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Interview with Joyce

In document ECCO goes fashion (Sider 195-200)

It is women, but actually, I don’t tend to remember them a lot, but if I saw him I would know who she was and I like her.

What kinds of fashion brands do you purchase, for example what brands are you wearing right now?

I don’t think this is kind of brand (her blouse), this is.. she looks into her jacket.. Only.

Did you buy it here or in China?

In China and I think that that brand – Vero Moda- is also in China and I buy it sometimes.

Is it expensive?

No it is not expensive in China

It is cheap, but it is fashion right?

Yes it is fashion in the age of 20-25. I am more than 25, but I still buy their products anyway. And I also buy G2000, I think it is a Hong Kong brand, their brand is not very expensive, but I have some products like their shoes. It is quite good and not very expensive.

What about people over 25, lets say people from 25-35 do they buy some other brands, luxury brands?

Yes, I think that many people if they have better salaries that they enjoy some luxury brands. They would buy a lot, especially bags like Gucci and LV.

Do you know what they buy for the clothing do they buy European, American our Japanese brands?

They sometimes buy MaxMara…actually I am not that fashion person, I don’t remember these brands

But you are wearing designer glasses?

For the glasses, it is because, why I buy this classes…I went to Hong Kong and we go shopping right. It saw it was okay, there was a discount.

So it is quite expensive in China?

These glasses are quite expensive it is 2000 or 3000 RMB, so it is kind of quite expensive in China, in China mainland, but in Hong Kong there is discount.

So its like, it is more important with like expensive glasses and bags, like the clothes is not that important?

Actually the people, I think it is the same, but for me I think that its kind of a good price available I would buy it. But for many of my friends they would kind of prefer to have luxury clothes and luxury bags. But bags are most important.

My friend has a lot of bags and she buys a new bag every month. It is crazy, but she is kind of collection.

Do you have a favourite luxury brand?

Yeah, Gucci.

So if you were to buy a luxury bag it would be Gucci?



So, you are very loyal to that brand?

I think so, I don’t like LV, I don’t know why.

What do you like about the Gucci brand?

I think the colour is good and it is more diversified than LV.

So Gucci have many different colours?

I think, in my expression, LV is so boring, you know? It is always the same, although they have different shape or design. Maybe in Chine, maybe it is a special case, we have many fake LVs, and so it is very easy to have a fake LV.

Maybe I don’t wear LV, because if I wear LV, people will think that it is a fake one. But we seldom have Gucci fakes, so for the Gucci, maybe people will think that it is not a fake one. Maybe it is just because LV is so popular in China so the business men just tend to have the fake LVs.

Do you think that the Chinese fashion consumers are different from the Danish ones?

It is a difficult question….

Yeah, but when you walk the streets of Denmark do you think that people looks the same way in China?

I think, you are a little bit different, you have your style…different from us, but not that much.

How is it different?

Umm, I have noticed that you have very shorts skirts and wear leggings, but you know that the skirt is too short and in China this is not seen as kind of trousers, but in Denmark I think that many people think that it is kind of trousers and they don’t need something to cover.

The second thing is the shoe, I think that ladies in Copenhagen seldom wear the high-heel shoe. But in China ladies are always wearing the high-heeled shoes, especially those between 20 and 25..

So do you think that the ladies wear high heeled shoes because the want to look very feminine or want to look taller or is it just fashion?

It is just fashion and good looking

When you go shopping what is the most important thing for you?

I think quality and the other thing is my friend suggestions. My friend suggestions are quite important to me.

So you ask your friends before you go shopping?

Yeah, some kind of products, For example I ask them when I go shopping a pair of shoes. because I am not the perfect..

not that fashionable and than I will ask some friend who usually know more fashion. They have more experience you know.


What about the shopping experience? What about the service, the staff?

No... sometimes yes. Sometimes if I can feel that he or she is nice, and quite frankly maybe in that moment I will believe in he or she, but if I decide to buy something quite expensive I will ask my friends first.

So have you ever been to a luxury store in China?

Yes I go there quite often because my friends like it, so I just accompany them.

So do you think that it is a very different experience from going in normal stores?

Yes, there are less people

How about the environment in the store, the way it looks, is it also very different?

Actually, for that shopping mall I think that it is quite different, because the other ones, they are in the same mall, but in different floors. So the floor for luxury shops, there is kind of less people, but people there are quite elegant. It is not that crowded, you feel better.

Is it true that the luxury stores are at the ground floor and then the higher, the lower the price?

Yeah, usually, but it depends.

But when your friends buy something at the luxury store, do they get a special service then?

Drink, something to drink, tea or juice. No other, no special.

Do they have VIP cards or do you have VIP cards?

I don’t have, but my friends have, but for the other stores I have many, because it is very easy to have VIP cards, I mean not it’s not for the luxury, it’s for the other

So do you get any discounts on your VIP cards?

I think it is not discounts; it is to accumulate some points. For example if you by for 1000 RMB and accumulate and the once you reach 10.000RMB they kind of give you some gift, or give you some discount. But there are some discount cards for the whole mall, then you can go to every shop in the mall and they you have discounts.

So you prefer to go to the malls?

I usually go to the malls, because you can choose everything, you don’t have to go everywhere.

But do you think when your friend they go and buy these luxury brands that it gives them a special feeling?

It is so expensive. I don’t think it is necessary to buy a luxury bag.

But does it make people feel more confident if they have a luxury brand?

Yeah, maybe, but not that much.

But isn’t it also a way to show that you have success?


Wealthy? I agree that, to some extent. Because it shows that you have the ability to buy something expensive. But i don’t feel that much because it is your own style of living, right? So people just don’t care.

So you don’t need them to feel secure and...?

Ni I don’t need that. You know you mentioned my glasses, when I bought these I just think that I like the colour I like the bling-bling thing and then i just buy it, I don’t think like I am going to show off to my friend. But the problem is that, umm it is true that there is an environment that will make you feel like, okay my friend has a lot of bag and she is kind of, has a lot of money, or feels confident. But it is not that important to me.

What if you had a job and everybody else was wearing luxury goods? Would you then feel that you had to buy some yourself?

Yeah I think so, if I had a job like that. I was told that if you work in LV you need to wear that from the hat to toes. But fortunately my work environments won’t need that.

Oh, where do you or will you work?


But isn’t that a very formal work?

It is quite formal, so we don’t need to buy other things, what I need is just a bag and the suit.

But don’t you buy the Chanel suit for business women?

No, I am not that high level

What brand would you buy if you were going for a suit?

Aahh, sometimes the G2000, because the price is good and in Shanghai I went to the tailor

What would a suit cost you from the G2000, how much?

No more than 2000 RMB, sometimes if it is discount season you can have it for 1000, and if you go to the tailor no more than 1000. So I think I prefer to go to the tailor.

Is it still normal to go to the tailor?

In Shanghai it is normal, but in other places..it is really good in Shanghai, shanghai really has the tradition with having lots of tailors.

Then you can also have a good fit...

Yeah it is very fit

What about European brands do they fit Chinese people?

No, actually for my experience, European brands are not very fit, I mean sometimes the size is not very fit when I went to for example MaxMara and then i try and there is always somewhere where it is not very fit.

But I think Only is a European brand?

Yeah but this is just a jacket, it does not have to be very fit, but a suit has to be very fit.


In document ECCO goes fashion (Sider 195-200)