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Abildgren, M. P., F. L und, U. Thrane & S. E lm h olt (1987): Czapek-D ox agar containing iprodione and dichloran as a selective m edium for the isolation o f Fusarium species. Letters in A pplied M icrobiology 5, 83-86.

Baandrup, M. (1987): Profile o f a new inform ation data base. 4th D anish Plant Protection C onference, W eeds. 223-232. (English summary).

Borkhardt, B. (1987): M itocondrial D N A in the aquatic fungus A llo m yces. C urrent Genetics 12, 149-156.

B rom and, B. (1987): P ests in O ilseed Rape. 4th D anish Plant Protection C onference.

P ests and Diseases. 217-228. (English summary).

B rom and, B. (1987): P ests in agriculture and field vegetables. - 103rd annual report bacterium C orynebacterium sepedonicum in batches of potato tubers. - Com m ission E uropean C om m unities R ep o rt E U R 11288, 21 pp.

Dinesen, Ib G. (1987): D ispersal of potato ring rot (Corynebacterium sepedon icu m ) in the field. Proceedings o f the Sixth international Conference on Plant Pathogenic bacteria, M aryland, 752-755.

Dinesen, I b G . & B e n t L øsch en koh l (1987): T he effect of disinfectants with and w ithout organic material. 4th D anish Plant Protection Conference 1987. Pests and Diseases.

93-100. (English sum m ary).

Hansen, L. M on rad (1987): D evelopm ent of resistance in D anish populations o f Black bean aphids (A p h is fa b a e ). 4th Danish Plant P rotection Conference, P ests and D iseases 257-261. (English sum m ary).

Hansen, L. Stengård (1987): Biological control in D anish glasshouses - extent o f use, application and success, pp. 45-50 in: Cavolloro, R. (ed.): Integrated and biological control in protected crops. Proceedings of a m eeting of EC E xperts’ G roup serological m ethods. 10th T riennial Conference for the E uropean A ssociation for P otato R esearch, Ålborg, D enm ark, 97-98.

Helweg, A . (1987): Nedbrydning af kem ikalier i dybe jordlag. V atten d rag i jordbrukslandskapet - belastning, transport och kvalitet, 46-52.

H elw eg A . (1987): N edbrydning og binding af pesticider i jordlag under rodzonen.

M arkm iljöns betydelse för pesticiders rörlighet och persistens. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, rapport 37, 29-42. ^

Helweg, A . (1987): D egradation and adsorption of C -M C PA in soil - influence of concentration, tem p eratu re and m oisture content on degradation. W eed R esearch 27, 287-296.

H elw eg A . (1987): N edbrydning og adsorption af pesticidkem ikalier i jo rd lag under rodzonen og jordluftens sam m ensæ tning ned til 2 m eters dybde. Tidsskr. Planteavl, B eretning S 1881, 78 pp.

H elw eg A . & S. E lm h olt (1987): The Influence of Sulfonylurea H erbicides on M icrobial Activity in the Soil. International Sulfonylurea Soils W orkshop, W ilm ington, USA, 13-15 O ctober.

H obolth, L ars A . (1987): Particularly noticeable pathogens in 1986. 4th D anish Plant P rotection C onference, Pests and D iseases 101-106. (English summary).

H obolth, Lars A . (1987) co-author on: Hejndorf, Frank & Hobolth, Lars A .: D en

N JF Seminar, No. 124, 27.

H usted, K., B. J. N ielsen, K. Junker, L. N. Jørgensen & H. Elbek-Pedersen (1987):

Fungicide resistance. P resent situation and fungicide strategies for sterol inhibitors in Denm ark. V äxtskyddsrapporter. Jordbruk 48, 46-58.

Jakobsen, J. (1987): Possibilities of using the predatory m ite A m bfyseius barkeri in biological control o f the W estern flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis. 4th Danish Plant Protection C onference, Pests and D iseases 73-79. (English sum m ary).

Jakobsen, J. (1987): T h e im portance o f aphid attacks in spring barley dem onstrated in a semifield experim ent. 4th D anish Plant P rotection Conference, 181-186. (English summary).

Jensen, P. K. (1987): T hresholds for weeds in spring oil seed rape. 4th D anish Plant Protection C onference, Pesticides and environm ent. W eeds. 129-139. (English summary).

