• Ingen resultater fundet

cache-ref-neg?(c0[lp−z−1]) =true, ...,

cache-ref-neg?(c0[lp1]) =true, cache-ref-neg(c0[lp−z−1]) =nil, ..., and

cache-ref-neg(c0[lp1]) =nil

From (15) and (1) we inferc0|=bt+z+1t. Our assumptions about schedule-pctell us that ifj∈ Ip\cis0then we havecache-ref-neg?(c0[j]) =truewith cache-ref-neg(c0[j]) =niland thereforec0|=jp[j], demonstrating thatc0|= p\is0 holds. By (15) we see thatc|=it[bt+z+i] holds, which combined with (13) tells us thatt[bt+z+i]6=p[i] so there is no match starting at bt+z. From (14) we therefore deduce thatFailsBefore(bt+z+ 1) holds.

Collecting the above results, we see that Invariant 3 indeed holds at the entry of the new invocation ofloop-pc.

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