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RQ: How does PSI and engagement mediate brand loyalty in the relationship between followers and influencers on social media platforms?

Appendix 2: Transcripts

2.2 Transcripts for the case of Isabella Löwengrip .1 Klara

2.2.3 Svea

Respondent: Svea

Interviewers: Christoph and Simon Location: Café

Length: 00:54:55 Date: April 15, 2018

Christoph: So first we have some general question about social media behaviour. Could you describe the last time you used social media?

Svea: Last time. It was probably when I was having breakfast this morning. I have actually deleted the

Instagram app on my phone because I have used it too much but I still have it like online, like if I go into Safari then I have the app but it’s just because I don’t want to have it as a habit to go in there but I usually check it in the mornings. I only use Instagram a bit and I read a few blogs also. I don’t know if you count blogs as social media.[00:00:10.08]

Christoph: Yeah.

Simon: Is it recording?

Christoph: Yeah I think it’s fine.

Svea: You can stop and listen and see but I think it looks like it’s recording.[00:00:51.02]

Christoph: So you said Instagram. Do you use any other social media platforms?

Svea: I have Facebook, I don’t use it a lot. I use mainly the messenger app and I read some blogs and that’s it.


Christoph: And how often would you say you use social media?

Svea: I’m trying not to use it so often. But how often? Maybe three times per day.[00:01:21.05]

Christoph: And which is your favorite one of the social media platforms you use?

Svea: Do you count blogs?[00:01:40.23]

Simon: Yeah.

Svea: Yeah then I read blogs most.[00:01:45.12]

Christoph: And why?

Svea: I think that’s more interesting, to actually read a bit more. And the blogs that I read I guess I have read them for like 5, 6, 7 years. So it’s like some interesting persons. Also I like Instagram also because you know it’s more faster and you can see some nice pictures but if I only could pick one I would stay with the blogs. [00:01:48.11]

Christoph: Now we switch to influencers. Oh no actually not. First the question, who do you follow on social media?

Svea: I follow, I like Isabella Löwengrip, she’s actually, I think I have read her blog since she started it like ten years ago. I read a few other Swedish blogs, I read Michaela Forni, I actually like Margot, I think she’s funny, and Isabella Löwengrip I have an Instagram the others I don't’t. I also read Sandra Beyer, her blog.

That’s it.[00:02:24.28]

Christoph: And on Instagram, what’s the ratio between friends and I don’t know, companies and influencers?

Svea: Mostly friends, that’s probably 75% companies, I have a few, it’s a few sports brands that I like. And influencers not so many actually, like one or two maybe. [00:03:12.18]

Christoph: And how would you describe an influencer?

Svea: But I can also say on Instagram sometimes I don’t follow them but I still go in and check them. Like I don’t want them in my feed but like sometimes I get curious I can search for them and go in but I don’t

follow them. An influencer for me is someone that has a social media account, maybe a blog or an Instagram or both. Sometimes I guess they also have a niche like they could be into sports, they can be into fashion, they can be into I don’t know, lifestyle, writing. And I mean nowadays it’s also usually that they do a lot of corporations with companies, they get paid to show off products and stuff like that, which is nothing that I have a problem with. But yeah I would say that’s an influencer for me.[00:03:37.09]

Christoph: And how would you describe the content that they post?

Svea: The content? I mean you can see that they put a lot effort in having professional pictures and I think you can also see how that have developed during the years, maybe six years ago it was just some mobile photos and you don’t really see that anymore. I don’t know what do you mean with describe?


Christoph: What they kind of post. What comes into your mind if you think about the influencer what they post?

Svea: I guess Isabella Löwengrip for example she posts a lot about her every day life, she posts a lot of clothes, I think a lot of clothes that she’s wearing and like makeup and stuff like that. She posts also a bit

inspiration or how to say. I think, I guess that’s her purpose at least. She posts a bit also some pieces of her everyday life that is not necessarily branded or how to say. [00:05:16.14]

Christoph: Now we switch to Isabella and have more specific questions to her. How did you find Isabella? And do you remember when that was?

