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Bankruptcy prediction has emerged as an important topic within financial academia and become a critical tool for many stakeholders, including policymakers, financial market participants and individuals. However, the existing research regarding prediction models which include both financial ratios and corporate governance variables is limited.

The purpose of this paper was twofold: (i) to examine the validity and accuracy of Altman’s seminal Z-score model in predicting corporate bankruptcy of US-listed companies in the post-Global Financial Crisis period; and (ii) determine whether the inclusion of corporate governance indicators would lead to enhanced performance. We analysed these issues by formulating a string of hypotheses derived from our examination of conceptual corporate governance theories and empirical research, which we subsequently quantified and tested.

We utilised multiple discriminant analysis to estimate two multiple discriminant models (Model II and Model III). Model II re-estimated Altman’s five-factor model based on a non-industry specific, post-Global Financial Crisis data set. Model III extended Altman’s original model to include a set of corporate governance-related indicators. These models were constructed from a unique data set sourced from EDGAR (SEC) and Bloomberg. A comparative assessment of the model performances was conducted by examining overall accuracy via the occurrence of Type I and Type II errors and receiving operating characteristic plots.

The main conclusion is that a prediction model including corporate governance variables has greater predictive ability than a model solely based on financial indicators. This is particularly evident in the long-term accuracy rates. This finding also holds true across an extended timeframe and in- and out-of-sample data, further underscoring its robustness. Secondly, we find evidence supporting the idea that Altman’s model remains accurate in a post-Global Financial Crisis period, even when using a non-manufacturing sample.

Our results show that firms in which CEOs receive a greater degree of variable compensation are less associated with bankruptcy, supporting the idea that CEOs with significant ‘skin in the game’ lead to better firm management. Also, our findings suggest bankrupt firms are associated with a higher degree of director ownership, supporting the theory of ‘entrenchment’. Lastly, we observe that two

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of the five variables Altman originally included in his study (EBIT to Total Assets and Working Capital to Total Assets), continue to carry strong discriminating power in the extended model (Model III).

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Part VII

Reference List and Appendix

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