• Ingen resultater fundet

At the beginning of this dissertation, I introduced Jens’s flower arrangement, and described the contrasting esthetic orders of the home and the functionality of the workspace of the caregivers’ office. My investigation has been concerned with what happens when these two contrasting orders meet, via healthcare technology. This dissertation has explored numerous ways in which the two worlds may be connected, and discussed the transformations of care and of the new working arrangements, and the redistribution of work and responsibility that may occur, owing to the introduction of healthcare technology to the social world of the home.

I have introduced you to Jens, who put great effort not only into domesticating his Tablet PC in accordance with his sense of home, but also into integrating his pills into his daily routines by creating a small, therapeutic landscape on the kitchen counter. I have presented you with dialysis machines and pills, and described how healthcare technologies may take the forms of standardized packages or boundary objects, either pushing certain procedures into the home, or being flexibly integrated into the routines of everyday life. You have met Ida and Maja, who, despite their participation in the same treatment program and use of identical healthcare technologies, had contrasting experiences of performing their homework. Whereas Maja experienced a sense of being in control and being able to manage the trajectory of her diabetes, Ida was faced with conflicting concerns, when her depression and severe nausea made it difficult for her to control her blood glucose levels, to her extreme frustration and anxiety. Finally, I have described how women with diabetes and their husbands attempt to share responsibility for carrying out homework, and have pointed out that the inclusion of family caregivers may create a practical and symbolic dependency, potentially altering social relationships within the family.

When discussing and developing new healthcare technology and services, it is important to keep in mind these stories and glimpses of disease and treatment trajectories.

Technology is neither good nor bad, nor is it neutral (Ihde 2002). Transformations of care occur when healthcare technology is introduced. New working arrangements must be worked out, in which work and responsibility are distributed in new ways, creating new dilemmas. The challenge lies in how to approach this task of designing new healthcare technology: For whom and what do we design? There are health economists,

who wish to calculate the potential reduction in costs, there is the professional sector, where establishing evidence of compliance and the efficacy of diverse treatment regimes is a dominating agenda, or we may seek to improve the everyday lives of home patients, who must live with and balance concerns related to disease, parenting, working, and leisure activities (Storni 2010). Throughout, I have argued that it is necessary to take into account the voices of the home patients, when developing healthcare technology.

Presently, regional administrations and various public and private organizations, along with private companies, drive development. Consequently, the development of new healthcare technology and services tends to take as its starting point the perspectives and needs of the professional sector. The disadvantage of this is that home patients are addressed last in the development process, and are often presented with specific solutions which they may either accept or reject, but over which they have very little influence (Pols 2010). With my dissertation, I hope to tell a story of great heterogeneity, of multiple concerns and diverse perspectives on care and everyday life, a complexity that I believe should be reflected in the development of healthcare technology. I believe that introducing healthcare technology to the home has great potential. I also argue that in the process of developing and using healthcare technology in the home, it is important to be attentive to conflicting concerns that may exist between the social worlds of the hospital and the home. It is important to realize that the introduction of healthcare technology to the home involves work and responsibility, not only for the home patient, but also for family caregivers, who may or may not benefit from the new working arrangements.


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