• Ingen resultater fundet

4 . Methodology

9. Final remarks

This final section reviews the thesis and gives a critical assessment of its strengths and limitations. It also suggest how further research can complement the knowledge produced by this present work.

This thesis contributes to the literature on the human right to water in that unlike previous literature, it focuses on a corporate actor and its responsibility to respect the human right to water in its global value chains. Furthermore, the thesis enriches the existing business and human rights approach literature by using global value chain governance theory and global governance theory to concretise the notion of leverage. Finally, this novel use of these two strands of global political economy literature informs new ways to apply classic theories to new issues.

In terms of its tangible usefulness, its provides concrete advice for Coop to follow in order for the company to improve its corporate respect of the human right to water in its global value chains for avocados, and may in fact also inform other similar corporate actors about the way in which to ensure the respect of the human right to water.

However, being a case study of a single firm and a specific product, it renders only limited indications about how other companies might improve their corporate respect of the human right to water. Moreover, the thesis does not cover the remediation mechanisms that should also be set up in order for a firm to fulfil its responsibility towards human rights. The thesis is thus not without its limitations.

Further research could address these shortcomings by examining how other firms address human rights risks related to the right to water. In that respect, inspecting the effect of agriculture on the human right to water is likely to be a potent research area to cover. Indeed, violations of the human right to water such as the ones that arose in Petorca, Chile are likely to occur in other regions of the world and be linked to other products. Finally, addressing the challenges attached to remediation should also be researched and overcome if firms are to fully live up to their responsibility to respect the human right to water.


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