• Ingen resultater fundet

Discussion of Valuation

In document Valuation of Statoil ASA (Sider 119-166)

Part VII: Conclusion & Discussion

7.2 Discussion

7.2.4 Discussion of Valuation

The fourth and last part of our valuation relates to the actual valuation of Statoil. Essentially, this section consists of a calculation of the weighted average cost of capital and valuation using the DCF model, scenarios and sensitivity analysis.


When calculating the cost of capital, we find that there are several aspects that can bias the result of the valuation. First of all, the choice of risk free rate. Essentially, the risk free rate should be based on currency which the majority of the firm’s cash flow is denominated in (Koller, Goedhart, & Wessels, 2010). In this relation it is worth mentioning that Statoil has a large portion of debt in other currencies such as Euro, GBP and USD. Despite this, Statoil recognizes a high level of risk relating to currency fluctuations (Statoil ASA, 2016a).

Using this argument we chose the Norwegian 10 year government bonds as a proxy for risk free rate. Second, the beta value can also be a relatively difficult measure to find. Initially, the common approach is to compare the firm performance to a market index. The downside to this is that this only yields a beta based on historical values and not a forward-looking estimate. As a result, we chose to incorporate the historical regressed beta value with a framework called MASCOFLAPC. However, this also adds the risk of omitting or downplaying what affects operating and financial risk. Also, the MASCOFLAPEC is a very subjective framework, which in turn can bias the outcome.

Our choice of valuation model was based on the argument that the DCF model is of the most common models as it values the company based on the actual cash flows the firm generates (Koller, Goedhart, & Wessels, 2010). However, this choice is also not without risk of making mistakes. First of all, the DCF model assumes perpetuity in future cash flows. Essentially, we see that this is not a true assumption for oil and gas.

Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that the oil and gas industry has not been given an expiry date yet. Also, we don’t believe that a large firm like Statoil is going to shut down its operations and liquidate its assets at a specific date. Instead, we have discussed the implications of Statoil’s strategic choices of entering the renewable segment. Consequently, we assume that a possible future decline in the oil and gas operations of Statoil will be partly offset by an increase in alternative business areas.

The scenario and sensitivity analysis aims at presenting how sensitive Statoil is to changes in different variables of the valuation. First of all, an extensive valuation could include a much larger sample of scenario analyses and concluding on a valuation based on assigning probabilities to each scenario (Koller, Goedhart, & Wessels, 2010). Second, our sensitivity analysis only accounts for changes in a given number of variables. To truly find all the aspects that Statoil is sensitive to, we would have to apply changes to a larger number of variables.

Nevertheless, considering that our valuation is a master thesis and a combination of strategic and financial analysis, we find it too extensive for us to calculate a larger number of scenarios. Also, we do find our approach to give a sufficient and valuable impression of how sensitive Statoil is to different variables.



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