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Patterns for track relay behaviour

Patterns for external behaviour and safety

7.1 Patterns for external behaviour

7.1.1 Patterns for track relay behaviour

This section will discuss two different approaches to changing the status of track relays. The two approaches can be characterised asrandom track relay behaviour andordered track relay behaviour.

The following sections will look deeper into the two approaches.

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Figure 7.2: Interaction between internal relays and the external world using rules for external behaviour Random track relay behaviour

Track relays monitor the status of the track circuits of the station. For instance, a track relay is down if there is a train on the track circuit it is linked to.

However, having trains occupying track sections is not the only way of changing tracks relays. If a piece of metal falls on a track circuit, it might short-circuit the current running through the track circuit, causing the track relay to drop.

With this in mind, one can argue that the behaviour of the track relays does not only depend on train movements: a track relay can go down any time, even though a train does not occupy the track circuit monitored by it.

The consequence of this observation is random track relay behaviour. When the system is idle, any track relay can change its state. A transition rule for changing the state of a track relay t might be:

[ randomT ] idle→idle0=false, t0=∼t

Similar transitions can be introduced for every track relay of a station.

7.1 Patterns for external behaviour 110 Ordered track relay behaviour

The advantage of having a random track relay behaviour is that it will include states where abnormal things happen, like a piece of metal falling down on a track section. The disadvantage is that it does not model train movements.

Proving that trains neither derail nor collide will therefore be indirect compared to proving that two trains do never occupy the same track circuit at the same time.

If one wishes to include train movements inside the transition system, assump-tions about trains must be introduced. Trains may have different lengths, im-plying that the number of track circuits a train is able to occupy at the same time varies from train to train.

In this section, we will assume the following properties about trains:

• Trains can at most occupy two track circuits at a time.

• Trains follow the track layout while moving.

• Trains respect the aspects displayed by the signals (see section 2.2.2 for more details about signals).

• Trains in general follow a direction while driving through a station. At some track circuits, a train might be able to change direction, but this will not apply to all the track sections. Shunting is not modelled.

• Trains follow the points, i.e. drive in the direction of which the points are directed.

Track relays are not enough to represent train movements because they do not indicate any direction. Therefore, movement rules for trains must be able to access and modify information on the direction of a train. There are at least two different ways of storing this information. One approach is to represent trains inside the transition system. A train might have a position and a direction.

Another approach is to model the positions of trains. Instead of representing a specific train occupying a specific track, one can represent that there is a train on a given track in a given direction without knowing which train.

There are two main advantages of the second approach:

• The first advantage is that it will give a smaller state space: assume that we use the first approach and have two trains, train1 and train2.

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Furthermore, assume we have track sections track1 and track2. In one state of the system, train1 might be on track1 and train2 on track2.

In another state of the system,train2 might be ontrack1 andtrain1 on track2. The two states will have the same effect on the interlocking system and will both be in the state space. The second approach will not include such equivalent states, because it does not distinguish betweentrain1 and train2.

• The second advantage is that the second approach does not have a limited number of trains.

Therefore, the rest of this section will refer to the second approach. The strategy of it is illustrated in figure 7.3. The movement rules will use the position of the points and the status of the signal relays combined with the current train positions (i.e. information on where trains are located on the track circuits and their direction, together with the track relays) for deciding the next possible movement of a train. When a train moves, the train positions will be updated.

The patterns for the movement rules will be given in the following order: first rules for linear track circuits, then rules for points.

Movements on linear track circuits:

Consider figure 7.4 which shows an artificial station with an entrance signal A, an exit signal B, and two track sections, T1 and T2, monitored by track relays t1 and t2 respectively. For that station, one can introduce the following variables indicating train positions for movements from A to B:

T1 AtoB : Bool := false, T1 T2 AtoB : Bool :=false, T2 AtoB : Bool := false

Having T1 AtoB =true will indicate that there is a train on track circuitT1 and it is moving fromAtoB. Similar, having T1 T2 AtoB =truewill indicate that a train is on both T1 andT2 and is moving fromAto B.

If trains were allowed to move from B to A, one could introduce the similar variables:

T2 BtoA : Bool :=false, T2 T1 BtoA : Bool := false, T1 BtoA : Bool :=false

7.1 Patterns for external behaviour 112

Figure 7.3: Interaction between internal relays and the external world using train movement rules

7.1 Patterns for external behaviour 113

Figure 7.4: An ordered track relay behaviour for an artificial station. SignalA is an entrance signal and signalB is an exit signal for the station.

