Part VI: Conclusion
Chapter 13 Future Studies
Firstly, developing a method for identifying Postmodern and/or Hypermodern traits in consumers would allow for further research into the different consumers types and help answering questions such as:
• Do Postmodern and Hypermodern consumers differ in their decision-making process?
• Do they develop moral differently?
• How do they recognise a moral issue?
• Do we see an overrepresentation of females with Hypermodern traits?
• How do they experience cognitive dissonance?
• Which elements are influencing their decision-making?
• How do they understand the concept of CSR?
• How do they value CSR certified fashion?
Understanding these questions would allow companies to tailor their branding programme and increase their chance for successfully branding CSR certified fashion.
Employing quantitative research for some of the abovementioned questions could be constructive if a proper method for identifying Postmodern and Hypermodern traits is developed. Using quantitative research to understand how the consumer types develop moral, recognize a moral issue etc. would make generalization more valid.
Secondly, we have found indications that the theory of Moral Development put forward by Kohlberg may not be representative in contemporary society, as the two consumer types may develop moral differently. Thus, researching contemporary consumers’ moral development patterns may lead to interesting insights, which may affect other theories such as Festinger’s theory on Cognitive Dissonance, as consumers’ ability to understand moral issues beyond their own moral stage most likely would result in cognitive dissonance.
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Appendices Bibliography:
Appendix 1:
Højsgaard, L.K.; Hansen, J. Ø.; Andersen, T.F.; Petersen, A. (2010) “The Case of Noko Jeans: Perception of social responsibility: the case of NOKO jeans”, CBS Assignment, December 2010
Appendix 2:
Expert interview with Lector Esben Rahbek Pedersen at CBS, Institute of Intercultural Communication and Management, Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, 10.02.11
Appendix 3:
Expert interview with Research Assistant Troels M. Kranker at Institute of future research, with field of expertise being competitive sustainability, generation Y, future branding, and innovation among others, 18.10.11
131 Appendix 4:
Expert interview with Development Manager Jonas Eder-Hansen at Danish Fashion Institute (a network organization for fashion companies), with his main focus being CSR and sustainability, 25.02.11
Appendix 5:
Main Interviews: Casper, 33 y.o.; Kasper, 28 y.o.; Sara, 25 y.o.; Rebecca, 25 y.o.
Appendix 6:
Control Interviews: Nicolai, 30 y.o.; Trine, 29 y.o.; Claes, 32 y.o.; Lene, 32 y.o.