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In document GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY REPORT (Sider 177-181)

The geological surface and shallow geological units presented in this report and related charts, are generally based on the interpretation of the acoustic data obtained, and may include inaccuracies in the interpretation. The interpretation is only substantiated by geotechnical sampling and testing in limited parts of the extent both lateral and vertical. The results from the geotechnical investigations have been used for verification of the geological interpretations and is considered as ground truthing at those locations where collected. Where considered applicable the sampling and testing results have been extrapolated to constitute a base for verifications also in the surroundings.

Not all existing contacts are detectable in the SSS data due to resolution, material, and orientation of the object.

MMT’s recommendations for further planning within the survey corridor areas of the Thor OWF export cable routes are:

 A dedicated UXO survey has not been performed and is strongly recommended prior to the cable installation.

 A full Benthic survey, specifically covering areas of possible marine growth near the landfall sites and in areas of depressions.

 Based on the results presented in this report initial thoughts would point to Route 4 or Route 5 as the preferred export cable route corridor. Here both routes have limited boulder fields, with the majority of the surface sediments consisting of SAND. The SBP data along the four centre lines presents a similar profile for all routes.


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In document GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY REPORT (Sider 177-181)