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Limitations and Future Research

In document 2. Literature Review ... 7 (Sider 92-100)

6. Conclusion

6.3 Limitations and Future Research

Touching upon the limitations of our study, we are solely focusing on the swapping and renting models in the fashion industry and therefore, the findings are not applicable to other industries neither to other collaborative consumption models, such as leasing or co-designing.

Furthermore, it should be highlighted that the phenomenon of collaborative consumption can be understood as a current topic that is evolving continuously and therefore the concepts of swapping and renting are flexible to changes. As a consequence, the collected data can be assumed to mostly be relevant around the period of our research, as the consumers’ perceptions and attitudes most likely will change accordingly to the evolvement of the phenomenon.

Another limitation with our study is the delimitation to young Swedish consumers. Focusing on Sweden might have an impact on the transferability to other countries that are beyond a Swedish socio-cultural context. Therefore, we propose that future research should include other nationalities and age groups in order to widen the understanding of the perceptions and attitudes that consumers hold towards the concepts.

Additionally, as aforementioned, previous scholarly attention on the concept of collaborative fashion consumption is rather limited. When conducting research on the subject, several interesting topics emerged that could be studied further. For instance, consumers’ deeply rooted perception of a marketplace can be a topic for further investigation. How can their perception be transformed in order for new consumption models to be accepted? Moreover, in order to get a deeper understanding of consumer behaviour and further insights regarding the perceptions in collaborative fashion consumption, ethnographical research could be performed in an experimental setting to test and explore consumer behaviour.

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