Despite the promising findings from the present research study, further investigation on a number of issues is required to fully understand the potentials and limitations of ventilative cooling method and control strategies within building design of energy renovated single-family houses, in temperate climatic conditions.
This research study has examined the combination of a number of different widely applied, well-known, and defined energy renovation measures of building elements, in terms of overheating risk, severity, and duration. Recently, the building industry has presented and promoted a number of new materials and construction techniques for energy renovations, with high market potential in the future. The impact of these new products and techniques to the energy balance of the dwellings during the cooling period is recommended for further investigation. Special interest should be given to products oriented specifically to the heating or cooling seasons. In addition, the effect of the energy renovation measures to other types of residential buildings (like apartments and multi-family buildings) is also suggested to be further examined.
The developed automated window opening control system, with the integrated heuristic passive cooling control strategies and algorithms, has been developed for specific climatic conditions and building type. The application of the system to dwellings with different layouts and structures and for different climatic conditions must be one of the future targets of the development team. The comparison of the developed control algorithms with others, suggested by model predictive control optimization analysis (neural networks) or RBC algorithms from different constructor in the developed coupled BPS environment would highlight the optimum solution and the “energy and comfort penalty gab” for every examined case. For the examined case study, the window system only controls a small part of the available air flow components of the house. A full control of the window and ventilation openings of the house and possible integration with other automated systems (e.g. occupancy detectors and others) would detect non-identified performance advantages or barriers of the system. Occupancy behavior on automate window control systems should also be examined in detail in the future (e.g. log books for specific decisions, as far as the temperature set points and the override actions). The energy penalty from the use of window systems during heating season and transition months, for indoor air quality reasons, in comparison with the mechanical ventilation systems use should also be calculated.
Overheating incidents inside transition months and heating season cannot be cumulated equally in metrics with incidents inside peak summer months. In addition, undercooling incidents during night time in bedrooms seems to be a minor issue. More research with different temperature thresholds, occupancy profiles, climates, and building types-geometries should be conducted in the future for the verification of the
recommended statistical relationships. Verification of the models with real data sets from single-family houses in temperate climatic conditions is also suggested. Similar statistical analysis may be conducted also for discomfort metrics including also undercooling incidents.
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