• Ingen resultater fundet

Characters which are analysed

List of Translations

A. Characters which are analysed

Daglig tilvækst i gram fra 20 til 90 kg levendevægt:

Average daily gain in gram from 20 to 90 kg. live weight.

Foderforbrug pr. kg tilvækst i f.e. fra 20 til 90 kg levendevægt:

Feed consumption in Scandinavian feed units (S.F.U.) per kg. live weight gain from 20 to 90 kg.

Gennemsnitlig rygspæktykkelse, cm:

Average backfat thickness in cm. Average of five measurements taken at the shoulder, the middle of the back, and the loin; the loin measurement is an average of three measurements taken in the region of m. gluteus médius.

Sidespækmål i overskåren side, cm:

Side fat measurement on the cross section of the cut side in cm.

Measured 8 cm. from the mid line at the level of the last thoracic vertebra.

Kroplængde, cm:

Body length in cm. Measured from the front edge of os pubis to the bottom of the first cervicae vertebra (atlas).

Points for kødfylde i overskåren side:

Points (0—15) for amount of lean meat in cut side. Subjective judgment of the meat area and amount of fat exposed in the cut side at the level of the last thoracic vertebra.

Points for kødfarve i overskåren side:

Points (0-5) for meat colour in cut side. Subjective judgment of the meat colour in m. longissimus dor si.

Vægt af mørbrad (m. psoas major), g:

Weight of the loin muscle (m. psoas major) in gram.

Spækareal i overskåren side, cm2:

Area of fat in square centimeters on the cross section of the cut side.

Kødareal i overskåren side, cm2:

Total area of meat in square centimeters on the cross section of the cut side.

Areal af m. longissimus dorsi, cm2:

Area of m. longissimus dorsi in square centimeters on the cross section of the cut side.

Antal muskelfibre pr. mm2 i afsnit 1, 2 og 3:

Number of muscle fibres per mm2 in section 1 (dorsal), 2 (medial), and 3 (lateral) on the cross section of m. longissimus dorsi; See also figure 11 page 39.

Gennemsnitlig muskelfiberdiameter, ji i afsnit 1, 2 og 3:

Average muscle fibre diameter in microns measured in section 1 (dorsal), 2 (medial), and 3 (lateral) on the cross section of m. longissimus dorsi.

Fifty fibres measured in each section.

Spækareal i pet. af kødareal:

Area of fat in relation to area of meat on the cross section of the cut side (meat = 100).

Gennemsnitlig antal fibre pr. mm2:

Average number of fibres per mm2 on the cross section of m. longissimus dorsi. Average of fibre numbers per mm2 stated in the dorsal, medial and lateral part of the muscle.

Gennemsnitlig muskelfiberdiameter, ju,:

Average muscle fibre diameter in microns in m. longissimus dorsi.

Average of fibre diameters stated in the dorsal, medial and lateral part of the muscle.

Antal muskelfibre i tværsnittet af m. longissimus dorsi:

Number of muscle fibres in the cross section of m. longissimus dorsi at the level of the last thoracic vertebra. Calculated from number of fibres per mm2 multiplied with the area of m. longissimus dorsi.


Water binding capacity of meat from m. longissimus dorsi. Expressed as mg. of juice lost per gram of meat measured by the filter press method.

Farve, remission:

Meat colour measured by remission-photometer. Reflection from the meat in relation to a white surface (MgO) by a wavelength of 540 myu.

Konsistens, kg:

Shear value of meat from m. longissimus dorsi in kilogram. In raw meat determined by the Wolodkewitsch shear and in fried meat by the War-ner-Bratzler shear.

B. Terms used in tables and figures.

Alder .-•••. age.

Antal number.

Avlscenter breeding centre, elite herd.

Avlscentermilieu breeding centre environ-ment.

Dyr animal.

Egenskab trait, character.

Fiberdiameter fibre diameter.

Fiksering fixation.

Frihedsgrader degrees of freedom.

Friske prøver samples of raw meat.

Forsøg experiment.

Forsøgshold test group.

Forældre parents.

Fænotype phenotype.

Gait castrate, castrated male pig.

Glidende gennemsnit moving average.

Halvsøskende half sibs.

Helsøskende full sibs.

Hold group.

Inden for within.

Individuel rest residue.

Kold slagtevægt cold carcass weight.

Korrektion correction.

Kuldmilieu litter environment.

Kuldsøskende litter mate.

Kvartal quarter of a year.

Køn sex.

Lokalitet locality.

Mellem ... between.

Middelkvadrat mean square.

Mindste smallest.

Muskelprøve muscle sample.

Måling measurement.

Orne boar.

Prøve sample.

Reduceret reduced.

Rumfang volume.

Skrumpning shrinkage.

Slægtskab relationship.

Sogris young female pig, gilt.

Spredning standard deviation.

Sted place, site.

Største biggest.

Tidspunkt moment.

Tælling count.

Udrivning teasing apart.

Uge week.

Variationsårsag . .. cause of variation.

cem2 c2, i.e. breeding centre environment.

ag2 h2, i.e. additive gene action.

kum2 I2, i.e. litter environment.

ir2 e2, i.e. residue.


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