Svea: Yeah I remember when that was. It was I guess in high school, no like in gymnasiet. So it’s around ten years ago. I don’t remember exactly how but that was by that time when blogs started to become popular in Sweden. It was like these few early ones. The first one was Alex Schuman, I think he was even before.

I don’t know, I think I just thought that she was fascinating so I started to follow her. I never, I know that Kinza started the same time but I have never read her blog actively. I don’t know I think it was

something, yeah. I don’t know how you found it but I guess in that age people, maybe some friends told you about it and it starts to pop up on the internet or... I guess someone must have told me. [00:06:07.03]

Christoph: What was the first impression you had of her?

Svea: Well. I mean then she had more these picture that I remember that she was active in MUF, like a political party. And...so I think she was very provocative back then. I thought that was a bit funny I think and yeah I don’t know. I also guess she was pretty cool that she was so young and she was very successful back then. And I mean already then she had a lot of, she started up a lot of companies, I remember in the beginning it was like a clothing brand, she had a web shop. So I think actually that’s why I liked her because I have never really been into fashion bloggers but I liked her more of her, she was more like an entrepreneurial spirit. [00:07:03.22]

Christoph: And how would you describe her now?

Svea: I mean she’s still even more entrepreneurial now I think. She has built like a big imperium with a lot of companies. But I think she’s very conscious. I think I have actually listened to a lot of interviews with her and she’s very strategical with what she does and I know it but I still like kind of fall for it or how do you say. She has this strategy that she’s supposed to have like a few provocative posts every week. She also says okay before I’m gonna launch a new brand I try to have a softer side in the blog so people start to like me. Like she is very tactical. And I think I don’t know, I think she’s smart so that’s why I like her.

She’s very good at using her social media channels to like you know get a lot of attention and I think that’s been her purpose the whole time and not. I think some influencers I don’t really like because it feels like they just want to get famous or get attention but she’s, I guess she has a purpose, she wants to develop her companies.[00:08:06.08]

Christoph: How would you say your image of her changed over time?

Svea: My image of her. I guess I have realized how strategic she is. And I still think she’s pretty cool but I guess now also she has started to maybe show a more human side now when she got divorced and with the kids and all that but I’m not so interested in that. I think it’s more the like business side that I like.


Christoph: And how do you keep up to date with her?

Svea: I read her blog mostly. Sometimes I see her on Instagram but I think the blog is more interesting because I think the text is more interesting then the images. [00:09:59.01]

Christoph: And how often are you checking the blog?

Svea: Maybe twice a day. But it’s the blog, of the blogs I read it’s the blog I check most frequent. Also because I know that she updates pretty frequent.[00:10:15.01]

Simon: How often would you say she updates?

Svea: I don’t know. Maybe three times a day. Maybe more. I don’t know but three, four maybe.[00:10:32.19]

Christoph: How would you describe the communication between Isabella and her followers?

Svea: The communication? I mean I think she tries to be a bit inspirational but also she is a bit provocative, I think she does it on purpose when she writes about like all the help that she has when she writes, yeah when she shows a lot about her very luxury habits so. But I think, I still think she has a pretty like friendly communication and pretty easy going and also pretty transparent and honest I would say.


Christoph: Do you feel she’s listening or talking to her followers?

Svea: I think she listens more than she maybe. I mean it’s not maybe that she’s into the comments and replies there, I don’t think she would have the time for that, but I think that she sometimes listens because it would be that someone asks me this or someone had a comment about that and she would bring it up and I guess if it’s something big I don’t think she listens so much to every comment. I think you can’t rely do it if you have a big blog like that because people give you a lot of negative criticism and I think these kind of people who can still keep up the blog are those who kind of have this chilled I don’t care so much. But she definitely talks more then listens I would say. [00:11:40.02]

Christoph: If you would ask her a question, do you think she would answer?

Svea: It would depend. I think, I guess it would depend. It wouldn’t be, if it would be something interesting right, not if it would be oh where can I buy this mascara, probably not but if it would be maybe something more about entrepreneurship or I don’t know. I would never ask her question. Like in the blog or

something. [00:12:40.09]

Christoph: And how important is it for you in general that an influencer that you follow is communicating with the followers?

