• Ingen resultater fundet

Implications for future research

Research in chronic post-torture pain is lacking in all areas and as of today there are more questions than answers. The lack of such research is unfor-tunate since it could significantly advance theory development and impro-ve treatment efficacy. Research in chronic pain and pain-related disability should therefore be clinical relevant, aiming at identifying relationships between pain and a number of clinical, functional, and psychosocial fac-tors as well as theoretical, focusing on pain aetiology and development of validated assessment methods.

In order that pain are more effectively managed in the overall rehabilita-tion of torture survivors, an increased knowledge on the following aspects is needed:

1. The magnitude, character and cross-cultural aspects of chronic pain in torture populations including time aspects and natural courses of pain.

2. Pain mechanisms subserving chronic pain conditions following torture and the relation with applied torture methods and specific torture indu-ced lesions.

3. The relation between chronic pain and maladaptive responses of prolon-ged stress in survivors of torture.

4. Prediction of pain and pain outcome following treatment in torture populations based on relationships between clinical, functional, psycho-behavioural and psychosocial factors.

Development of multidimensional assessment instruments validated to as-sess pain and pain associated dysfunction in torture populations will be a prerequisite. In the light of the global extent of pain problems among tor-ture survivors assessment methods, applicable in different socio-cultural settings and adaptable to differences in treatment traditions and preferen-ces, and available resourpreferen-ces, should be prioritised.


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