Returning to the research question 1: there was no discernable distinction found between the relationship shared by ESG measures and downside idiosyncratic risk in comparison to that between ESG measures and upside idiosyncratic risk.
Returning to the research question 2: no evidence was found that idiosyncratic risk mediates the relationship between ESG measures and market returns.
However, significant results were found during the course of addressing these research questions.
There was a significant negative relationship found between SOCSCORE and idiosyncratic risk and also SOCSCORE and both idiosyncratic risk’s downside and upside component. This supports the theory that CSP is associated with lower firm-specific shocks. Secondly, a significant negative relationship was found between aggregate ESG and market returns (both excess returns and abnormal returns). This supports the theory that investors may pay for their social preferences.
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SOCSCORE 2.857109 ESG 1.200954
CGVSCORE 1.407703 Size 1.34824
ENVSCORE 2.643504 ROA 1.201044
Size 1.385834 SDROA 1.108318
ROA 1.201051 Leverage 1.037109
SDROA 1.114706 MTB 1.221266
Leverage 1.038571 Liquidity 1.061178
MTB 1.229815 1.051
Liquidity 1.083689 1.066086
CSP and downside idiosyncratic volatility
SOCSCORE 2.857109 ESG 1.200954
CGVSCORE 1.407703 Size 1.34824
ENVSCORE 2.643504 ROA 1.201044
Size 1.385834 SDROA 1.108318
ROA 1.201051 Leverage 1.037109
SDROA 1.114706 MTB 1.221266
Leverage 1.038571 Liquidity 1.061178
MTB 1.229815 1.051
Liquidity 1.083689 1.066086
CSP and upside idiosyncratic volatility
SOCSCORE 2.857109 ESG 1.200954
CGVSCORE 1.407703 Size 1.34824
ENVSCORE 2.643504 ROA 1.201044
Size 1.385834 SDROA 1.108318
ROA 1.201051 Leverage 1.037109
SDROA 1.114706 MTB 1.221266
Leverage 1.038571 Liquidity 1.061178
MTB 1.229815 1.051
Liquidity 1.083689 1.066086 CSP and idiosyncratic skewness
VIF SOCSCORE 2.731712 CGVSCORE 1.311264 ENVSCORE 2.567265 CSP and abnormal returns
VIF SOCSCORE 2.731712 CGVSCORE 1.311264 ENVSCORE 2.567265 CSP and excess log returns
VIF SOCSCORE 2.731712 CGVSCORE 1.311264 ENVSCORE 2.567265