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Contributions and suggestions for further research

In document List of figures (Sider 100-113)

6. Conclusion

6.1 Contributions and suggestions for further research

This thesis was created to answer our interest in knowing what happens in companies post-corruption, how the companies respond to the accusations, and do they respond in general. While the phenomenon of corruption is a well-known subject and plenty of articles and literature has been written about it, we did not find anything regarding what are the direct responses within companies. By combining the literature and create this structure we were able to view a different kind of control mechanisms and how the companies responded within each of them.

We believe that with our findings we were able to highlight and find a red thread on how our case companies responded to the scandal and that can be used by other companies as guidelines to build their anti-corruption mechanisms. That is, this thesis was able to explore how the companies improved their controls and can, therefore, be used to assist with building an effective anti-corruption strategy and prevent corrupt practice.

Moreover, for other academic researchers curious about what anti-corruption mechanisms are in place and if they are used by companies, they can utilize the findings from this thesis to gain information on the topic.

For us as researchers, it has not only significantly increased our knowledge of corruption and anti-corruption mechanisms, but also achieved to answer our curiosity of what happens afterward. As young professionals with ambition of working within international companies, it is crucial to be aware of the importance of internal control mechanisms and what risks are involved if they are lacking.

For future research, an interesting approach would be to look at if pressure from stakeholder to rectify the company’s behavior is similar in every case of corruption. This, of course, assumes that all corrupt behavior is unacceptable to shareholders and they will put pressure on the organization to respond. Furthermore, examining if one company’s response will inspire other companies within their industry to take similar measures even if the other companies have not conducted corrupt. If that hypothesis cannot be confirmed, one could possibly make the assertion that a corruption scandal will have to happen to initiate a response in a firm. One example of a study like this could be to investigate if other pharmaceutical companies increased their controls after the GSK scandal.


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Appendix A: Model of Crisis Management

(Mitroff, Shrivastava, & Udwadia, 1987)

Appendix B: List of company material

Direct links to company material used in chapter 4 Siemens case:

2007 CR


2007 Complian

ce https://web.archive.org/web/20071018222253/http://w1.siemens.com/en/corporate-responsibility/compliance/measures.htm

2008 Complian ce

https://web.archive.org/web/20081105031331/http://w1.siemens.com/responsibility/en/compliance/ind ex.htm

2011 Integrity AR

https://assets.new.siemens.com/siemens/assets/public.1543064052.d57d685935ee8d6dd2bb555125868 511f388ba89.siemens-annual-report-world-bank-2011.pdf

2019 Complian

ce https://new.siemens.com/global/en/company/sustainability/compliance/reporting-channels.html 2017


AR https://assets.new.siemens.com/siemens/assets/public.1544192947.5b511d347aa22b5e48b799cb52c8c3 caf29263a7.siemens-integrity-initiative-annual-report-2017.pdf

Daimler case:

New Integrity

Code https://www.daimler.com/documents/sustainability/integrity/daimler-integritycode.pdf 2003


Code https://web.archive.org/web/20060311170015/http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/Projects/c2c/channel/do cuments/211716_CGI_IC_e.pdf

Code of

Ethics https://web.archive.org/web/20060311170026/http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/Projects/c2c/channel/do cuments/211719_CGI_CoE_e.pdf

2005 AR


2007 AR



nce https://www.daimler.com/company/corporate-governance/compliance/

Telia case:

Code of conduct and ethics

http://web.archive.org/web/20110607224000/http://www.teliasonera.com/Documents/TeliaSonera _Code_of_Ethics.pdf

Corporate governanc e



In document List of figures (Sider 100-113)