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In document Mennesker, der stammer (Sider 26-32)

Der findes aktuelt ingen danske cost-benefit-analyser af indsatser over for børn, unge og voksne, der stammer.

I cost-benefit-analyser sammenlignes udgifterne ved en given indsats med indsatsens økonomiske effekter på kortere og længere sigt. Det vil sige effekterne omregnet til en økonomisk værdi i kroner.

Eksempelvis kunne en sådan undersøgelse vise værdien i kroner, når der sættes ind med en tidlig indsats over for stammen sammenlignet med udgifterne i de tilfælde, hvor der ikke ydes en indsats tidligt, men først senere i skole- eller ungdomsalderen.


Initiativer på stammeområdet

Ministeriet for Børn, Ligestilling, Integration og Sociale Forhold har p.t. ingen initiativer på området.

Socialstyrelsen har til opgave at formidle viden om stammen til forskellige målgrupper, herunder fagpersoner, mennesker med stammen og pårørende.

Socialstyrelsen driver endvidere et netværk for fagfolk, der arbejder med stammen og løbsk tale.

Netværket er åbent for alle fagpersoner på stamme- og løbsk tale-området og har (medio 2014) cirka 175 logopæder og psykologer fra hele landet som medlemmer. Der afholdes to netværksmøder om året. Netværkets overordnede formål er vidensudveksling og kompetenceløft af deltagerne i netværket. Specifikt er formålet med netværket at have et forum, hvor fagpersoner kan mødes og blive præsenteret for viden baseret på forskning og kliniske erfaringer, hvor viden og erfaring blandt deltagerne kan udveksles og diskuteres, og hvor faglige problemstillinger kan tages op.



1 Yairi, E. and Ambrose, N. (2013): Epidemiology of stuttering: 21st century advances, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 38, 2.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid.

5 Bloodstein, O. and Ratner, N.B. (2008): A Handbook on Stuttering, Thomson (6th edition).

6 Yairi, E. and Ambrose, N. (2013): Epidemiology of stuttering: 21st century advances, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 38, 2.

7 Bloodstein, O. and Ratner, N.B. (2008): A Handbook on Stuttering, Thomson (6th edition).

8 Ibid.

9 Yairi, E. and Ambrose, N. (2005): Early Childhood Stuttering, Pro-Ed.

10 Bloodstein, O. and Ratner, N.B. (2008): A Handbook on Stuttering, Thomson (6th edition).

11 Ibid.

12 Ibid.

13 Mulcahy, K., Hennessey, N., Beilby, J. and Byrnes, M. (2008): Social anxiety and the severity and typography of stuttering in adolescents, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 33, 4.

14 Bloodstein, O. and Ratner, N.B. (2008): A Handbook on Stuttering, Thomson (6th edition).

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16 McAllister, J., Collier, J. and Shepstone, L. (2012): The impact of adolescent stuttering on educational and employment outcomes: Evidence from a birth cohort study, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 37, 2.

17 Bloodstein, O. and Ratner, N.B. (2008): A Handbook on Stuttering, Thomson (6th edition) 18 Williams, D. (2006): Stuttering Recovery, Personal end Empirical Perspectives, Routledge.

19 McAllister, J., Collier, J. and Shepstone, L. (2013): The impact of adolescent stuttering on psychological wee-being in adulthood: Evidence from a birth cohort study, International Journal og Language & Communication Disorders, Vol. 48, 4.

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22 Menzies, R. et al (2008): An experimental clinical trial of a cognitive-behavior therapy package for chronic stuttering, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, Vol. 51, 6.

23 Craig, A., Blumgart, E. and Tran, Y. (2009): The impact of stuttering on the quality of life in adults who stutter, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 34, 1.

24 Christmann, H. og Glad, C. (1996): Adgang til og forhold på arbejdsmarkedet for mennesker med epilepsy og mennesker, der stammer, Dansk Videnscenter for Stammen.

25 Bricker-Katz, G., Lincoln, M. and Cumming, S. (2013): Stuttering and work life: An interpretativephenomenological analysis, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 38, 4.

26 Bricker-Katz, G., Lincoln, M. and McCabe, P. (2009a): The persistence of stuttering behaviours in older people, Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol. 31, 8.

