• Ingen resultater fundet

In general, combination 7 with UC and SIA is the most effective combination, since it was the best one 3 times out of 4. For the small problems combination 1 performs also quite well but combination 5 is the second best for the large problems. The Local

Search algorithm SIA is essential to obtain an effective algorithm. The performance of the combinations without it is unacceptable. The overall performance of BOC is rather bad.

Unfortunately, neither SRC-GA nor UC-GA are competitive to the best TS heuristics or the HGA-VRP. The average performance of the algorithms together was 10,52% from the optimum or best known values where the other metaheuristics are within 1%. Even though the numbers for the TS heuristics are best of several runs it is estimated that difference in performance of 10% is too much for the algorithms to be considered competitive. Also, the results of HGA-VRP are average numbers of several runs and they are also within 1%

from the optimum or best known values.

It is unfortunate that the results of the TS heuristics and HGA-VRP are only presented by the means of the CMT problems. The algorithms SRC-GA and UC-GA is not adjusted particularly to the CMT problems and they were tuned using other types of problems as well. It is interesting to see how UC-GA performs relatively well on problem G-n262-k25, see table 7.22. That indicates that the algorithm does not become less effective as soon as the problems become larger.

In table 7.24 the heuristics are compared by the means of the criteria speed, simplicity and flexibility as well as accuracy. Even though the table is mostly based on personal evaluation, it shows that the algorithms have something to contribute, because it is rel-atively fast and moreover it is rather simple. Therefore, it would be very interesting to see if some kind of a combination of HGA-VRP and UC with SIA would be promising.

The idea of HGA-VRP was shortly introduced in section 2.1.4. It uses so-called parallel version of GA, which generates a number of subpopulations that evolve independently using a serial GA, like has been done here. Once in a while the subpopulations interact.

HGA-VRP generates two subpopulations. For instance, in order to allow the algorithm to obtain good solutions for problems of similar type as B-n68-k9, different operators could be used for different populations. Using Geographical Merge on the one population and not on the other will most likely help to obtain good solutions, where one route only uses a small part of the capacity. Therefore, an algorithm would be obtained, which is able to adapt to different problems with different kinds of optimal solutions.

8.6 Summary

In this chapter the results have been discussed. Combination 7 with UC with SIA has provided some promising results, particularly for the larger problems. Although, the results are not quite competitive with proposed results of TS heuristics and the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm. For further work, a combination of HGA-VRP and UC with SIA is suggested. In the next chapter the conclusion in presented.


Chapter 9 Conclusion

The aim of this project was to design an efficient Genetic Algorithm in order to solve the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). A program was developed based on a smaller program, with rather simple crossover and mutation operators, named Simple Random Crossover and Simple Random Mutation. That program was designed by the author and Hildur Ólafsdóttir in the course Large-Scale Optimisation at DTU in the spring of 2003.

At first, three Local Search Algorithms were designed and implemented, in order to im-prove single routes in the VRP, one at a time. The algorithms were named Simple Ran-dom Algorithm, Non Repeating Algorithm and Steepest Improvement Algorithm. The algorithms were compared based on 10 TSP problems with up to 50 customers. Sim-ple Random Algorithm performed worst by far. The average difference from optimum was 88,40±37,78%. Non Repeating Algorithm and Steepest Improvement Algorithm pro-vided good results or 5,27±2,81% and 4,86±2,97% from optimum. Steepest Improvement Algorithm was chosen for further use.

Three new crossover operators were developed; Biggest Overlap Crossover, Horizontal Line Crossover and Uniform Crossover. In different ways, they all focus on the geogra-phy of the problem, in order to try to provide good results. In the development process, some drawbacks of the crossover operators were discovered. Therefore, two supporting operators were made. Repairing Operator was designed for Simple Random Crossover and Biggest Overlap Crossover, and for Horizontal Line Crossover and Uniform Crossover Geographical Merge was developed. Eight combinations of operators were defined. Two combinations for each crossover operator, with and without Steepest Improvement Algo-rithm.

