• Ingen resultater fundet

The use of the basic action loop in order to model the organization interaction in the CIS helps to understand and represent different situations with a common action and coordination language, like the B2B system, but need to

be tested in more application domains. The explicit and implicit analysis and specification where the system

engineer may be managing the structure complexity and the system dynamics with the use of CPN. The use of

fusion place, for modeling the system hierarchically, is a viable solution for representing the communication

simultaneous interactions among agents. An attractive area is business to consumer (B2C) systems, which are high dependent of the user decisions in the interactive model, and may required to consider temporal and fuzzy aspects that need to be modeled with the IMCIS.


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Systems with the Object Coordination Net Approach





Abstract. Object-orientedmodellingistoday themainstreamapproachfor tacklingthe



in considerableproblemsinthe domainof distributed systems.A moreexibleand open


their goalsratherthanexplicitlydelegatetasks havetherefore beenproposedtoovercome


to be integrated and ne graininteractionis often better modelled using the traditional

explicit delegation style. Therefore, in practice a purely agent-oriented approach is not


basedonUMLnotations employingaspecialtypeofhigh-levelPetri-Netsthatpermitsto


to demonstratehowitsupportsthecrucialaspectsofdistributedsystem designbymeans


1 Introduction


prob-lem. When distributed systems are considered their specic nature further results in a set of

additional problems not present when designing traditional single computer systems. Roughly

stating these are the phenomena of distribution, heterogeneity, coordination, resource

manage-ment,andpartialfailures.Aratherimplicitresultingpropertyisconcurrencythat addsitsshare


using available technologies, others remain inherent and have to be tackled in a more explicit


transparency oered by today's middleware systems. For the remaining aspects no comparable






Based on the success of object-oriented programming, object-oriented analysis (OOA) and

object-orienteddesign(OOD) [31,36] havebeendeveloped.Incontrastto structuredanalysis an


objectsand theirtypes(classes) aremorestable withrespectto requirementanddesignchanges

emphasisingthe directmappingconcept(cf. [22]).Thus, theobject-orientedparadigmisamore


However,the main principles of object-orientation can be employed in quite dierent ways.

One concept is data-driven design [31].It starts during analysis with a domain model which is


Incontrastto data-drivendesigntheconceptofresponsibility-drivendesign[36] triesto identify

responsibilities and map them to classes rather than use classes to represent data elements of

the problem domain. Therefore, it avoids both centralised and overly distributed designs. The

The dierent responsibilities of a class can be further structured when dierent roles [29] are

distinguished.Theyallowto consider dierentresponsibilities in isolationandthereforeimprove

the separation in a design. Role and responsibility-driven design therefore results in a suitable





is also appropriate for variability and adaptability, because changes will only eect other parts

whenthechangesaresodrasticthat overallcoordinationrequires adjustment.


approachforthedesignofdistributed systems(cf.[9]).Theseamlesssupportforallphases,from



to explicitlyknownsubordinatedobjects,resultsofteninatootightcoupling.Agentshavebeen

proposed for a long time [2,34] as an alternative approach that due to the inherent autonomy

of each agent avoids this drawbacks of the object-oriented approach. Today, bothconcepts are

not further considered as contradicting paradigms. Instead, agents are rather understood as a


Inagent-orientedmodellinganagentis characterisedbyitsreactiveandproactivenature,its

autonomywithrespecttostateandbehaviour.Anagentisfurther situatedinsomeenvironment

(cf. [38]).Whilecompared withdata-drivendesigntheagentparadigmisquitedierent,a


agentautonomy and its context awareness. Therefore agent technology canbebetter combined



Agentsaretodaynolongerproposedwithaclosedworldassumptionin mind. Wooldridgeet

al.[39]insteadnote thatagent-baseddesignand techniques areoftenmoresuitableemployedat

thecoarse-grainviewof asystemratherthanat itsne-grainview.Therefore,theagentconcept


done using object-oriented technologies or special purpose agent languages.The agent-oriented




The agent paradigm currently evolves from a programming language technology to

agent-oriented software engineering [8]. Therefore, modelling techniques are required which support,

besidesthe pure agent-orientedstyle, the combination with traditionally build systems. This is

not only requiredfor legacy systemintegration. It is also reasonable to ensure, that the


buildin andobject-orientedstyle.

The presented Object Coordination Net approach (OCoN) oers an object-oriented design


conceptis aspecialtypeof high-levelPetri-Netsthat permitsto modeldistributed systems






range of protocols. The contractsare further smoothly integrated into thelanguage and ensure



2.Then,anexampleis presentedandseveraldesignalternativesand theirsystematicevaluation

arediscussed(seeSection3).RelatedworkiscomparedinSection4andanal conclusioncloses


TheObject-Coordination-Net(OCoN)approachintroduced in[37]providestherequired



de-scriptions based on Petri-Nets [6]. The approach further seamlessly integrates the concepts of


thereaderto befamiliarwiththemostimportantdiagramsoftheUML (oritspredecessors)and



In order to integratetheapproachwith the suitableparts of theUML [26] weadd only

spe-cicelementsas wellas newdiagrams where necessary(see Figure1). Whendealingwith static

structurethiscanbedoneusingtheUML extensionmechanisms.Thecommoninterfacenotionis

extendedto contractsby aso-calledprotocol net (PN) tospecifynonuniformserviceavailability.

Theyare used to specify externallyvisible behaviourand to decouplesystemsbyclearly


concept into aUML class diagram (see Figure 1contract Contract1). In class diagrams we will

sometimesonlyusethe UMLinterfaceshortcut(circle withinterface name)insteadofthis

com-pletestereotype.Aclassmayprovidemultiple contractsto theoutsidewhichhavetobefullled




resourceallocation net(RAN)asvisualised forclassContractImpl in Figure1.If asingleservice


by a so-called service net (SN), otherwisea method implemented, e.g.,using Javacan be used

whichprovidesaninterfacetolegacycode.A servicenetisanalogouslyintegratedusingaservice

stereotype(seeFigure1serviceContractImpl::op1).Notethatin contrasttohierarchicalcoloured

