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6.6 Future Research

The earlier in the design process that a proposed concept can be tested on consumers, the better.

As noted in paper 2, the expenses involved in making changes to a design concept rise as the design process moves along. It would therefore be of great interest to determine whether the proposed methods can be effective in an artificial setting, where sketches could be tested as 3D images or a VR film.

The test stores utilized in this project are fully realized projects, which cost considerable sums to implement. But with the rate of technological development in this area, it won't be long before 3D sketches will be usable in the contexts described here. One can already experience approximations of this level of technology at design conferences and conventions today. Designers will, with accelerating pace and intensifying authenticity be able to present and test projects in virtual environments, without needing to build them first.

VR technologies have already gained a solid foothold as presentation tools. With films and pictures of virtual models, designers can give clients a spatial experience of how a future interior will feel (WebVR 2017; Architects 2016). Drawbacks such as low resolution, cumbersome 3D glasses, and relatively high costs will certainly be reduced with time. At Hong Kong Business of Design Week in December, 2017, I experienced virtual projections inside a 3 meter by 3 meter white box (HKU imseCAVE). With a pair of light 3D glasses and an antenna that calibrated the user's movements in the space, one could move freely through a virtual large and luxurious apartment, despite being in a small box in a convention hall. From here it seems a small jump to the applications we are talking about here.

The same kind of technology will certainly be able to test remodel or refurbishing projects in existing stores (Lowe’s 2017). With AR technology, it will be possible to place a client, or a consumer, in an existing space and present them with a new wall surface, an adjusted arrangement of furniture, new furniture, or a new collection of products (Augmented World Expo 2018). Tests of potential designs will be able to be carried out in this way, without building anything first. It is also easy to imagine that technology will be able to provide a more holistic experience in online shopping, and that brands and retailers will be able to create better symbiosis between virtual and physical shopping environments.

A final limitation is that the method proposed in this dissertation has been tested exclusively in

investigate, to see whether similar results can be obtained. There are numerous contexts where interior space has a spillover effect onto an object or an experience—music in a concert hall, for example, food in a restaurant, or services in hotels or institutions.


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A Philosophical Investigation 3. Morten Knudsen

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En systemteoretisk analyse of mo-derniseringen af et amtskommunalt sundhedsvæsen 1980-2000

4. Lars Bo Jeppesen

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5. Barbara Dragsted


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Strategisk Økonomistyring 9. Annemette Kjærgaard

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11. Søren Jeppesen

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– på sporet af mønstre og samarbejde i danske forskningsintensive virksom-heder

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19. Thomas Lyse Hansen

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10. Vivienne Heng Ker-ni

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11. Allan Mortensen

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Itinerario sull’idea del valore cognitivo e espressivo della metafora e di altri tropi da Aristotele e da Vico fino al cognitivismo contemporaneo 13. Anders McIlquham-Schmidt

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11. Tine Aage

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