• Ingen resultater fundet

Processing the output

Job no. Units Sec. par. Model

04.10.01,02 Aext – (4.25)

04.10.27,01 mroof,r – (4.25) 04.10.31,08-11 Vroof τroof (4.26)

04.25.17 Aext – (4.25)

04.25.31 Aext dr,i (4.26)

Table 4.8: Parameters and price models used for calculating the cost of constructing the roof.


Qh = 1 1000




(Q0h)i·∆t (4.96)

Qc = 1 1000




(Q0c)i·∆t, (4.97)

where ∆t= 1 h is the sample rate. The effect of internal loads and solar gains are included inQh andQc.

The energy efficiency of the district heating unit is not considered. The energy efficiency of the cooling system must be considered in order to find the amount of electric energy Qc,el it requires. Qc and Qc,el are related through the coefficient of performance (COP) for the cooling system. The COP-valueηc for the cooling system is given by:

ηc= Qc

Qc,el ⇔ Qc,el=Qc

ηc. (4.98)

The energyQwrequired for producing domestic hot water is calculated by assuming that the total volume of the hot water is proportional with the heated floor area Atot. For non-residential buildings, the Danish building regulations [13] assume that 100 liters of hot water is required annually for every m2 of heated floor area.

Therefore, the annual volumeVw of hot water required is

Vw =Atot·100 l/m2, (4.99)

and the massmw of the water is

mw =%w·Atot·100 l/m2, (4.100)

where%w is the density of water. The annual amount of energyQw required for heating the domestic hot water is:

Qw =Cw·∆Tw=mw·cw·∆Tw=%w·Atot·cw·∆Tw·100 l/m2, (4.101) whereCwandcw are the heat capacity and the specific heat capacity, respectively, for the hot water, and where ∆Tw is the temperature difference required for heating the water.

The specific fan power (SFP-value)εvfor the ventilation fan is defined as the ratio between the electrical powerQ0vrequired by the fan and the volume air flowV0:


V0 ⇔ Q0v=V0·εv. (4.102)

The annual amount of electric energyQv for ventilating the building is thus given by:

Qv= 1 1000




(Q0v)i·∆t. (4.103)

The annual amount of energyQl required for artificial lighting is calculated in a similar way as by Nielsen [47], except that the average daylight factor DFavg is assumed to be constant, and thereby independent of the window area. A small value is used in order to provide a conservative estimate ofQl.

Nielsen propose that 2 W of power is used per m2of internal floor area when the average internal illumination levelIavgis between 100 and 500 lux, and that 5 W of power is used per m2whenIavg is below 100 lux, that is:


0 W for Iavg≥500 lux

2 W/m2·Aint for 100 lux≤Iavg<500 lux 5 W/m2·Aint for Iavg<100 lux

, (4.104)

whereQ0lis the power required for lighting. Iavgis related toDFavg in the following way:

Iavg=DFavg·Ih, (4.105)

where Ih is the global illuminance, which can be found in DRY climate data sets. It is assumed that electric lighting is only used when the building is used. Given the DRY data, the daylight factor, and the periods where the building is used, the following parameters can be calculated:

ϕ1 : annual number of hours where 100 lux≤Iavg<500 lux (4.106) ϕ2 : annual number of hours where Iavg<100 lux (4.107) The parametersϕ1andϕ2 only include periods where the building is used.

The following expression is used in order to calculate the annual amount of energy Ql that is required for lighting:

Ql= Aint

1000 2 W/m2·ϕ1+ 5 W/m2·ϕ2


The annual amount of energyQtot required by the building is thus expressed in terms of the output from the performance calculation methods, as well as constants.

Given Qtot, the performance measures EF3, EF2 and EF1 can be calculated using the expressions (4.16), (4.17) and (4.18).

The performance measure Qbe is calculated using the expression (4.21), which requires the heat lossQ0eand the areaAeof the building envelope. The heat lossQ0ethrough the building envelope, not including windows and doors, is given by:


Uwall·(A(1)wall+A(2)wall) +Ur·Aext+Ug·Aext+ Ψf w·Oext

·∆Thl, (4.109) where ∆Thl is the design temperature difference. The area of the building envelopeAe, not including windows and doors, is given by:

Ae=A(1)wall+A(2)wall+ 2·Aext. (4.110)

The expressions required for calculating Ug, Uwall, Ur, Uwin(1) and Uwin(2), are provided in Section 4.3.3. The expressions required for calculatingA(1)wall,A(2)wall andAext are provided in Section 4.3.1.

4.4.2 Performance measures for the indoor environment

The annual number of hours with overheating is calculated by making linear interpolation between the internal air temperaturesTa for the time steps ti, i= 1, . . . ,8760, as illus-trated in Figure 4.12. Overheating occur whenTaexceeds the maximum allowed internal air temperatureTmax.

Only time periods where the building is occupied contribute to the annual number of hours with overheating.

Rounding errors occur when calculatingTa. This must be taken into consideration when calculating time periods with overheating, since Tmax is often used as set point for the cooling system. The effect of rounding errors is that when the cooling system is active, Ta is not exactly equal toTmax, as indicated in Figure 4.12.


Tmax Tmax +ε

Time step ti ti+1

ti-1 Time period with overheating

Time period where cooling system is active

Figure 4.12: An illustration of the method used for calculating the annual number of hours with overheating.

The time periods where overheating occur is therefore not calculated by comparingTa withTmax, but by comparingTawith ˆTmax=Tmax+ε, whereεis a tolerance level. Using ε'10−3K usually provides satisfactory results.

The contribution ∆ti to the annual number of hours with overheating, from the time period ranging fromtitoti+1, is calculated using the following linear interpolation:

a(∆t) =Ti(1−∆t) +Ti+1∆t. (4.111)

The time ∆t, where the interpolated internal air temperature becomes equal to ˆTmax, is given by:

Ti(1−∆t) +Ti+1∆t= ˆTmax ⇔ ∆t=

max−Ti Ti+1−Ti

. (4.112)

The following scheme is used for calculating ∆ti:








0 if the building is empty

0 if Ti <Tˆmax and Ti+1<Tˆmax

1−∆t if Ti <Tˆmax and Ti+1≥Tˆmax

∆t if Ti ≥Tˆmax and Ti+1<Tˆmax

1 if Ti ≥Tˆmax and Ti+1≥Tˆmax

, for i= 1, . . . ,8759. (4.113)

This approach is applied to the simulation results from both thermal zones, which provides the contributions ∆t(1)i and ∆t(2)i , i = 1, . . . ,8759. The annual number of hours with overheating for the two thermal zones, denotedOH(1) andOH(2), respectively, can thus be calculated using the following expressions:





∆t(1)i (4.114)





∆t(2)i (4.115)

The performance measuresDH(1)andDH(2), which are used as very simple measures for the utilization level of natural light, are given by:

DH(1)= wint

h(1)win (4.116)

DH(2)= wint

h(2)win, (4.117)

wherewintis given by the expression (4.47), and whereh(1)win andh(2)win are given by (4.52) and (4.53), respectively.

4.4.3 Performance measures for the economy

Given the unit pricesP ∈Rnjobsfor the construction jobs, the construction costsCconfor the building is given by the following expression:





ui·Pi, (4.118)

whereui is the number of units required for construction jobi. The number of units for the required construction jobs are provided in Tables 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8.

Only the cost of energy is considered when calculating the annual costCop of operating the building. Cop is therefore given by:

Cop=pel·Qel+pdh·Qdh, (4.119)

wherepelandpdhare energy prices for electrical energy and energy supplied by the district heating system, respectively.