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as well as in every legal field from company law to family law and internet law, the challenge is thus to increase the internal complexity, speed, and reach of law in a manner that enables it to capture loose social processes and give them a tight form. Informal governance and “managerial”

soft law arrangements, for example, which emerged as a result of the inadequacies of existing institutional forms, are in demand of a new, tight legal form. The challenge posed both by neoliberalism and by its demise is thus mainly a surface problem, as the law is faced with a far bigger challenge: namely, to reinvent itself to stay relevant under the structural conditions of twenty-first century world society (Kjaer 2020c).

thereby providing the incentive for a rethinking of the law of political economy under the structural conditions of the twenty-first century. A rethinking that might be done under the heading of transformative law and with the aim of developing a new understanding of the function and concept of law. This endeavor implies, at a minimum, four moves: firstly, forsaking methodological individualism and a move toward a substantial concept of world society; secondly, abandoning the concept of hegemony, substituting for it a concept of interlegality; thirdly, rejecting the reductionism of economism at the center of both affirmative and critical approaches to market-based economic organization, moving instead toward a pluralist perspective providing a far more nuanced and sophisticated analysis of the role of different societal logics on society as a whole;

fourthly and finally, moving beyond the sort of analytical formalism currently dominating economics, philosophy, and political science, replacing it with empirical (i.e., historical), grounded sociological formalism.

Author Biography

Poul F. Kjaer is professor of governance and sociology of law at Copenhagen Business School.

He holds degrees in law (EUI-Florence), sociology (Goethe-University Frankfurt), and political science (Aarhus University). He has been a fellow at the Paris Institute for Advanced Studies and visiting professor at, among others, Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv; Harvard University; the London School of Economics and Political Science; and Sciences Po, Paris. Recent publications include

“The Transnational Constitution of National Social Market Economies: A Question of Constitutional Imbalances?,” Journal of Common Market Studies 57, no. 1 (2019): 143–58, and

“Constitutionalizing Connectivity: The Constitutional Grid of World Society,” Journal of Law and Society 45, no. S1 (2018): 114–34. His research has been funded by the European Research Council, the Humboldt Foundation, and the Carlsberg Foundation, among others.


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