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Miljømæssige risici ved transgene planter med modstandsdygtighed overfor insekter

Gabor L. Lövei, Gisela Felkl, Henrik F. Brødsgaard og Lars M. Hansen Danmarks JordbrugsForskning

Afdeling for Plantebeskyttelse Forskningscenter Flakkebjerg DK-4200 Slagelse


In order to minimise the substantial crop losses caused by arthropods, several genetic modifications aim to create insect-resistant or -tolerant crop plants. Different genes, both microbial and of plant origin have been inserted into a wide range of crop plants. However, all the insect-tolerant transgenic crops currently under field cultivation contain the same modification, (versions of) the toxin gene of the insect pathogen bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-crops). This makes them lethal to a selected range of herbivorous insects that consume parts of that Bt-crop.

Environmental risks from (insect-resistant) transgenic plants can emerge due to gene escape, making the receiving plants also tolerant of herbivorous insects. Transgenic plants can also harm non-target herbivorous insect species, thus altering ecosystems or causing problems for nature protection. The most important of these potential risks could emerge from damaging beneficial ecological functions such as crop pollination, natural biological control, decomposition and soil fertility maintenance. There is evidence that these risks are not imaginary, and thus tests for them have to be made part of the standard pre-release assessment procedure. Experimental methods do not yet exist to test for or detect such effects, and our research program in this area specifically aims to develop them.


For at forhindre at skadedyr forårsager væsentlige udbyttetab, anvender man forskellige genetiske modifikationer til at frembringe insektresistente eller insekttolerante afgrødeplanter.

Forskellige gener, både mikrobielle såvel som oprindelige plantegener, er blevet indsat i en bred vifte af afgrødeplanter (transgene planter). Imidlertid indeholder alle de insektresistente/tolerante transgene planter, som i dag dyrkes under markforhold, versioner af den samme genetiske modifikation, nemlig det toksiske gen af den insektpatogene bakterie Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-planter). Dette gør planterne dødelige over for en udvalgt del af de insekter, som lever af at spise dele af den pågældende plante.

Miljømæssige risici fra transgene planter kan opstå gennem genspredning, som betyder at uønskede planter også bliver tolerante over for skadedyrsangreb. Transgene planter kan

skade nytteinsekter og dermed ændre økosystemet og efterfølgende give problemer med naturbevarelsen.

Af mange forskellige risici kan nogle af de vigtigste opstå ved at forskellige økologiske funktioner bliver ødelagt, så som bestøvning, naturlig biologisk bekæmpelse, nedbrydning af organisk materiale og vedligeholdelse af jordens frugtbarhed. Der er noget som tyder på, at disse risici ikke er helt urealistiske, hvorfor det er vigtigt, at de bliver testet i et specielt testprogram, som bør indgå i et større testprogram, som alle transgene planter skal gennemgå, før de bliver frigivet til brug.

Eksperimentelle metoder til at teste disse økologiske faktorer eksisterer endnu ikke, men det er målet for dette forskningsprojekt at udvikle forskellige af sådanne metoder.

Current status of insect-resistant transgenic crops: field cultivation and development Transgenic plants are plants that have specific genes introduced into them by methods of genetic engineering. The uptake of this new agricultural technology has been fast and the area sown with transgenic plants has increased very rapidly. In 1998, transgenic crops were grown on about 28 million ha in 12 countries (USDA, 2000). The crops were mostly soybeans, maize, cotton and oilseed rape (canola). These plants fall into two categories: they are either resistant to selected herbicides (the product of the same company that developed the transgenic plant), or to a range of herbivorous insects. Insect-resistant crops made up 28% of the total global acreage under transgenic crops in 1998 (USDA, 2000).

All the insect-resistant transgenic crops that are commercially grown today are very similar. These plants all contain the same type of genetic modification, (versions of) the toxin gene of the insect pathogen bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-crops). This makes them lethal to a selected range of herbivorous insects that consume parts of that Bt-crop. Most of these plants are resistant to chewing insects, caterpillars (larvae of Lepidoptera) or beetles (Coleoptera). Other genes, such as proteinase inhibitors or plant-based lectins have been transferred to at least 14 crop plants (Schuler et al., 1999). The trend is towards new genes and ‘gene pyramiding’ (A. Hilbeck, pers. comm.).

An ecological framework for environmental risk assessment

We should not forget that agricultural fields are also part of the “ecological theatre” in which the “evolutionary play” (sensu Hutchinson, 1965) is continuously being played. We should consider potential environmental risks in this intellectual framework. When transgenic plants are planted in the field, they will inevitably come into contact with many other species that together perform several ecological processes operating in agricultural fields. To name a few significant “actors” in this “ecological theatre” that the plant will come into “ecological contact” with, we can list:

? other plants, whether conspecifics or other species,

? herbivores that feed on their parts above or below ground,

? symbionts that live in the root zone (such as mycorrhizae or nitrogen-fixing bacteria) and

? detritivores/decomposers that feed on dead plant parts.