Jensen, P. K. (1987): Ø konom iske skadetæ rskler, m uligheder for m indre intensiv ukrudtsbekæ m pelse. A bstract til N JF-Sem inar ’B ekæ m pelsesm idlerne og m iljøet’, U ppsala 3.-4. N ovem ber 1987. kirsebærbladpletsyge i surkirsebæ r. Tidsskr. Planteavl 91, 387-395.

Jørgensen, L. N., B. J. Nielsen, K. Junker, K. H u sted & H. Elbek-Pedersen (1987): N JF Sem inar No. 124. Fungicide resistance. P resent situation and fungicide strategies for sterol inhibitors in D enm ark. Växtskyddsrapporter, Jordbruk 48, 46-58.

Jørgensen, L. N., B. J. Nielsen, E. Falch Petersen & H. Elbek-Pedersen (1987): N JF Sem inar No. 124. Fungicide resistance. P resent situation and fungicide strategies for benzim idazoles in D enm ark. V äxtskyddsrapporter, Jordbruk 48, 59-69.

Jørgensen, L. N. (1987): N JF Sem inar No. 124. Sensitivity o f eyespot (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides) in D enm ark to sterol inhibitors.

V äxtskyddsrapporter, Jo rd b ru k 48, 59-69.

Jørgensen, L. N. tfe B. J. N ielsen (1987): C ontrol o f Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides Septoria spp. and E rysiphe gram inis in wheat, 1986. 4th D anish Plant Protection

Conference 1987. P ests and Diseases. (English sum m ary).

Jørgensen, L. N. (1987): Investigation o f pathotypes and tests for fungicide resistance in eyespot (P seu docercosporella herpotrichoides). 4th D anish Plant Protection Conference 1987. P ests and Diseases. (English sum m ary).

Jørgensen, L. N. & B. J. N ielsen (1987): C ontrol of Dreschlera teres, Rhyncosprium secalis and Erysiphe gram inis in barley, 1986. 4th D anish Plant Protection Conference

1987. Pests and D iseases. (English sum m ary). Ju n e 1987. V äxtskyddsrapporter, Jordbruk 48.

Nielsen, B. J. (1987): Plant disease control strategies. - Experiences and perspective with fungicide resistance. - V äxtskyddsrapporter, Jo rd b ru k 48, 9-12.

Nielsen, B. J., K. Junker, K H usted, L. N. Jørgensen & H. Elbek-Pedersen (1987):

Fungicide resistance. P resent situation and fungicide strategies for sterol inhibitors in D enm ark. - V äxtskyddsrapporter, Jordbruk 48, 46-58.

Nielsen, B. J., L. N. Jørgensen, E. Falch Petersen & H. Elbek-Pedersen (1987): Fungicide resistance. P resent situation and fungicide strategies for benzim idazoles in D enm ark. - V äxtskyddsrapporter, Jordbruk 48, 59-69.

Nielsen, S. L. (1987): Pesticides tested for the control of black currant gall mite ( C ecidophyopsis ribis, Westw.). J. hört. Sei. 62, 27-30.

Nielsen, S. L. (1987): Chem icals tested in the laboratory for the control o f black currant gall m ite (Cecidophyopsis ribis, W estw.). Tidsskr. Planteavl 91, 195-200.

Nielsen, S. L. (1987): C ontrol of black currant gall m ite (Cecidophyopsis ribis, W estw.):

T im e of spraying and spray volume. Tidsskr. Planteavl 91, 195-200. C onference 1987. Pests and Diseases. 27-38. (English summary).

Nielsen, S. L. (1987): R esistance to the dicarboxim ide fungicides. Present situation an d fungicide strateg y in D e n m a rk Sveriges L antbruksuniversitet.

V äxtskyddsrapporter, Jo rd b ru k 48, 70-78.

Noyé, G. (1987): Newly approved herbicides for use in horticulural crops. 4th D anish

Plant Protection C onference. W eeds. 74-79. (English summary).

N oyé, G. (1987): R ep lacem en t chemicals for R eglone. 4th D anish Plant Protection Conference. W eeds. 233-255. (English sum m ary).

Nøddegaard, E. (1987): A pproved fungicides and insecticides. 4th D anish Plant Protection conference. Pests and Diseases. 107-112. (English sum m ary).

Olesen, T. & P. K u d sk (1987): T he influence o f rain on the effect o f chlorsulfuron, fluazifob-butyl and glyphoste chlorsulfuron. 4th D anish P lant Protection Conference. W eeds. 256-266. (English sum m ary).

