• Ingen resultater fundet

In this section a conclusion of the project will be made. The conclusion will brief since the major points of the project have been analysed and discussed in chapter 10, Discussion and Recommendations, consequently there is no need for a repetition.

This project’s problem formulation is “What are the best courses of action to minimize or overcome the challenges faced by Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within Danish fashion?”, in order to answer that several areas have been discussed and analysed. First an overview of the international fashion industry was given that showed that there is a though competition and there is many players on the market. It also gave an overview of the market was built up and how the fashion capitals functioned and supported their fashion industry. Next the Danish fashion industry and its history was outlined in order to give an understanding of the background of Danish fashion industry. The Danish fashion industry has an industrial background where the concentration has mostly been on textile and manufacturing. Only a couple decades the first Danish fashion design brands were developed and the designers started to design for own labels.

Today Danish fashion industry still consists of some great fashion companies such as IC Companys and Bestseller who mass produce and have several brands within the company. This leads to the next chapter gives an overview of the facts and figures on the Danish fashion industry. The most important figure is that of the one-man companies, which constitutes about 92% of the industry and only about 2% employs more than five employees. Furthermore does the fashion industry make out to be sixth largest export commodity in 2006 in Denmark, compared to 1996 it is a decline, from fifth to sixth place. These figures underpin the fact that the fashion companies do not grow as much and needs to be assisted if the fashion industry has to keep growing.

That leads to next chapter that discussed the initiatives that are formulated by the government and the fashion industry. This shows a shift in the visions for the industry and is based on the challenges faced by the SMEs within fashion industry. It is a positive and welcomed change.

Next Fashion College of fashion is reviewed as a best practice case in order to give a practical and tangible example of the possibilities and what future initiatives could be made. It is perceived as good learning example for the Danish fashion industry since the British fashion market faces some of the same problems.

The theoretical part consists of the chapter Management of SMEs that contains a theoretical and practical approach. The theoretical part analysis the reason for how SMEs are managed and uses chaos management as a tool to explain that there actually is order in what seems to be chaotic, viewed from a traditional business management point. In the practical part an analysis of how to best manage SMEs in a fashion company and moves on to analysis development of a marketing and branding strategy. As argued by Saviola et al. “Fashion is all about the intangible values and the intangible values it creates“ thus branding is the ultimate tool to create this. The theories on how to create a strong, favourable, and unique brand were provided.

In order to answer the problem formulation a Discussion and Recommendation chapter was made that outlined the initiatives that need to be taken as well as how the SMEs within Danish fashion best can be assisted. Three actor levels was defined, the government, the fashion industry, and the SMEs in order to specify who should or could be responsible for the formulated recommendations.



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Internet Sites www.textile.dk www.dst.dk


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