Svea: For me not so important at all actually. No it’s not so important.[00:13:15.29]

Simon: Why would you say?

Svea: I don’t know. I don’t have the need, why is that not important? But do you mean, because you can communicate in different ways. I don’t think it’s important, like I wouldn’t go in and read like the comments and stuff like that. But I guess important maybe if someone brings up a lot of common themes and they would answer it in a general post, maybe that’s important but I don’t think it’s important. Like I would never go in and post a question and expect to get an answer or anything. I guess I’m just not maybe not so that involved. [00:13:27.14]

Christoph: You already talked about it a bit before, that she has that friendly tone when she talks. How would would you describe in general how she’s communicating? Like in terms of tone of voice or the topics that she’s talking about.

Svea: I think yeah but friendly but also I think she tries also a bit to always lay on this fine line of being a bit provocative. Maybe not in a negative way I guess she also wants to get people out of the box and I think.

But she has a, I think she has a very like easy going tone and that I think annoys some people that she’s like very like ah now it did this and that and that and that. Then it’s so lovely to work. But I don’t mind it.

And I also, I guess I also understand it’s probably a bit of a facade that she puts up. But yeah I would say it’s a pretty easy going tone but it can also be serious when I guess she talks about her kids or her divorce.


Simon: You mentioned that she’s transparant and kind of honest. How does that come through in the way she communicates?

Svea: I guess maybe she can say that she is a bit insecure in how to be a good mom and she says that she’s insecure of how to be a good friend and keep relations. I think that’s actually something very open to say about yourself that like hey I’m not so good at social relations. And I guess she says that yeah she’s having a hard time after divorce. I guess she wasn’t so open with that in the beginning which makes sense. But yeah in that way I would say she’s transparent but I think that is there about listening to the followers I think that’s something she does because she knows that people appreciate that side and not only see the good parts. [00:15:31.20]

Christoph: That information that she got divorced and that she’s insecure, would you say that’s private information?

Would you consider that private information? Or like personal things?

Svea: I guess it depends from people to people. I would never, I would never have a blog, but I would never, for me that would be pretty private to write about but I think it’s also people are different of where they have their limits of what they feel is okay to share. [00:16:42.17]

Christoph: How important is it for you when you follow an influencer that they are sharing that kind of information that you just talked about? With the divorce and about the personal insecurities.

Svea: I guess it’s important. I mean maybe because it’s more like this personal blogs I think it’s interesting and not so, I mean if I would be someone who follows like fashion bloggers and stuff maybe I wouldn’t think it’s so important but I think it’s pretty important and it gives it a bit more like a real picture and more honest. So I think it’s important. [00:17:20.25]

Christoph: How would you describe Isabella in comparison to yourself?

Svea: I think she has much more energy than I do. I would say she’s also more, much more business minded.

And more of a, because she seems to be this person who has a lot of ideas and I think I’m more this very considered person. I don’t think I’m very similar to her. No. [00:17:52.13]

Christoph: Do you see any similarities?

Svea: Do I see any similarities. Yeah maybe that she’s very like open minded and outgoing. I would say I’m that to. And I guess I also have ambitions for my career and my life. I think that’s why I think she’s inspiring but I don’t think my ambitions are not on the same scale as her as building like the new Estee Lauder or something like that. But I think I also have ambitions for career and stuff and I think that’s why I think she’s inspiring. [00:18:21.23]

Christoph: How important is it for you to follow somebody that has some similarities with you?

Svea: I guess that’s similar. I guess that’s maybe why you follow some people. Either that they are similar or maybe they have something you would like to have. Yeah I guess it’s important. It’s probably why you have started to like these people and that you continue to follow them. [00:19:09.00]

Christoph: How do you think would others describe Isabella?

