• Ingen resultater fundet


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11. Appendix

Appendix 1 (List of A-CDM Abbreviations)

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(Eurocontrol, 2016)

Appendix 2

QUESTIONS FOR LENE & Kasper 1. Name:

2. Occupation:

COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL | Digitalization | Copenhagen Airport | 2018: 107

3. How many years working at Copenhagen Airport?

4. Years working & involvement within the field of collaborative decision-making?

5. Can you please explain the concept of Airport Collaborative Decision Making and its steps?

6. Why was this system chosen and how chose to implement the system?

Who was involved in the process- amadeus project vendor, we have ACDM group, participants from different groundhaldners, Naviair, in CPH it’s SAS...

Internally- involvement: Airside operation.. collaboration stand allocation team- team leader involved too..

7. How did the airport representatives and (internal & external) stakeholders collaborate prior to the ACDM? it was the same..the information wasn’t the same...

8. Has the ACDM changed the way how decisions are made at the airport? Did you experience any obstacles?

9. How has the implementation of the system changed collaboration in the airport?

10. What is the way of thinking in regard to making decisions based on ACDM? are there any predetermined rules?

11.Are there any key processes to successful Airport collaborative decision making?

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12. Can you explain if there has been a change in the way to make decisions in the airport? If so could you please give us some examples?

13. Do you have any empirical data on the results of the collaborative decision making system?

14. What are the biggest challenges to airport collaborative decision making?

15. Are there any things you would change if you had the opportunity (regarding ACDM)



How many years working at Copenhagen Airport?

Who is a ground handler? what are his or her main tasks?

Is there risk involved in your job?

safety side/ risks

Do you work in collaboration with other ground handlers? Is there any collaboration involved at all?

Is there a place for spontaneity in your job or it’s strictly structured?

COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL | Digitalization | Copenhagen Airport | 2018: 109

Years working & involvement within the field of collaborative decision-making?

Can you please explain the concept of Airport Collaborative Decision Making and its steps (before and after)?

Why was this system chosen and how chose to implement the system?

How did the airport representatives and (internal & external) stakeholders collaborate prior to the ACDM?

Has the ACDM changed the way how decisions are made at the airport? Did you experience any obstacles?

How has the implementation of the system changed collaboration in the airport?

Are there any key processes to successful Airport collaborative decision making?

Can you explain if there has been a change in the way to make decisions in the airport? If so could you please give us some examples?

Do you have any empirical data on the results of the collaborative decision making system?

What are the biggest challenges to airport collaborative decision making?

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Are there any things you would change if you had the opportunity (regarding ACDM)?

Appendix 3: Eurocontrol 2016 final report, (Empirical data- A-CDM