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Digitalization has been the driving force of the changes in the music industry in the last years. Formerly, the music business was mainly based on record sales by traditional distribution channels where the consumers had the simple role of buyers. However, in the digital age, the development of music streaming platforms has increased the involvement of consumers, being now participants and co-creators of content and trends. The consumer’s interaction through music streaming platforms is allowing the music industry access to valuable consumer data to understand consumer’s needs as well as an identity resource for consumers to share preferences and findings within the social media community. This change of the

77 consumer’s role has made the study of the consumer a more relevant matter for managers who are trying to understand the consumer’s needs and how to reach them.

This study aims to provide a Consumer Culture Theory perspective on the use of streaming platforms for the consumption of classical music. In this research, classical music has been considered as a niche genre, attempting to clarify some issues that those genres might find in streaming platforms. Primarily, the study’s approach highlights the use of streaming platforms for the construction of consumer identity in classical music enthusiasts. Studying the use of streaming platforms in their daily activities as well as their opinion about platforms’ functionalities, we aim to make an approach of how classical music is consumed in the digital age. In the group of classical music enthusiasts studied, some shared characteristics have been found.

This group presents an omnivorous taste, as one of the characteristics of the millennial generation, listening to different musical genres and sub-genres of classical music. The results show that classical music enthusiasts perform different role-normative ways of consumption according to specific activities and moods. In addition, an analytical third normative way of listening has been identified related to the educated taste that characterizes classical music consumers. Elitism is one of the characteristics of the classical music genre that explain some findings such as the educated taste, the consideration of a niche genre, and the hierarchical disposition of their social dynamics. The relevance of the performance and the identification with musical instruments and concrete sub-genres are added peculiarities that define the musical identity of this group of consumers. Furthermore, the individualistic way of consumption and the lack of collective performance through the digital means contradict theories that found interactions between consumers one of the foundations of the construction of identity. This lack of interaction within the community in digital means has also made uncertain the creation of value. Classical music consumers utilize streaming platforms to create playlists and improve their musical sensitivity, but there is no sign of co-creation of value through the interaction between consumers in digital means as several CCT researches support.

However, it has been found a creation of value concerning the assessment of platforms’ affordances. The insights provided by this group of consumers has led to the managerial implications of this research. The reflection of what is missing in free streaming services to fulfill the expectations for ideal resources through which browse, searching, and listening to classical music drives the improvement of music streaming

78 services. Moreover, these insights support the argument of how algorithm-based systems do not benefit niche genres and contribute to the discussion of the negative effects of the algorithm culture.

The main limitations of this study have been led by the data collection process and the unavoidable use of the snowball sampling method. However, these limitations are not considered as an obstacle to getting the research’s findings but an opportunity for further research to provide a more accurate picture of the consumption of classical music in the digital age.

The first reason that motivated this research project is the lack of academic research about the implications of classical music consumption on streaming platforms. If it is true that the amount of quantitative data about the consumption of different genres is available and plentiful, there are not qualitative data about the use of streaming platforms by niche music consumers. From this study about the consumption of classical music in streaming platforms, some lines of further research are proposed. First, the study of niche music consumer’s behavior might have an impact on the fluctuations of the music industry. If some researches have already made an approach to the issues regarding algorithm-based systems in relation to niche genres, it might be considered relevant to add the consumer’s perspective on this matter. Second, if this research has taken into consideration the point of view of a young generation of classical music enthusiasts, it might be valuable to open the spectrum of insights by studying the perspective of other demographic segments.

Furthermore, an alternative study considering field study and netnography might provide accurate data about the consumer behavior of classical music enthusiasts in a defined context. For instance, a further in-depth study about the characteristics that define classical music enthusiasts as a consumer tribe might be necessary to understand the behavior of this consumer group, and their implication in the digital marketplace. Lastly, research about classical music consumers based on the direct collaboration with music streaming platforms (Spotify, Idagio, Primephonic), might provide the necessary data to complement qualitative research and improve the implications in a managerial sense.

Finally, this research stands up for the study of cultural products and their impact on individuals’ lives.

Music is a communication tool, a language that speaks for itself, creates the soundscape of our routines, and inspires creative development. The technological innovations in music have enabled consumers to adapt music consumption to everyday life moments, having an essential role in their identities. Music streaming platforms are one of the actors of the cultural industries, being those mediators between art and business, and what makes possible to bring culture within everybody’s reach.