatx1, . . . , xdis a system of parameters forY, then

−inf K(x1, . . . , xd;Y )=dimRK(x1, . . . , xd;Y )

=dimRK(xj+1, . . . , xd;K(x1, . . . , xj;Y )

≥dimRK(x1, . . . , xj;Y )(dj) by 2.8 (b)

≥dimRYj(dj) by 2.8 (b)


= −infY.

By 2.7 it now follows that−infY =dimRK(x1, . . . , xj;Y )(dj), so dimRK(x1, . . . , xj;Y )=dj−infY =dimRYj, as desired. It also follows that d(K(x1, . . . , xj;Y ))=dj, and since

ᒊ∈AncRK(x1, . . . , xd;Y )=AncRK(xj+1, . . . , xd;K(x1, . . . , xj;Y )), we conclude thatxj+1, . . . , xdis a system of parameters for K(x1, . . . , xj;Y ).

(ii)⇒(i): If dimRK(x1, . . . , xj;Y )=dimRY−jthen d(K(x1, . . . , xj;Y ))

= dj; and ifxj+1, . . . , xdis a system of parameters for K(x1, . . . , xj;Y ) thenᒊbelongs to

AncRK(xj+1, . . . , xd;K(x1, . . . , xj;Y ))=AncRK(x1, . . . , xd;Y ), sox1, . . . , xdmust be a system of parameters forY.

Proposition3.3. LetYDbf(R). The following conditions are equivalent for a sequencex=x1, . . . , xnin.

(i) xis aY-parameter sequence.

(ii) For eachj ∈ {0, . . . , n}there is an equality:

dimRK(x1, . . . , xj;Y )=dimRYj;

andxj+1, . . . , xnis aK(x1, . . . , xj;Y )-parameter sequence.

(iii) There is an equality:

dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=dimRYn.

Proof. It follows by 3.2 that (i) implies (ii), and (iii) follows from (ii). Now, setK = K(x;Y )and assume that dimRK = dimRYn. Choose, by 2.9,


s =s(K)= dimRK+infKelementsw1, . . . , ws insuch thatbelongs to AncRK(w1, . . . , ws;K) = AncRK(x1, . . . , xn, w1, . . . , ws;Y ). Then, by 2.7, we have

n+s =(dimRY −dimRK)+(dimRK+infK)=dimRY +infY =d, sox1, . . . , xn, w1, . . . , ws is a system of parameters forY, whencex1, . . . , xn

is aY-parameter sequence.

We now recover a classical result (e.g., see [2, Prop. A.4]):

Corollary 3.4. Let M be an R-module. The following conditions are equivalent for a sequencex=x1, . . . , xnin.

(i) xis anM-parameter sequence.

(ii) For eachj ∈ {0, . . . , n}there is an equality:

dimRM/(x1, . . . , xj)M =dimRMj;

andxj+1, . . . , xnis anM/(x1, . . . , xj)M-parameter sequence.

(iii) There is an equality:

dimRM/(x1, . . . , xn)M =dimRMn.

Proof. By [6, Prop. 3.12] and [5, (16.22)] we have dimRK(x1, . . . , xj;M)

=sup{dimR(MLRH(K(x1, . . . , xj)))|∈Z}

=sup{dimR(MRH(K(x1, . . . , xj)))|∈Z}

=dimR(MRR/(x1, . . . , xj)).

Theorem3.5. Let YDbf(R). The following hold for a sequencex = x1, . . . , xnin.

(a) There is an inequality:

amp K(x;Y )≥ampY; and equality holds if and only ifxis aY-sequence.

(b) There is an inequality:

cmdRK(x;Y )≥cmdRY;

and equality holds if and only ifxis aY-parameter sequence.


(c) Ifxis a maximalY-sequence, then

ampY ≤cmdRK(x;Y ).

(d) Ifxis a system of parameters forY, then cmdRY ≤amp K(x;Y ).

Proof. In the followingKdenotes the Koszul complex K(x;Y ). (a): Immediate by 2.7 and [4, Prop. 5.1].

(b): By [4, Thm. 4.7 (a)] and 2.8 (b) we have

cmdRK=dimRK−depthRK=dimRK+n−depthRY ≥cmdRY, and by 3.3 equality holds if and only ifxis aY-parameter sequence.

(c): Supposexis a maximalY-sequence, then ampY =supY−infK by 2.7

= −depthRK−infK by [4, Thm. 5.4]

≤cmdRK by (1.2).

(d): Supposexis system of parameters forY, then ampK=supK+dimRK

≥dimRK−depthRK by (1.3)

=cmdRY by (b).

