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E-mail Correspondence with Representative from UNGC

In document UN Global Compact in China (Sider 154-158)

04.08.2016, 10:00

“Hi there,

To your questions:

Why is the UNGC Local Network China hosted by CEC, and connected to SINOPEC?

In 2011, UNGC board appointed two chinese members, one is from CEC, the other is the then chairman of Sinopec

What is UNGC Local Network China’s relationship to the Chinese government, and Chinese government officials?

Our relationship with government is mainly through CEC. CEC is one of the 14 associations under the direct supervision of SASAC

What is the role of the part-time staff from SINOPEC? i.e. Do you work with them on an ad hoc basis, or an allocated number of times per week? What tasks are they involved in? Etc.

On ad hoc basis, for example the Summit

How does the Presidium work? How are the new Presidium members appointed/elected? On what basis are members chosen?

Presidium members must be leading companies in their industrial sector. the individual representing the company in the Presidium must be VP letter or higher

What is your connection to UN agencies located in China?

We attend activities of UN agencies in China

You mention that you provide tailor-made services at requests. What does that entail, and do you have any examples?

For example, we helped make the first SDGs report for HNA Group

How much do you charge for the tailor-made services? How many do you do per year on average?

We charge very little.

Do you work with Domestic Business Associations? If yes, which one(s) and how?

We have connections with some but no concrete cooperation

How do you work with facilitating/forging/creating partnerships? Is that a priority of its own?

Do not understand what does it mean?

You mentioned you have competition from other CSR initiatives. Who do you perceive to be your biggest competitor(s)?

The competition exist mainly in the area of tailored made services, For example writing CSR reports. There are many competitors in this area

How does Network China work with human rights?

We have organized several events on human rights for promoting UN Guiding Principle on Human Rights.

You mentioned that you conduct research. Can you please specify what type of research you do?

For example how GC Ten Principle can be implemented in chinese context

Could you please send us the most updated MoU?

Need to consult the Headquartor about it.


Appendix J: Example from internal material from UNGC Network China


2015 年 2 月 10 日,全球契约中国网络年会在北京举行。联合国全 球契约理事、全球契约中国网络轮值主席、中国石化董事长傅成玉做了 主旨报告,联合国全球契约理事、中国企业联合会常务副会长兼理事长 李德成致开幕词。外交部有关领导、全球契约中国网络主席团领导、中 国网络成员企业、致力于企业社会责任和可持续发展的有关企业和组织

、联合国机构和媒体代表等 100 余人参加了会议。

傅成玉主席在报告中指出:今年是联合国千年发展目标截止之年,也 是“后 2015 年”计划和可持续发展战略公布之年,是联合国关注气候框 架协议巴黎路线图和有法律约束效力文件达成之年。今年又是“十二五”

规划的收官之年,是国企深化改革显真章见实效、中国企业国际化经营 迈大步的一年。当前,中国经济步入“新常态”,将给致力于绿色低碳、

节能环保、可持续发展的企业赋予新的发展机遇,将更利于那些具备可 持续发展能力的企业崛起,可持续发展战略对商业价值的影响客观上正 在变得越来越为关键。2015 年,全球契约中国网络将继续发挥领先企 业和主席团单位的引领作用,设立关注气候、水和小微企业为主题的三 个工作组,举办以“行动的力量”为主题的第三届关注气候中国峰会,进 一步整合资源为企业提供可持续发展相关的咨询、培训和指导性服务,


李德成会长在致辞中指出:在全球契约中国网络和社会各界的大力推 动下,中国广大企业不断加强社会责任管理,积极关注气候变化,切实 保护员工权益,大力建设环境友好型企业与劳动关系和谐企业,努力实

In document UN Global Compact in China (Sider 154-158)