• Ingen resultater fundet

Student Grant

In document A STUDY PLANNING SYSTEM (Sider 150-159)

In order to maintain student grant the individual student may not be more than 12 months delayed in his studies compared with the prescribed time of study. In part for this reason the student has an interest in making continuous progress in his studies.

Receiving student grant for meeting living costs is an important aspect for the greater part of students and by it a factor which influences the study planning. A future version of the system could therefore profitably include student grant in the elaboration of study plans.

As an alternative of specifying a desired workload in the different period types one could imagine a general option saying something like “Schedule courses and projects representing a workload which entitle me to maintain my student grant”.

In fact the existing student grant rules are very accessible from an automated study planning point of view. To illustrate this we shall briefly describe the existing rules below taking Master of Science students as our starting point.

As mentioned elsewhere Master of Science students altogether have to collect 300 credit points in order obtain their degree. During his study a Master of Science student is entitled to receive at most 70 grants. The individual grant is not paid without further ado in that the student must have collected a fixed number of credit points (at least) in order to receive the grant in question. The precise point requirements for Master of Science students are given in the table below1.

1Point requirements for the different study types are specified at 189-192 in [10].

11.6 Student Grant 127

Grant# Point Grant# Point Grant# Point Grant# Point Grant# Point

1-12 0 24 42.5 36 97.5 48 157.5 60 225.0

13 2.5 25 47.5 37 102.5 49 165.0 61 230.0

14 5.5 26 52.5 38 107.5 50 170.0 62 237.5

15 7.5 27 57.5 39 112.5 51 175.0 63 242.5

16 10.0 28 62.5 40 115.0 52 180.0 64 250.0

17 15.0 29 67.5 41 120.0 53 185.0 65 255.0

18 17.5 30 70.0 42 125.0 54 190.0 66 262.5

19 20.0 31 75.0 43 130.0 55 195.0 67 270.0

20 25.0 32 80.0 44 135.0 56 202.5 68 275.0

21 30.0 33 85.0 45 142.5 57 207.5 69 280.0

22 35.5 34 90.0 46 147.5 58 212.5 70 287.5

23 40.0 35 95.0 47 152.5 59 217.5

E.g. a Master of Science student must have collected at least 165 credit points in order to receive grant number 49. Similar points requirements apply to other study types. As is apparent from the example the existing rules is indeed measurable by disposition.


Chapter 12


In this thesis we have made a profound analysis of the domain of study planning from a student’s point of view. Based on the analysis of the domain, a requirements specification has been prepared in which the necessary requirements for the implementation of a study planning system have been stated. A system which supports automated elaboration of study plans based on some criteria has been implemented – and can reasonably be said to fulfill the posed requirements.

The implemented system is among other things highly configurable and based on a 3-tier architecture. Furthermore, the system has been initialized with a complete set of the data related to study planning and not just an extract hereof.

Tests of the system have been conducted and discussions of the test results have been made.

In addition we have also made discussions concerning different aspects of the implemented system. Finally, suggestions for future work to be done in continuation of this thesis have been presented.

We find that the resulting study planning system is a great step towards making it easier for students to plan their studies more carefully and more than just a couple of terms ahead.

Hopefully, in the future some students will benefit from our efforts.



[1] Richard Anderson, Brian Francis, Alex Homer, Rob Howard, Dave Sussman, and Karli Watson. Professional ASP.NET 1.0. Wrox Press, 2002.

[2] Russ Basiura, Richard Conway, Brady Gaster, Dan Kent, Sitaraman Lakshminarayanan, Enrico Sabbadin, Doug Seven, and Srinivasa Sivakumar. Professional ASP.NET Secu-rity. Wrox Press, 2002.

[3] Marco Bellinaso and Kevin Hoffman.ASP.NET Website Programming, Problem - Design - Solution. Wrox Press, 2002.

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[6] Microsoft Corporation. Role-Based Security in the .NET Framework.

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[8] Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Studieplaner – diplomingeniør.

http://www.adm.dtu.dk/studieinformation/studinfo/uddannelser/diploming d.htm. [9] Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Studieplaner - civilingeniør.

http://www.adm.dtu.dk/studieinformation/studinfo/uddannelser/civiling d.htm.

[10] Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Studieh˚andbog 2003/2004, Civilingeniøruddannelsen, Diplomingeniøruddannelsen, Levnedsmiddeluddannelserne, Studieplaner, Regelsamling, 2003.

[11] Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Studieforvaltningen. Skabelon til oprettelse af nye kurser.

http://www.adm.dtu.dk/intern/adm/studforv/infosite for undervisere/skabelon.pdf.

[12] Department of Justice. The Act on Processing of Personal Data.

http://www.datatilsynet.dk/attachments/20001061548/ENGELSK%20LOV.doc, May 2000.

[13] Alex Homer and Dave Sussman. ASP.NET Distributed Data Applications. Wrox Press, 2002.

[14] Helge Elbrønd Jensen and Tom Høholdt. Grundlæggende Matematik for Dataloger.

Matematisk Institut, Danmarks Tekniske Højskole, 1993.

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[16] John Kauffman, Brian Matsik, Eric N. Mintz, Jan D. Narkiewicz, Kent Tegels, John West, Donald Xie, Jesudas Chinnathampi, Fabio Claudio Ferracchiati, and James Green-wood. Beginning ASP.NET Databases using C#. Wrox Press, 2002.

[17] Steve Krug.Don’t Make Me Think – A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability. New Riders Publishing, 2000.

[18] Soren Lauesen. Software Requirements - Styles and Techniques. Addison Wesley, 2002.

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[21] Jakob Nielsen and Marie Tahir. Homepage Usability – 50 Websites Deconstructed. New Riders Publishing, 2001.

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Part V




Appendix A

Overview of the

StudyPlanning.DAL Namespace

In this appendix an overview of theStudyPlanning.DALnamespace is provided. The names-pace constitutes the data tier.

The appendix is organized as follows:

• Section A.1 describes the classes that are organized in the root of the StudyPlan-ning.DALnamespace.

• Section A.2 describes the classes that are organized within a subnamespace to the StudyPlanning.DALnamespace.

A.1 Root Classes

A number of classes are organized directly in the root ofStudyPlanning.DALnamespace:

This section is organized as follows:

• Subsection A.1.1 describes the classes that represent attributes of database tables.

• Subsection A.1.2 describes the classes that represent database tables.

In document A STUDY PLANNING SYSTEM (Sider 150-159)