Theorem3.6. The following hold forYDbf(R). (a) The next four conditions are equivalent.

(i) There is a maximal Y-sequence which is also a Y-parameter se- quence.

(ii) depthRY +supY ≤dimRY+infY. (ii’) ampY ≤cmdRY.

(iii) There is a maximal strongY-sequence which is also aY-parameter sequence.

(b) The next four conditions are equivalent.

(i) There is a system of parameters forY which is also aY-sequence.

(ii) dimRY +infY ≤depthRY+supY. (ii’) cmdRY ≤ampY.


(iii) There is a system of parameters for Y which is also a strong Y- sequence.

(c) The next four conditions are equivalent.

(i) There is a system of parameters forY which is also a maximal Y- sequence.

(ii) dimRY +infY =depthRY +supY. (ii’) cmdRY =ampY.

(iii) There is a system of parameters forYwhich is also a maximal strong Y-sequence.

Proof. Let YDbf(R), set n(Y ) = depthRY + supY and d(Y ) = dimRY +infY.

(a): A maximal Y-sequence is of length n(Y ), cf. [4, Cor. 5.5], and the length of aY-parameter sequence is at most d(Y ). Thus, (i) implies (ii) which in turn is equivalent to (ii’). Furthermore, a maximal strongY-sequence is, in particular, a maximalY-sequence, cf. [4, Cor. 5.7], so (iii) is stronger than (i). It is now sufficient to prove the implication (ii)⇒(iii): We proceed by induction.

If n(Y ) = 0 then the empty sequence is a maximal strongY-sequence and a Y-parameter sequence. Let n(Y ) > 0; the two sets AssRY and W0(Y ) are both finite, and since 0 < n(Y ) ≤ d(Y ) none of them containᒊ. We can, therefore, choose an elementx ∈ᒊ− ∪AssRY∪W0(Y )ᒍ, andxis then a strong Y-sequence, cf. [4, Def. 3.3], and aY-parameter sequence, cf. 3.3 and 2.8. Set K = K(x;Y ), by [4, Thm. 4.7 and Prop. 5.1], respectively, 2.8 and 2.7 we have

depthRK+supK=n(Y )−1≤d(Y )−1=dimRK+infK.

By the induction hypothesis there exists a maximal strongK-sequencew1, . . . , wn−1which is also aK-parameter sequence, and it follows by [4, 3.5] and 3.3 thatx, w1, . . . , wn−1is a strongY-sequence and aY-parameter sequence, as wanted.

The proof of (b) i similar to the proof of (a), and (c) follows immediately by (a) and (b).

Theorem3.7. The following hold forYDbf(R):

(a) If ampY =0, then anyY-sequence is aY-parameter sequence.

(b) If cmdRY =0, then anyY-parameter sequence is a strongY-sequence.

Proof. The empty sequence is aY-parameter sequence as well as a strong Y-sequence, this founds the base for a proof by induction on the lengthnof


the sequencex=x1, . . . , xn. Letn >0 and setK=K(x1, . . . , xn−1;Y ); by 2.8 (a) we have


dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=dimRK(xn;K)


Assume that ampY = 0. Ifxis aY-sequence, then ampK =0 by 3.5 (a) andxn ∈zRK, cf. [4, Def. 3.3]. As zRK= ∪AssRKᒍ, cf. [4, 2.5], it follows by (b) and (c) in 2.3 thatxnis not contained in any prime idealᒍ∈W0(K); so from(∗)we conclude that dimRK(xn;K) <dimRK, and it follows by 2.8 (b) that dimRK(xn, K) = dimRK−1. By the induction hypothesis dimRK = dimRY(n−1), so dimRK(x1, . . . , xn;Y )=dimRYnand it follows by 3.3 thatxis aY-parameter sequence. This proves (a).

We now assume that cmdRY =0. Ifxis aY-parameter sequence then, by the induction hypothesis,x1, . . . , xn−1is a strongY-sequence, so it is sufficient to prove thatxn∈ZRK, cf. [4, 3.5]. By 3.3 it follows thatxnis aK-parameter sequence, so dimRK(xn;K) = dimRK−1 and we conclude from(∗)that xn ∈ ∪∈W0(K)ᒍ. Now, by 3.5 (b) we have cmdRK = 0, so it follows from 2.3 (d) thatxn ∈ ∪AssRKᒍ=ZRK. This proves (b).

