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iterated over and the corresponding x, y and z positions of the bézier curve is found, using equation 3.1. As the cubic bézier only affects the curves in the xz-plane, we do not set the y value. However this one is set by the random height function, further explained in section 4.6.3.

4.8 Pipeline

Almost all of our procedural objects are depending on the user defined path. In fact the road, tunnels and bridges all depend on the shape that is defined in the input.

The biggest challenge in creating all our path dependant objects, was creating the correct pipeline between these ones.


Figure 4.8: Pipeline of calling of mesh generation

As seen Figure4.8we have the following 5 steps:

1. We start off by generating all midpoints of the roads. After this, we have the initial (x,y,z) values of the midpoints. The reason we start by doing this, is because we have randomized heights for the roads, and transition to the crossings. The roads then send their first and last y-coordinates to the crossings

2. The crossings receive all these y-coordinates, and calculates the average of these, in order to find its own y-coordinate. Once this is found it sends it back to the roads

3. The roads then calculate a transition, so the heights match with the height of the crossing

4. With all midpoints having the right coordinates, we create the meshes. In this step we do all terrain checks to find out if we are to create bridges, tunnels or just simply roads. When all meshes have been generated, the start and end vertices of the roads are sent to the crossings, so it can build itself.

5. The crossing uses the vertices of the roads to generate itself, and thereby makes it look connected.

4.9 Road

As explained in section 3.9, we construct the road as a single triangle strip.

However as seen just before we do the road generation in more passes.

4.9.1 Midpoints

The first step is receiving the midpoints from the curve fitting, and use them to create the shape of the road. This step is fairly simple, we advance little by little on the curve defined by the spline coordinates. As explained in section3.6 the amount of steps we use for the road has been passed by the DFS class, and depend on the total amount of points used to calculate the midpoints. However those only give (x,z) coodinates, and we still need the coordinate. The y-coordinate is pseudo-randomly (as explained in section4.6.3) generated so that it fits with the (x,z) coordinates around it.

In the end we store all the points in a list to use later. This list is added to a list of lists. This one is used to store all the segments so we can create the actual road meshes later.

4.9.2 Mesh

Now that we have all midpoints stored in the list of lists, we will focus on generating the road meshes of all segments, and making them fit together to seem as one.

4.9 Road 55 Road mesh

The way we create the road mesh (Figure 4.9), is by making the orienting vector from one midpoint to the next, however only in the (x,z) plane. This one is normalized, and multiplied by a road width. We then take its hat vectors (the perpendicular vectors), and apply them to the first midpoint. The two new points, are our vertex points and get stored in a list of all vertices.

Figure 4.9: Illustration of the way we create a road mesh

The calculation of the texture coordinate is partitioned into two: the x and y coordinate. The x coordinate is either 0 or 1. It is 0 on the left vertex and 1 on the right vertex. The y coordinate uses the distance between two control points, divides it by a constant (to make it look fluid) and increments this value gradually. Transitions

In unlucky cases we can have a big difference between the last orienting vector of one segment, and the first orienting vector of the nextg. Therefore we remember the last orienting vector, and pass it to the next road segment. This one will lerp between the previous orienting vector, and the calculated one in the first three steps. The influence of the previous orienting vector gets smaller and smaller, so you don’t notice the transition.

This method works as we take a varying amount of steps for the bézier calcu-lation, so the distance between one point and the next is always close to being the same. Road widths

Having calculated the road widths for each segments, we are now interested in using the correct one. We decided to once again use a lerping function which would transition between the road width of the previous segment, this segment’s road width, and the next segment’s road width.

Given segments 1, 2 and 3, coming after each other respectively. The first half of segment 2, is used to transition between the road width of segment 1 and 2.

The second half is used to transition between the road width of segment 2 and 3. Therefore you get the calculated road width of a segment only in the middle, and the rest is the transition between the different segments. Illustration of this can be seen on Figure4.10.


Figure 4.10: The three segments with their road widths interpolated. Road Types

In order to make sure the terrain doesn’t cross with the roads we need to lower or raise the terrain to fit the height of the road (as explained in section 4.6).

The goal is to control the terrain height and the road, in the areas where there is road, and change the type of the road, where the difference is too big.

The way we do it is by checking case of each check point. Then we check whether the point is higher or lower than the terrain. All those cases are stored,