• Ingen resultater fundet

Large-scale differences in in-stream variables and catchment features affect the physical habitat structure in Danish lowland streams. The discharge in general and the summer discharge in particular are essential for maintaining high physical habitat quality. Local differences in hydrology, soil types, land use and catchment topography and large-scale differences in the parameters are the primary cause of regional differences in the physical habitat structure.

Generally, streams with low discharge and subsequent low near-bed current velocity and shear stress were located in catchments with loamy soils in low topography catchments (primarily the Suså river system) and streams with high discharge were located in pristine catchments in the Gudenå and Storå river systems.

Discharge, near-bed current velocity, stream slope and shear stress are important for the quality of the in-stream habitats by reducing the mud cover, which affects the macroinvertebrate community. High discharge and current velocities, as well as high shear stress erode fine sediment from the stream bed thereby exposing coarse substrata. Low discharge resulted in low current velocities, and shear stress values not capable of moving coarse substrata dominate the in-stream environment in summer and winter. Therefore, it is most likely that the stability of small Danish streams is linked to deposition of fine sediment rather than erosion of coarse substrata.

Macroinvertebrate community diversity and quality increased as discharge and shear stress increased. Mud cover affected macroinvertebrates negatively by reducing the diversity. The Suså streams generally had low diversity and species richness, but a higher number of individuals as compared to the Gudenå and Storå streams, reflecting differences in the physical habitat structure and substratum characteristics caused by differences in hydrology and catchment attributes.

In the management and restoration of lowland streams it is vital to take into account the ability of the streams to regain their natural dynamics. As our results show, the key issues when working with lowland streams are discharge and stream power. Alterations to the stream ecosystem, such as dredging, channelization and weed cutting that affect overall stream morphology and sediment dynamics are likely to result in increased erosion and deposition of fine sediments. When the hydrology is dominated by pronounced periods of low flow and moderate high-flow periods as in Denmark, this feature becomes increasingly important. The deposition of mud and fine sediments in Danish streams is controlled by both natural variations in hydrology, geology and geomorphology, and by anthropogenic disturbance. The deposition of mud was highest in the streams located in the Suså system where low summer discharge prevails and channelization is most widespread. This clearly shows that a further reduction of the discharge in this region by water abstraction can severely affect the habitats and biota.

Reduction of the mud deposition by means of active restoration of the natural stream morphology may be an option in streams with low power. Reduction of the mud deposition has so far not been a main aim of the restoration projects carried out in Denmark (Iversen et al., 1993).

Restoration projects have primarily been carried out in relatively large streams (River Brede and River Gels) with high summer discharge where extensive deposition of mud substratum is of secondary importance (Friberg et al., 1998; Holmes

and Nielsen, 1998). The results presented here have identified some of the environmental problems in small lowland streams that make up 75% of the entire stream length in Denmark. By focusing on discharge during low-flow periods and deposition of mud substratum, it is possible to set the goals for future restoration projects in small lowland streams. Moreover, the results from the present study will help identify the streams that require restoration in order to meet the quality objectives of the EU Water Framework Directive.


Financial support for this project was provided jointly by the Danish Research Agency (grant no.

641-00-49.65) and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (grant no. M2045-0018). We thank Johnny Nielsen and Peter Græsbøll for fieldwork assistance and Professor Kaj Sand-Jensen, University of Copenhagen, and Dr.

Alexander Milner, University of Birmingham for useful comments and suggestions on earlier manuscript drafts. We also acknowledge the useful comments and suggestions from the two anonymous referees, which greatly improved the manuscript.


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Physical habitats and diversity of biological communities in Danish