Semi-dualizing Complexes3.8. We recall two basic definitions from [3]:

A complexCDbf(R)is said to besemi-dualizingforRif and only if the homothety morphismχCR:RRHomR(C, C)is an isomorphism [3, (2.1)].

LetC be a semi-dualizing complex forR. A complexYDbf(R)is said to beC-reflexiveif and only if thedagger dualYC =RHomR(Y, C)belongs toDbf(R)and the biduality morphismδCY:YRHomR(RHomR(Y, C), C) is invertible inD(R)[3, (2.7)].

Relations between dimension and depth forC-reflexive complexes are stud- ied in [3, sec. 3], and the next result is an immediate consequence of [3, (3.1) and (2.10)].

Let C be a semi-dualizing complex for R and let Z be aC-reflexive complex. The following holds for ᒍ ∈ SpecR: If ᒍ ∈ AncRZ then ᒍ∈AssRZC, and the converse holds inCis Cohen-Macaulay.

Adualizing complex, cf. [7], is a semi-dualizing complex of finite injective dimension, in particular, it is Cohen-Macaulay, cf. [3, (3.5)]. IfDis a dualizing complex forR, then, by [7, Prop. V.2.1], all complexesYDbf(R)areD- reflexive; in particular, all finiteR-modules areD-reflexive and, therefore, [4, 5.10] is a special case of the following:


Theorem3.9. LetCbe a Cohen-Macaulay semi-dualizing complex forR, and letx = x1, . . . , xn be a sequence in. IfY isC-reflexive, thenx is a Y-parameter sequence if and only if it is aRHomR(Y, C)-sequence; that is

xis aY-parameter sequence ⇐⇒ xis aRHomR(Y, C)-sequence.

Proof. We assume thatC is a Cohen-Macaulay semi-dualizing complex forRand thatY isC-reflexive, cf. 3.8. The desired biconditional follows by the next chain, and each step is explained below (we use the notation −C introduced in 3.8).

xis aY-parameter sequence ⇐⇒ cmdRK(x;Y )=cmdRY

⇐⇒ amp K(x;Y )C =ampYC

⇐⇒ amp K(x;YC)=ampYC

⇐⇒ xis aYC-sequence.

The first biconditional follows by 3.5 (b) and the last by 3.5 (a). Since K(x)is a bounded complex of free modules (hence of finite projective dimension), it follows from [3, Thm. (3.17)] that also K(x;Y )isC-reflexive, and the second biconditional is then immediate by the CMD-formula [3, Cor. (3.8)]. The third one is established as follows:

K(x;Y )C RHomR(K(x)LRY, C) RHomR(K(x), YC) RHomR(K(x), RLRYC) RHomR(K(x), R)LRYC

∼K(x)LRYC K(x;YC),

where the second isomorphism is by adjointness and the fourth by, so- called, tensor-evaluation, cf. [1, (1.4.2)]. It is straightforward to check that HomR(K(x), R)is isomorphic to the Koszul complex K(x)shiftedndegrees to the right, and the symbol∼denotes isomorphism up to shift.

IfCis a semi-dualizing complex forR, then bothCandRareC-reflexive complexes, cf. [3, (2.8)], so we have an immediate corollary to the theorem:

Corollary3.10. IfC is a Cohen-Macaulay semi-dualizing complex for R, then the following hold for a sequencex=x1, . . . , xnin.

(a) xis aC-parameter sequence if and only if it is anR-sequence.


(b) xis anR-parameter sequence if and only if it is aC-sequence.

Acknowledgements.The author would like to thank professor Srikanth Iyengar and professor Hans-Bjørn Foxby for taking the time to discuss the material presented here.


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Over the years, there had been a pronounced wish to merge the two libraries and in 1942, this became a reality in connection with the opening of a new library building and the

In order to verify the production of viable larvae, small-scale facilities were built to test their viability and also to examine which conditions were optimal for larval

H2: Respondenter, der i høj grad har været udsat for følelsesmæssige krav, vold og trusler, vil i højere grad udvikle kynisme rettet mod borgerne.. De undersøgte sammenhænge

Driven by efforts to introduce worker friendly practices within the TQM framework, international organizations calling for better standards, national regulations and

Like most concepts for modules that of M -sequences can be extended to complexes in several non-equivalent ways; this short paper explores two such possible extensions:

maripaludis Mic1c10, ToF-SIMS and EDS images indicated that in the column incubated coupon the corrosion layer does not contain carbon (Figs. 6B and 9 B) whereas the corrosion

If Internet technology is to become a counterpart to the VANS-based health- care data network, it is primarily neces- sary for it to be possible to pass on the structured EDI