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For instance, having T1 BtoA =truewould indicate that a train is onT1 and is moving fromB toA.

In figure 7.4, the track circuits are initially free, as they are supposed to be in the normal state. A rule for letting a train enter the station fromAcould be:

[ insertTrainA ] idle∧aGreen→

idle0 =false, T1 AtoB0=true, t10 =false

The rule inserts a train if signalAis green (i.e. signalAdisplays adriveaspect).

It updates the train positionT1 AtoBand makes track relayt1 drop by setting t1 to false. If there is already a train in the positionT1 AtoB, the new train will not be taken into consideration because the variable can only tell that there is a train, but not how many trains there are. However, the situation will be equivalent to having a collision and one has to verify that this situation never happens (see section

The rest of the rules for train movements fromAtoB are:

[ t1AtoB ]

t1AtoB and t1t2AtoB make the train move towards B and occupy and free track circuits corresponding to the pattern shown in figure 7.4. t2AtoB makes the train leave the station if signal B is green. Similar rules can be made for movements in the other direction. This would, however, require the introduction of an entrance signal and an exit signal for movements fromB toA.

Movements on points:

If a station includes points, the train movement rules should be able to send the

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Figure 7.5: The possible positions of a points and two signals associated with it. For trains to enter the point fromT1 andT2, the signalsC andD must be green respectively.

7.1 Patterns for external behaviour 116

train in different directions depending on the position of the points. An example of a point that is linked to two linear track circuits can be seen in figure 7.5.

When a train approaches pointP from the left, three things can happen:

• If the point is in the plus position, the point will direct the train toT2.

• If the point is in the minus position, the point will direct the train toT1.

• If the point is in the intermediate position, the train will derail.

The movements from P to T1 and T2 there can therefore be represented by the following position variables:

• P right, indicating that the train is onP and is moving towardsT1 orT2.

• P T1 right, indicating that the train is on P and on T1 and is moving towardsT1.

• P T2 right, indicating that the train is on P and on T2 and is moving towardsT2.

• T1 right, indicating that the train is onT1 and is moving away fromP.

• T2 right, indicating that the train is onT2 and is moving away fromP.

There is no reason for representing the intermediate position: if a train is on a point that is in the intermediate position, a safety property should detect that a derailing is happening (see section

Similar train positions can be constructed for the movements fromT1 andT2 to P.

SupposeplusP andminusP are the relays that are drawn if and only ifP is in the plus position and minus position respectively. Also, suppose thatp,t1, and t2 are the track relays that monitor track circuitsP, T1, andT2 respectively.

The movement rules for movements from left to right can then be defined as:

[ P right plus ]

idle∧plusP∧P right→ idle0 =false,

P right0=false,

7.1 Patterns for external behaviour 117

When a train is moving fromT1 andT2 towardsP, the train will either occupy P or derail ifP is not in the required position. Therefore, the movement rules in that direction should not consider the position of P. However, they must consider the signals that allow the train to enter a point.

Suppose a signal relaycGreen is drawn when signalC displays adrive aspect.

Also, suppose T1 left represents that there is a train onT1 driving towardsP and that T1 P left represents that there is a train onP andT1 driving away fromT1. A movement rule that allows a train to enterP from T1 can then be formulated in the following way:

[ T1 left ]

7.1 Patterns for external behaviour 118 Conclusion

In this section two kinds of track relay behaviour were introduced:

• Random track relay behaviour: Any track circuit can be occupied or free at any time.

• Ordered track relay behaviour: Track circuits are occupied by trains follow-ing movement rules. These rules are based on assumptions about trains, e.g. that a train can at most occupy two track circuits at a time.

Due to the simplicity of the rules forrandom track relay behaviour it can easily be applied to any station and will include situations where a track circuit appears to be occupied even though there is no train at the station.

Ordered track relay behaviour requires analysis of the track layout before formu-lating the movement rules and does not include the states where track circuits are not occupied by trains. However, ordered track relay behaviour allows for direct verification of some of the basic safety goals described in section 2.3.1:

trains do not collide and trains do not derail.

In general, it must be concluded that random track relay behaviour will cover every possible combination of track relay changes while ordered track relay be-haviour only covers a subset of these. This subset can be increased by adding trains with different lengths to the system. However, doing so might not scale very well, because movement variables should be added for each possible train length. This will increase the state space, the number of variables, and the number of transition rules.

One should also consider the length of the track circuits of a station in order to increase realism. For instance, it may not be realistic that a train at some point only occupies a point.

Therefore, arandom track relay behaviour might be preferable even though the safety properties related to it are not directly related to the basic safety goals.