The test problems were divided into small problems defined as having less than 100 cus-tomers and large problems with 100 cuscus-tomers or more. Additionally, a fast algorithm with 10000 iterations and relatively small populations and a slow algorithm using 100000 iterations and larger population were defined. For both the small and the large problems, the combinations of operators were compared using both fast and slow algorithm. Three test problems of each size were used. When the fast algorithm was used to solve the small problems, combination 7 with Uniform Crossover and Steepest Improvement Algorithms

performed best. The difference from optimum or best known values was 11,28±3,48%.

Combination 1 with Simple Random Crossover and Steepest Improvement provided the best results when the slow algorithm was used to solve the small problems. The results were 4,17±1,49% from the optimum or best know values. For the large problems, combina-tion 7 gave the best results when using the fast algorithm. That resulted in 16,36±2,17%

from best known values. When the slow algorithm was used for the large problems, the best results were again obtained by combination 7. The difference from best known values was 10,70±1,21%.

For each size, a choice was made between the fast and the slow algorithm. The algorithms for the small problems were applied to additional 9 problems and the algorithms for the large problems were applied to additional 4 problems. (Thus the testing was made with 12 small problems and 7 large problems.) For the small problems, the fast algorithm was 11,37±3,17% from the optimal or best known values and the slow algorithm was 4,16±1,22%. Furthermore, the fast algorithm was 17,17±2,46% from the optimal or best know values and the slow one was 11,20±1,79%, for the large problems. Thus, the slow algorithm with combination 1 was chosen for the small problems and the slow algorithm with combination 7 was chosen for the large problems. The algorithm for the small problems was called SRC-GA and the algorithm for the large problems was called UC-GA.

The following hypothesis was stated in chapter 1:

It is possible to develop operators for Genetic Algorithms efficient enough to solve large Vehicle Routing Problems.

In order to verify the hypothesis, SRC-GA and UC-GA were compared to the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA-VRP) and three Tabu Search heuristics: Taburoute, Taillard’s Algorithm and Adaptive memory. These heuristics have proposed good results on prob-lems referred to as the Christofides, Mingozzi and Toth probprob-lems. The comparison was based on the results of 7 problems. Taburoute, Taillard’s Algorithm and Adaptive mem-ory were 0,68, 0,08 and 0,00% from optimum or best known values and HGA-VRP was 0,88%. The results of Taburoute, Taillard’s Algorithm and Adaptive memory are the best from several runs but the results of HGA-VRP are average results of several runs.

Together SRC-GA and UC-GA did not provide good enough results on these problems, with an average performance of 10,52%. Thus the hypothesis was rejected.

However, SRC-GA and UC-GA are on average considerably faster than the other heuristics and more importantly they present some very simple operators. Furthermore, they are rather flexible. For further work focusing on large problems, it could be very interesting to make some other hybrid genetic algorithm with Uniform Crossover and the corresponding operators. That would result in an algorithm with a simple crossover and a number of subpopulations that are each maintained parallel instead of serial, as was done here.

Hopefully, it would be able to provide relatively good results more quickly, compared to the one presented in this project.



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Appendix A

Optimal Values for the Problem Instances in Chapter 3

Problem Optimal value kroD100-05 5902 kroD100-10 8553 kroD100-15 9997 kroD100-20 10922 kroD100-25 12173 kroD100-30 13480 kroD100-35 14065 kroD100-40 14542 kroD100-45 14707 kroD100-50 16319


Appendix B

Results of Testing of Repairing Operator in Chapter 4

B.1 Simple Random Crossover

Difference from optimum

Problem Diff. from Diff. from Diff. from Diff. from sizes optimum (%) optimum (%) optimum (%) optimum (%)

32 8,21 23,33 33,49 31,53

44 5.84 17.78 20.5 29.68

60 6.2 18.08 23.63 29.13

80 5.84 14.92 23.59 27.9

Average 6,52 18,53 25,30 29,56

Standard deviation

Problem Std. dev. Std. dev. Std. dev. Std. dev.

sizes σ σ σ σ

32 4,45 5,5 6,17 5,01

44 1,38 2,38 3,62 6,16

60 1.69 4,08 4,26 4,41

80 1,74 5,26 7,13 3,98

Average 2,32 4,31 5,30 4,89