• Ingen resultater fundet

Statsfrøkontrollens regnskab

In document Beretning fra Statsfrøkontrollen (Sider 65-68)

fra 1. april 1957 til 31. marts 1958 og fra 1. april19ii6 til 31. maris 1957. Brøndgården : Driftsindtægter ... . Tilskud fra statskassen ... .


Lønninger og honorarer ... . Bygningsudgifter og skatter ... . Brændsel, belysning, rengøring rn. m .. . Ansk. og vedligeholdelse af inventar ..

Porto, fragt, telefon etc. . ... .

Trykningsudg~fter ... . Forskelligt materiel ... . Frøkontrolkornmissionens møder ... . Rejser og repræsentation ... . Bidrag til Den internationale


1.710.104,91 39.173,51 63.856,98 19.019,14 20.358,80 4.443,06 40.175,51 2.577,25 2.981,79


1.642.899,52 40.089,27 58.881,51 54.496,92 22.278,71 4.471,39 53.383,44 1.985,60 8.492,48 trolassodation . . . . 484,00 484,63 Kontroldyrkning . . . . 92.768,95 95.570,45 Prøveudt., markbesigtigelse m. m. .... 326.395,27 294.068,87 Brøndgården: Driftsudgifter ... 101.290,38 116.828,79


-lait .. . . .. 2.423.629,55 2.393.931,58 Indtægten for analyser har, som oversigten viser, været betydelig mindre end året før, hvilket kun delvis forklares ved, at det undersøgte antal prøver har været mindre.

Når udgiften til: Anskaffelse og vedligeholdelse af inventar, forskelligt materiel samt til rejser og repræsentation i 1957-58 er betydelig mindre end året før, skyldes det, at disse udgifter i 1956-57 var ekstraordinært store i henhold til særlige bevillinger til udstyr af lokalerne i Gullfossgade og til deltagelse i den inter-nationale frøkontrolkongres i Paris i juni 1956.


Report from the Danish State Seed Testing Station for the 87th Working Year from the 1st July 1957-30th June 1958.

Chapter I gives som e general information of the work and Chapter II of the composition of the Seed Testing Board and certain changes among the staff.

Chapter III shows that in 1957-58 a total of 55388 samples were tested, Le. 1 588 samples less than the previous year. The samples may be divided into the folIowing graups: 12316 of cereals, 17822 of grass seed, 11 877 af leguminous seed, 6 323 of TOotS, 1 296 seed mixtures, 4 563 of horticultural seed, 78 of forest seed and 1113 other samples.


Tables 1 and 2 of Chapter IV show the average figures of the Danish State Seed Testing Station for agricuIturaI seed tested during the decade 1948-58 and the year 1957-58 respectively. These figures refer to tests af samples ariginating from seed 10ts ready for sowing.

The figures are recorded under the folIowing hcadings: (1) Number of samples tested, (2) 1000-grain weight, (3) Pure seed %, (4) Inert matter %, (5) Extraneous crop seed %, (6) Weed seed %, (7) Germin-ating speed %, (8) Germinating capacity %, (9) Pure germinating seed %. In table 3 the average figures for germinating speed and capacity af some vegetable seed species for the year 1957-58 and the years 1948-58 respectively are given.

Chapter V deals with attacks by different parasitic animaIs and micro-organisms established by the laboratory examination of the samples.

Chapter VI deaIs with the Automatic Control which is conducted an the basis of a vo)untary agreement behveen the Seed Testing Station and the firms, according to whieh the latter are bound to give guarantees for purity and germinating capacily as well as weer!

seed content of their total rctail sale af clover-, grass- and root-seed, with a few les s important exceptions however.

The samples are secured by agents af the Station who draw samples in the store-houses of the controlled firms from the sealed deliveries ready for dispateh to the purehasers. If the average figures for the samples tested of a lot do not come up to the guarantees, all purchasers of this lot wm receive eompensation according to the State Seed Testing Station's Regulations and it is controlled by that Station whether the compensabon is paid. The expcnses conneded wHh the control are paid by the firms.

Table 4 shows how the controlled seed compares partly wifh the guarantee figures and partly with the afore-mentioned averages for 1957-58. The first column shows the number of samples teste d, column 2 the percentage of the seed dclivered which did not corre-spond to the purity and germinating capacity guaranteed and column 3 the percentage which did not come up to the average figures. The other columns show the further details in this respect.

The 23 firms controlled have sold a total of 3.464.191 kgs. seed Le. about 30 % of the quantity used for sowing in Denmark, and the controlled quan>tity may be gmuped as ,follows: 689.434 ,kgs. clover seed, 794.663 kgs. grass seed, 978.637 kgs. seed mixtures, 1.001.457 kgs.

root seed.

In Chapter VII is given a survey of the amount af clover-, grass-and mot-seed used for sowing in Denmark in 1958 grass-and 1957 compared with the average sale in 5 years.

Chapter VIII treats of cxaminations of the genuineness of variety and strain as well as attacks by diseases. These examinations were

55" 839

carrie d out partl:v in the laboratory and partly in the field where the plants were observed. In the year under consideration this control cultivation comprised 3.521 samples 80wn an an area af 27,7 hectarcs.

In Chapter IX mention is made of a control wHh reproduction of seed cereals, which \vas commenced in 1939.

The Danish State Seed Testing Station draws samples from the lots used for sowing in the controlled reproduction and examines these samples both in the laboratories and the control fieIds where they are sown, and further the fieIds with the resulting crops are inspected and finally the Station draws samples from the ready-treated lots from these fieids and provides the recognized anes wHh its seal and a special certHicate. Samples from the conimlled lots are examined in the laboratory as well as in the control fieIds and at last a survey af the sealed 10ts reeording the quality af each indivi-dualIat is printed.

Table 17 shows the quantities of the variaus species and varieties of the 1957 crop, which have been sealed, and tables 18, 19 and 20 the quality af the sealed lots. Out af 423 sealed lots, 410 met the present requirements as to quality, while in one ar more respects 13 lots failed to fulfil the guarantees given aecording to the sealing. In 1958 ca.

12.400 ha were under control, of which 12.061 ha werc recognized.

The distribution according to species and variety appears from table 21.

Chapter X treats of (1) a control wHh the production af Cocks-foot seed, which thi s Station since 1935 on request carries an for 10ts af certainstrains intended for export to New Zealand and Au-straIia, (2) a control with Dutch strains of various agricultural species.

The latter has been conrlucted since 1951 for Danish firm s according to a speciaI agreement with »Nederlalldsche AIgemeene Keuringsdienst«

(N.A.K.). Lots controlled and approved aceording to thi s agreement are salcable in Holland with the name of the strain in question as original sced grown abroad.

Tab1e 22 of Chapter XI eontains a record of the numbers of lots and bags sealed by the Station during the past year; these figures amount to 8.381 and 1.233.914 respectively.

Chaptcr XIII gives a survey af the incorne and the expenditurc of the Station during the year 1957-58 and 1956-57 respectively.


In document Beretning fra Statsfrøkontrollen (Sider 65-68)