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Development and implementation of the EUROS model for policy support in Belgium

Development and implementation of the EUROS model for

Implementation at IRCEL for policy support

• development of a user friendly input/output user interface (work carried out a the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons),

• preliminary study for the development of an impact module (impact on public health and vegetation).

Principal results

We have compared the mixing height evolution at Bilthoven (The Netherlands) for August 1997 estimated in 3 different ways: (1) from the parameterisation used in the photo-chemical smog model EUROS, developed at RIVM (van Loon, 1996), (2) as derived by VITO from the ECMWF vertical profiles using a Richardson number method, (3) from the LIDAR measurements at RIVM.

Methods used for the determination of the mixing height

1. EUROS Parameterization. In EUROS, the MH is calculated from from the friction velocity (u*), the Monin-Obukhov length (L) and the surface sensible heat flux (hs), using simple parameterizations found in the literature (Nieuwstadt, 1981; Holtslag and Westrhenen,1989;

Tennekes, 1973). Distinct parameterizations are used in stable, neutral and unstable conditions. The surface meteorological parameters u, L, and hs are calculated using a software library developed at KNMI (Beljaars and Holtslag, 1990). Input parameters are wind velocity (at 10 m for example), surface air temperature (at 2 m), aerodynamic roughness length and cloud cover from synoptical observations. Input data are taken from the gridded NCAR synop observations (referred to as ODS, observational data set).

2. Richardson Number method applied on ECMWF vertical profiles. This method allows estimating the mixing height from the vertical profiles of temperature, moisture and wind. It has been used by numerous authors (see review in Seibert et al., 2000). The top of mixing height is given by the top of the layer where the Bulk Richardson Number exceeds a critical value. A detailed description of the method can be found in Delobbe et al. (2000).

3. LIDAR measurements. The third estimate of the MH is based on the LIDAR measurements carried out at RIVM (Bilthoven, The Netherlands) (Van Pul et al., 1994).

Comparison and discussion

The comparison has been carried out for August 1997. The results are illustrated in Figure 1 for the week 12-19 August 1997. Significant discrepancies are found. For most days, the EUROS MH is 100 m during the night and grows in a monotonic way up to a value around 1000 m in the late afternoon. The LIDAR and ECMWF exhibit a much larger day to day variability. In the night, ECMWF values are comparable with the EUROS estimate while the LIDAR values differ significantly.

Figure 1. Mixing layer height (m) evolution at Bilthoven (The Netherlands) (1) as estimated by the EUROS parameterization (2) as derived from the LIDAR measurements (3) as derived from the ECMWF data.

During day time, the EUROS MH is usually underestimated in comparison with the ECMWF and LIDAR values. Several causes of discrepancies between the three MH estimates can be mentioned. First of all, the method used in EUROS for the calculation of the MH has its own limitations. Errors may arise from the calculation of the surface meteorological parameters (Obukhov length, friction velocity and heat flux) but also from the determination of the MH from these parameters. The meteo input used for the calculation of the surface meteo variables, for example the 2 m-temperature and the 10 m wind, may also induce inaccuracies.

The meteo input used in EUROS results from a spatial interpolation from synoptic observations and a time interpolation from the 4 input times of these synoptic observations (00, 06, 12, 18 UT). This interpolation partly explains the fact that the ML diurnal cycles simulated by EUROS are much smoother than the observed diurnal cycles from the LIDAR.

Another possible cause of discrepancies arises from the fact that the LIDAR observations are local while, for ECMWF and EUROS, the estimate is an average over a grid cell, which size is about 60 x 60 km2 (for both models). The LIDAR measurements are much more sensitive to local conditions such as updraft or downdraft in convective conditions.

Concerning the estimates from ECMWF using a Richardson number method, a first source of error results from the relatively coarse vertical resolution of the ECMWF data: around 400 m in the boundary layer. The Richardson method has also its own limitations (e.g. Seibert et al., 2000). In this study, the surface excess temperature has not been applied which may induce significant underestimation of the MH in convective situations. A previous study has shown the high sensitivity of the MH estimate to the surface temperature (Delobbe et al., 2000). The determination of the MH from LIDAR measurements has also its limitations especially during the night (low mixing heights) and in rainy conditions.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

12/08/1997 0:00 13/08/1997 0:00 14/08/1997 0:00 15/08/1997 0:00 16/08/1997 0:00 17/08/1997 0:00 18/08/1997 0:00 19/08/1997 0:00 date

mixing height (m)

euros (4 cell average) lidar


Main conclusions

This study brings a contribution to the validation of MH parameterisations used in air quality models. It has been found that the EUROS formulation tends to underestimate the MH values and the day to day variability. Besides, the estimate based on a Richardson number method applied on ECMWF vertical profiles is generally lower than the LIDAR estimate. Our study underlines the need to test new formulations proposed in the literature. The present study has also shown that the comparison between various MH data sets is not straightforward, which makes the validation procedure quite difficult. More fundamentally, the present work has shown the limitations of the mixing layer concept and its use in air pollution models.

Aim for the coming year

Implementation of the EUROS model for policy support with respect to tropospheric ozone in Belgium, with the following specific tasks:

• validation of EUROS for Belgium,

• training of the potential users of EUROS,

• operational use of EUROS for policy support in Belgium,

• determination of optimal strategies for parallellisation of the EUROS model,

• design and implementation.


The authors would like to thank the Prime Minister’s Services Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC) for their financial support in carrying out the projects and activities mentioned above. Furthermore, we would like to thank the Laboratorium for Air Research of the RIVM at Bilthoven (NL), the Meteorology and Air Quality Group of the University of Wageningen (NL), the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) and the Engineering Faculty of Mons (Belgium) for their fruitful co-operation.


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