• Ingen resultater fundet

more solidarity, to make sure it is not the same businesses participate repeatedly, and that participants in urgent need for government support are being considered.

Most importantly commercial diplomacy must aim at supporting business - not the government.

To other small open states are a number of lessons learned from the Danish case: a) the key to the Chinese interest is to match the Chinese interest with national

competitive business advantage and then communicate this, b) establish a strategic partnership agreement based on this match, c) take advantage of being a small state means that it can be easier to coordinate, and d) ensure a high prioritization in the government and among ministers, and visit the Chinese continuously. On the positive side the Danish China approach has the ability to create a story about the long history of good relations, which seems to be appealing for the special characteristics of China’s culture and the embeddedness between business and politics. This makes it relevant for small open states to consider the use of story telling of the relationship, when deepening commercial relations. In order to fully apply lessons learned from Danish commercial diplomacy comparative studies of other small open states must be conducted. Though this study explored many interesting findings, it would be

interesting to broaden the scope and do a comparative study between different small open states and emerging markets, in order to provide more guidelines of best practice of commercial diplomacy.

The academic field lacks comprehensive studies of minister meetings, which is problematic given its high status in diplomatic practice and its potential importance for the European search for future growth. The findings of the attitude’s implication for successful cooperation are relevant for other states. Indeed many of the European countries struggle to find a balance between critique and economic interests. The consequences of critic or negative attitude are especially important for small open states to consider, as their voice may be less vocal to the Chinese. In other words, it may not be worth taking the economic risk of criticizing China, if the message is not conveyed.

The slack in the previous Danish approach to China, compared to competing

countries, is by no means a stand-alone issue. Denmark has an export gap to countries

such as the other BRIC-countries, emerging markets in Africa, and Turkey, according to the Danish Minister of Trade and Investments. With the Danish government’s launch of a number of growth strategies similar to the one on China, the same weakness as was found in the case of Denmark’s commercial diplomacy to China might exists in other cases of Danish commercial diplomacy. Further research on the Danish approach to countries where a growth strategy has been initiated, can be conducted to confirm this hypothesis.

The paradigm change in 2012 has definitely improved the Danish commercial diplomacy. However, if Denmark wants to become a global frontrunner of

commercial diplomacy, it is urgent that the current approach is strengthened in order to make the strategy for commerce. Initiatives such as increased financial resources, man power, optimized selection criteria and strengthened coordination must

immediately be implemented. These initiatives could boost the Danish growth and contribute to job creation – which the Danish economy urgently needs.


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