• Ingen resultater fundet

8 Method descriptions and experiments


8.6.6 Observation, comparison

In terms of studying the phenomenon of stigmergy, the physical provided useful experience. Most input for the agents during construction was from the formation of the structure itself. It was primarily information embedded in the structure that guided the growth. However, the physical structure grew only partly based on local rules. This was due to the fact that the agents all the time during the building process were studying and discussing the development of the structure, and could take on individual goals.

These additional goals were generally on a global level, reversing to a top-down approach. This could be to finish a type of bridge part or to establish a fully enclosing surface. Since these goals in some cases were reminiscent of patterns recognised in the termite mounds, it became difficult to separate the top-down guided growth parts from the more bottom-up controlled parts. So, in terms of analysing the result of rule-based growth the physical model did not reveal any clear conclusions. Furthermore, the conditions set for the agent behaviour were not strong enough to guide the actions. The most successful behavioural goal was the structural aspect, which was inevitable, even though the components were light. The spatial division easily became a top-down goal, where the light conditions in the environment were undefined and since the construction was placed in an interior space, the wind conditions were a difficult parameter.

Testing the potential of the principle in a new physical context, would benefit from a more rigid definition of the rules for growth and clearer measures for positive and negative consequences of placing each component, seen in the light of the separate goals, that the agents are predestined to follow. Also, it would help the experiment to define specific goals for the construction as a whole, even though these goals should be hidden from the constructing agents. This would establish a situation more similar to, for instance, a termite mound, where the overall goal is the survival of the colony, but the individual termites only work from a simple set of behavioural rules, not ‘knowing’ anything about the general goal.

Having pointed out the lack of bottom-up approach in the physical realisation process, it could be said that the digital method, described earlier, only deals with a very limited set of goals.

Figure 18: Agent Construction. States of the building process. The builders could decide which growth possibilities were effectuated.

Figure 19: Agent Construction model.

Patterns emerged during construction.

Compared with a termite mound, the experiment is immensely less complex. Still, it displays some essential potential in using these types of self-organisation in architecture. The process of negotiation between inner algorithmic logic and performance criteria is one of the more fundamental qualities provided by generative techniques.

Some of the limitations in the example are listed in the following points:

1. The tectonic simplicity. In terms of tectonic principle, the component could be described as either extremely abstract or as very simple. Also, the underlying lattice, which ensures that all components can join, results in a rigid system. The system could perhaps embed differentiation in terms of local scaling, but to gain the full potential of the generative system, a more versatile geometric principle could be developed. Perhaps a combination, where the lattice is understood as a freeform surface, where the growth takes place, could be possible.

2. Sun radiation as single performance parameter. A new generation of the tool would start to adopt other types of parameters, such as structure or spatial experience. An obvious next step would be to set up zones where the façade system strives towards openness, for instance if the inhabitants need view to the outside.

3. Limited implementation of feedback systems. In the current tool, only the implemented sun position calculation affects the generative process. It would be a logic step to link the process with other types of analytic tools, such as climatic analysis.

However, the experiment did document some important potential in use of generative techniques. The DLA principle appeared to be a useful starting point for certain types of self-organising tectonics. Its basic simplicity allowed great variation in the growth process, due to additional parameters. It was possible establish a negotiation between the embedded organisational logic and the external conditions, in this case the sun radiation. This allowed simultaneous appearance of the algorithmic pattern and performance improvement.


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1. Introduction

Figure 4: Herzog & De Meuron, ‘Ciudad del Flamenco, Unfold-ed Tower elevation’, El Croquis 129/130, 2004

Figure 5: Herzog & De Meuron, ‘Ciudad del Flamenco’, Facade mockup. El Croquis 129/130, 2004

Figure 6: Herzog & De Meuron, Campus Tree Village. ‘Unfolded Courtyard elevation’. El Croquis 129/130, 2004