Many of these actors participate in ecological processes that are useful and necessary for agricultural production. These processes are termed “ecosystem services” (Costanza et al., 1997). The global monetary value of these ecosystem services was estimated to surpass the combined Gross Domestic Product of the Earth’s nations (Costanza et al., 1997).

We suggest that this framework of “ecosystem services” would be useful to conceptualise the environmental risk assessment of transgenic plants.

Potential environmental risks

In the following, we will list a series of potential environmental risks that have been identified and briefly consider some recent information that lead to an increased awareness of these risks. This list is not intended either to be exhaustive nor a thorough analysis of the solidity and significance of the evidence or of the seriousness of these concerns. Our intention is to bring into focus the necessity and the usefulness of a consistent, ecological framework for environmental risk assessment for transgenic crops.

Gene escape

Environmental risks from transgenic plants can emerge due to gene escape. Gene transfer from insect-resistant plants to other species or populations of the same species could make the receiving plants also tolerant of herbivorous insects. This can occur between different lines of the same plant species, or between related species, for example between oilseed rape and wild crucifers (Mikkelsen et al., 1996). While it is easy to see why the herbicide-resistant weed is undesirable, it is not intuitively clear if insect-tolerant plants will enjoy an increased fitness.

Stewart et al. (1997) constructed an insect resistant oilseed rape (canola) line and studied, under field conditions, the fitness of this plant line vs. the non-resistant line under varying levels of insect pressure. They reported an increased fitness of insect resistant oilseed rape under field conditions Stewart et al. (1997).

Non-target species

Transgenic plants can also damage non-target herbivorous insect species. Currently, all transgenic plants have the new gene inserted by using a constitutive promoter. This leads to a general expression pattern, so the gene product can be present in every plant part. Other species feeding on those plant parts can be affected, leading to unintended effects on these species. Pollen from transgenic maize caused significant mortality in the larvae of the monarch butterfly, Danais plexippus a species of great nature conservation interest in America, both in the laboratory (Losey et al., 1999), and under field conditions (Hansen &

Obrycki, 2000). This identified a potential risk for nature protection and an aspect of GMOs that has not been considered earlier.

Ecosystem services Natural biological control

Natural biological control is an important but often unappreciated “ecosystem service”

(Costanza et al., 1997). Natural biological control relies on species that feed or reproduce on organisms that we classify as pests, weeds or pathogens. Species that provide this service are often sensitive not only to quantity but also to quality of their food. Both of these can be changed by transgenic plants. Insect-resistant plants will support fewer herbivores, and thus offer fewer prey to predatory arthropods. The expected effect is a decrease in natural enemy density, but the net effect much depends on scaling factors and landscape properties.

Food quality can influence natural enemies in indirect ways. Such “tri- trophic effects”

are well documented in the ecological literature (Lövei, 2000). Invertebrate predators, for example the heteropteran Podisus maculiventris react to their prey according to the biochemical (alkaloid) composition of the host plant of their prey (Traugott & Stamp, 1997).

Individuals of the prey species Bemisia argentifolii raised on different host plants were of different food quality for lacewing predators (Legaspi et al., 1996).

Similarly, several groups of natural enemies reacted to different types of genetic manipulations of their prey’s host plants/diet. Such direct evidence of potential adverse effects exists for several groups, such as lacewings (Hilbeck et al., 1998), coccinellids (Birch et al., 1999) and ground beetles (Jørgensen & Lövei, 1999).

It is important to stress that these reactions are sometimes idiosynchratic, but are not totally individualistic (Lövei, in preparation), and thus general experimental protocols can and should be developed to test for such effects.


Pollination by animals, mostly bees and bumblebees is of overwhelming significance for agricultural productivity yet agricultural production methods have not always been kind to these pollinators (Buchmann & Nabhan, 1996). New agricultural practices should consider them more carefully and it is clearly not desirable that transgenic plants harm this beneficial ecological service. Proteinase inhibitors, for example, can have a negative influence on adult bees (Burgess et al., 1996; Pham-Delegue et al., 2000).


Soil processes and decomposition are often not recognised as vital for agricultural productivity. This ‘out of sight, out of mind’ mentality is not a special feature of the risk assessment of transgenic plants as ecology is similarly plagued with it (Brown & Gange, 1990). However, the soil ‘compartment’ is often left out of any risk assessment package.

Studies how transgenic plants affect decomposition are very few and this is one area where many more studies are needed. Bt-maize root exudates containing the Bt-toxin have been detected from soil at concentrations that kill insects (Stotzky et al., 1999) and the consequences of this will have to be studied. Trevors et al. (1994) suggested a diversity of


It is clear that agricultural productivity depends on several beneficial ecological mechanisms, such as natural pest control, maintaining soil fertility, and pollination. It is desirable that the significance of these functions is carefully considered and that they are not harmed by the introduction of transgenic plants. Tests on these functions, in the form of laboratory and glasshouse trials, need to be made a mandatory part of pre-release environmental effect testing. Our research group is currently engaged in developing such tests to fulfil this future requirement.


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