• Ingen resultater fundet

On the Danish labour market, core employment conditions are mainly regulated through collective agreements, which are supplemented by legislation. The regulative setting covers the majority of the workforce. The Danish welfare system provides comparatively high social security standards. Employees in part-time work, fixed-term employment, and temporary work agencies have similar rights and the same level of protection as in a standard, open ended contract. However, some protective gaps exist.

There are a number of protective gaps related to low levels or lack of collective agreements and

organisation. Lowly or unregulated areas are mostly located in certain segments of the labour market. The majority of the workers who are not covered by collective agreements are most likely working on terms and conditions resembling the collective agreements. Nonetheless, some employees work without collective agreements and significantly below the stipulated levels. Foreign labour is overrepresented in these areas, and some work at very low wage levels. Often the labour migrants are not aware of their rights and they fear the consequences if they speak up. Small and dispersed work-sites are also more vulnerable.

Part-time work is generally not considered to be precarious. However, we identified protective gaps for some groups of part-time employees working very short hours, which exclude them from rights and protection and make it harder to become eligible for unemployment insurance benefits. For this group, we found in-work regulatory, representation and social protection gaps. In addition, some collective agreements accept levels of part-time that decrease the employees’ possibilities of building sufficient tenure for unemployment benefits. The collective agreement, therefore, does not always close potential social protection and integration gaps. However, it affects very few employees.

Less than 11 % work on fixed-term contracts and in temporary agency work in Denmark. There are tendencies of certain protective gaps for temporary workers in terms of less protection and less access to certain rights and benefits. This tendency is particularly pronounced on the unregulated part of the labour market. Foreign employees, who are not aware that the rules and legislation, which make them particularly vulnerable. Access to rights and benefits are not earned if contracts are very short.

Employers can use cost-driven outsourcing to escape collective agreements, and in the Danish system, where the collective agreements de facto defines the standard employment, escaping collective agreements increases the chances that gaps open or widens. Examples from strongly organized sectors show that the social partners are able to close gaps, however migrant and posted workers challenge the IR-model because collective agreements are pushed to the lower limits; un-declared work and bogus self-employment challenges the IR-model by circumventing the agreements. Examples from weakly organized


sectors show that cost-driven subcontracting opens for social protection and integrations gaps, are there is a representation gap because there are few local representatives.

Cost-driven outsourcing exposes strength and weaknesses of the Danish IR-model. When the unions are strong and the social partners collaborate, the model quite effectively eliminates gaps. When it does not, gaps open and there are few possibilities for closing them. The relatively generous social benefits set a floor, but migrants with other reference points and little knowledge of the Danish IR-model may

(temporarily) accept conditions that deviate from normally Danish expectations and this puts pressure on all employers, even if they favour the generally accepted conditions on the labour market.



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