27 Bricker-Katz, G., Lincoln, M. and McCabe, P. (2009b): A life-time of stuttering: How emotional reactions to stuttering impact activities and participation in older people, Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol. 31, 21.

28 Bricker-Katz, G., Lincoln, M. and McCabe, P. (2009c): Older people who stutter: barriers to communication and perceptions of treatment needs, International Journal og Language & Communication Disorders, Vol. 45, 1.

29 Prins, D. and Ingham, R.J. (2009): Evidence-based Treatment and Stuttering – Historical Perspective, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 52, 1.

30 Ibid.

31 Ibid.

32 Ibid.

33 Langevin, M. et al (2010): Five-year longitudinal treatment outcomes of the ISTAR Comprehensive Stuttering Program, Journal of Fluency Disorders. Vol. 35, 2.

34 Prins, D. and Ingham, R.J. (2009): Evidence-based Treatment and Stuttering – Historical Perspective, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 52, 1.

35 Bothe, A. et al (2006): Stuttering treatment research 1970-2005: I. Systematic review incorporating trial quality assessment of behavioral, cognitive and related approaches, American Journal of Speech-language pathology, Vol. 15.

36 Bloodstein, O. and Ratner, N.B. (2008): A Handbook on Stuttering, Thomson (6th edition).

37 Ibid.

38 Cook, F. and Fry, J. (2006): Connecting stuttering measurement and management: III Accountable therapy, International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, Vol. 41, 4.

39 Franken, M., Kielstra-Van der Schalk, C. and Boelens, H. (2005): Experimental treatment of early stuttering: A preliminary study, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 30, 3.

40 Starkweather, C.W., Gottwald, S. and Halfond, M. (1990): Stuttering Prevention: A clinical method, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

41 Ibid.

42 Bloodstein, O. and Ratner, N.B. (2008): A Handbook on Stuttering, Thomson (6th edition) 43 Ibid.

44 Franken, M., Kielstra-Van der Schalk, C. and Boelens, H. (2005): Experimental treatment of early stuttering: A preliminary study, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 30, 3.

45 Yaruss, S., Coleman, C. and Hammer, D. (2006): Treating preschool children who stutter: Description and preliminary evaluation of a family-focused treatment approach, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, Vol. 37, 2.

46 Ibid.

47 Millard, S., Nicholas, A. and Cook, F. (2008): Is parent-child interaction therapy effective in reducing stuttering?, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol.51, 3.

48 Franken, M., Kielstra-Van der Schalk, C. and Boelens, H. (2005): Experimental treatment of early stuttering: A preliminary study, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 30, 3.


49 Bothe, A. et al (2006): Stuttering treatment research 1970-2005: I. Systematic review incorporating trial quality assessment of behavioral, cognitive and related approaches, American Journal of Speech-language pathology, Vol. 15.

50 Menzies, R. et al (2009): Cognitive behavior therapy for adults who stutter: A tutorial for speech-language pathologists, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 34, 3.

51 Ibid.

52 Menzies, R. et al (2008): An experimental clinical trial of a cognitive-behavior therapy package for chronic stuttering, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 51, 6.

53 Langevin, M. et al (2010): Five-year longitudinal treatment outcomes of the ISTAR Comprehensive Stuttering Program, Journal of Fluency Disorders Vol. 35, 2.

54 Ibid.

55 Langevin, M. et al (2006): A cross-cultural, long-term outcome evaluation of the ISTAR Comprehensive Stuttering Program across Dutch and Canadian adults who stutter A cross-cultural, long-term outcome evaluation of the ISTAR Comprehensive Stuttering Program across Dutch and Canadian adults who stutter, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 31, 4.

56 http://sydney.edu.au/health-sciences/asrc/docs/camperdown_manual_april_2012.pdf (10. juli 2014).

57 Carey, B. et al (2010): Randomized controlled non-inferiority trial of a telehealth treatment for chronic stuttering: The camperdown program, International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, Vol. 45, 1.

58 Lincoln, M., Packman, A. and Onslow, M. (2006): Altered Auditory Feedback and the Treatment of Stuttering: A Review, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 31. 2.

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In document Mennesker, der stammer (Sider 26-32)