Svea: It depends. I know, I have had some discussions at my job here in Denmark. With like my boss, she’s like Danish, she’s in her fifties and she still doesn’t really get it. She’s this very like ah she’s just this young, blonde little girl seeking for attention and I’m like but hey she has a much more successful company then you do. So I guess people like someone in the older generations they still believe she’s just this little blonde girl who has a blog. But I think, I don’t know, some people would describe her as this super career driven person who doesn’t care about her feelings or her kids and stuff. Because she gets a lot of criticism about that also but I think most people in my age would have a pretty positive view on her, especially if you know what she has done and like the companies that she has build up. So I guess it’s people who don’t really know her and also because also when I told my boss like look her companies are worth this and this and this and she has built up this and then she was ah okay well yeah. I think that’s pretty, you know. So I guess it depends also on what you know about them if you think they are just a blogger or.


Christoph: How do you think she would fit into your circle of friends?

Svea: That’s interesting...ehm...I don’t know. I’m trying to think because I’m having, Viktoria and I were having our friends from Sweden over for the weekend, if she would fit in there. I don’t know, I don’t think she would fit in so good to be honest. [00:21:28.19]

Christoph: Why? What makes her not fit?

Svea: Yeah I’m trying to think, maybe I have never thought about this if she would fit into my group of friends.

Maybe a bit, I mean she’s very energetic and all that but I guess maybe she seems maybe to be a person who speaks about a lot about herself and she’s maybe not so interested in others. I mean I don’t know but that’s the, I think it would be difficult to be friends with her because I think she’s so into her life and her like you know and her things, and it that way maybe it wouldn’t be a like equal friendship or how to say.


Christoph: And what do you think would others think if you had her as a friend? Let’s imagine you had her as a friend.

Simon: What would they think of you?

Svea: They would probably think I was an attention seeker. No. Like this free rider on fame. No. I don’t know. I guess people in my age would probably think it was pretty cool. I don’t know, maybe...what would people think. Yeah I think people wouldn’t really mind it or you know. [00:23:24.23]

Christoph: How important is it general that other people like the influencer you follow?

Svea: That’s not so important for me. I know a lot of my friends maybe don’t like Isabella. Like it’s nothing really I sit and discuss with my friends. We don’t sit and speak so much about influencer. So no that’s not important for me.[00:23:57.24]

Christoph: How does Isabella make you feel when you look at her posts or at her blog posts? Let’s talk about the blog.

Svea: How she makes me feel. [00:24:30.29]

Christoph: When she’s posting something new on her blog.

Svea: It doesn’t really make me feel anything special. I think most of them time I’m pretty neutral but if it makes me feel like I would never, I know people strongly react like if she writes something about the kids and that she’s a bad mom or whatever that doesn’t affect it at all. I guess if she makes me feel anything it could maybe be a bit more inspirational I think. But it depends, it’s not every time I read her blog and I’m just like tada I’m so inspired. No. [00:24:41.07]

Christoph: What does Isabella mean to you?

Svea: I don’t know. Sometimes I’m wondering why I read blogs because you know with yourself when you are on a holiday and you haven't had a wifi for a while you haven’t really missed it. But what does she mean to me. I think for me, maybe it’s not what she means to me personally, but I think she’s a very good example of like a successful woman in like and entrepreneurial world and that’s you know you don’t have to be an 60 year old man to succeed with your companies. So I think like that’s what she means to me or how to say, that she yeah. [00:25:25.12]

Christoph: And do you care what happens to her?

Svea: Yeah I guess a bit. I guess, I think it has been pretty cool to follow her journey and I hope it goes good for her. So in that way yeah. But it’s not that I would cry when she got divorced or something like that but you know. Yeah I guess a little bit. [00:26:14.23]

Christoph: When she’s revealing her emotions and feelings about something how does that make you feel?

Svea: I don't think it affects me so much. No because also its not a person that I know. Mm … Im trying to think, I guess maybe when she wrote a bit about you know… I guess it more if she tells. Yeah, she had an interview with Alex Shulman and se told that people criticise her a lot for all the choices she makes and what hit her most is when people criticise her as a mom. And then I felt likely know I felt a bit sorry for her because it’s very hard to be that exposed especially with the kids and all that. That was one of the few times I have been very like you know affected or how to say. I don’t get so affected, no. [00:26:55.00]