Paludan, N. (1987): Tissue culture in the plant protection service - possibilities and experience with establishm ent o f healthy plants 4th D anish Plant Protection Conference. P ests and D iseases. 53-61. (English sum m ary).

Paludan, N. & J. Begtrup (1987): Pelargonium x hortorum . Pelargonium flower break virus and tom ato ringspot virus: Infection trials. Symptomatology and diagnosis.

Tidsskr. Planteavl 91, 193-193.

Perm in, O. (1987): M echanical or chemical control of couch (E lym us repens) in the stubble. 4th D anish P lant Protection C onference. W eeds. 154-173. (English summary).

Petersen, E. Juhl (1987): A pproved hercicides on agricultural crops. 4th D anish Plant Protection C onference. W eed. 66-73. (English summary).

Poulsen, G. B. (1987): O ptim al density and osm olality of protoplasts for improved cultural perform ance. P o ster for the 7th International Protoplast Symposium 1987.

Wageningen, H olland.

Rasm ussen, A . N ø h r (1987): A pproved fungicides and insecticides in orchards, nurseries and greenhouses. 4th D anish Plant Protection Conference. Pests and Diseases. 7-12. (E nglish sum m ary).

Rasmussen, A . N ø h r & Jørgen Jakobsen (1987): Chem ical control of W estern flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) on Saintpaulia and G erbera. 4th D anish Plant Protection C onference. Pests and Diseases. 65-72. (English summary).

Samsøe-Petersen, L. in S. A . H assan et al. (1987): R esults o f the third joint pesticide testing program m e by the IO B C /W P R S W orking G roup "Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms", Z . ang. E n t. 103, 92-107.

Samsøe-Petersen, L . (1987): L aboratory m ethod for testing side effects of pesticides on the rove b eetle A leoch ara bilineata - adults. E ntom ophaga 32 (1), 73-81.

Samsøe-Petersen, L. (1987): M etoder til bestem m else af pesticiders effekt over for skadedyr. N ordiske Jordbrugsforskeres Forening, X V III Congress, 1-3 July 1987, N JF 69 (2), 330. Conference. P ests and D iseases. 209-216. (English summary)

Svendsen, O. & E. K irknel (1987): A re pesticides brought into bee-hives. 4th D anish Plant P rotection C onference. W eeds. 35-41. (English summary).

Thinjgaard, Kirsten (1987): Biological control of root pathogenic fungi in glasshouse.

4th D anish Plant P rotection Conference. Pests and Diseases. 81-91. (E nglish summary).

Thinggaard, Kirsten (1987): Pythium and Phytophthora in recirculating watering systems for pot plants. 4th D anish Plant Protection C onference. Pests and D iseases. 39-45.

(English sum m ary).

Thinggaard, Kirsten (1987): A ttack o f D idym ella bryoniae on roots of cucum ber.

Journal of Phytopathology 120, 372-375.

Thomsen, A . (1987): Plum pox - a new virus disease in Denmark. 4th D anish Plant Protection conference. Pests and D iseases. 61-63. (English sum m ary).

Thomsen, A . (1987): V irustest av vedartade växter. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet.

K onsulentafdelingens ra p p o rte r 330, 33-34.

Thomsen, A . (1987): P roduction of virus-free straw berry by meristem cu ltu re in D enm ark. E U 10871 - In vitro culture of straw berry plants. Luxemburg, 39-40.

Thomsen, A . (1987): Poster: Frem stilling af sunde p lanter i Danmark. N JF 18th Congress, Århus.

Vester, J. (1987): D e r biologische Effekt des A bflam m ens in gem üsebau- und landwirtschaftlichen K ulturen in D änem ark. I: Beikrautregulierung statt U nkrautbekäm pfung - M ethoden der m echanischen und thermischen R egulierung.

Ed. B. G eier & M. H ofm ann. Vol. 58 "Alternative Konzepte". C. F. M üller V erlag, K arlsruhe.

Vester, J. (1987): Flam e cultivation for weed control, 2 years results. 4th D anish Plant protection C onference. W eed. 140-153. (English summary).

Welling, B. (1987): Fungal diseases in seed production of grass. 4th D anish Plant Protection C onference. Pests and Diseases. 157-162. (English summary).

Welling B. (1987): Spraying with fungicides and yield relations. International Seed Conference, Tune.

Welling, B., M. S. H oum øller, C. C. Olsen & O. Stölen (1987): Sortsblandinger af vinterbyg 1986 (V ariety m ixtures of w inter barley 1986). Tidsskr. Planteavl 91, 369- 374.