• Ingen resultater fundet

BFGS algorithm to train network weights

In document IMM, Denmarks Technical University (Sider 141-151)

In order to determine the optimal weight values during the training phase, the BFGS algo-rithm [45] is implemented. This stands for Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb and Shanno, who are responsible for the creation of this iterative updating algorithm. When called with the network parameters (the cost function and its derivatives w.r.t the network weights), this algorithm returns the optimal weight values of the network for the given input data set. The way that this training is executed cannot be adequately explained without a brief introduction to the theory behind the determination of optimal weight values as the process of minimizing a function, and so this introduction is presented in what follows.

For a complete derivation, refer to [45].

The process of determining an optimal weight matrix entails determining the minimum of the given cost function. Often a local minimum is found, as it is too complex to implement a search method to nd the global minimum.

The fundamental aim of the optimization algorithm is to ndw in Eq.(D.1) w = arg min

w F(w), F :<m 7→ < (D.1) where F is the cost function and m is the number of elements in w. A simple illus-tration of w is given in Figure D.1, where the function shown is

F(w) = (w21−w322)2+ 50·(w21−w32)2

In Figure D.1, the minimum is global and is found at F(0). These conditions often do not prevail when more complex, high-dimensional data is used to dene the function F. It is known that the rst derivative of a 1-dimensional continuous dierentiable function denes the slope of that function, and that when this slope is zero, the function is at a stationary point, i.e. either a maximum, minimum or a saddle point. When working in more than one dimensions, the slope of the multivariate function is called the gradient,

∇F, and is dened in Eq.(D.2).


0 5 10 15 20 25

The minimum of a quadratic function


It is now possible to establish a condition that must be met for a point to be a local minimum:

∇F= 0 (D.3)

Using this as a criteria does however not only locate local minimums, but can determine any stationary point. It is therefore necessary to introduce an additional condition in order to ensure that the stationary point is, indeed, a minimum. For this objective, the second order derivatives that dene the surface of the cost function F are needed.

These derivatives make up the Hessian matrix, H, and dene the gradient of the gradient function: When the Hessian matrix that is evaluated for a stationary point proves to be positive denite, the stationary point is a local minimum. A positive denite matrix is dened in Eq.(D.5).

gTHg>0 ∀g (D.5)

in which case His a positive denite matrix.

Using the above mathematical derivations, it is now possible to briey outline the process of optimization of weight values when using the BFGS algorithm. First, however, as the formulae for the BFGS updating are used in combination with a soft line search, the latter is described below:

soft line search

-Apart from the conditions that need to be satised in order to ensure that a local minimum is found, an optimization algorithm must also determine a search direction, which denes

the direction to follow in order to reach the desired minimum. From Figure D.1 it is clear that in order to ndw, starting from an arbitrary point, the cost function must decrease for each iterate. The search direction is denoted as rT. The cost function that is distance αfrom the point win the direction rcan be approximated by the rst order Taylor series in Eq.(D.6), given that α is not very large and thatα >0.

F(w) +αr=F(w+αrT∇F) (D.6) The direction ris a descent direction from w ifαr<0. The soft line search strives to determine the value αs, which must meet the criteria to be an acceptable argument for the function ν(α), where:

ν(α) = F(w+αr) (D.7)

This acceptable argument, αs, must satisfy the following criteria:

αs = arg min

α (F(w+α·r)) (D.8)

Another function, ω(α), is dened as a point on the cost function that goes through the starting point and moves away from it by a fraction of the starting point slope:

ω(α) = ν(0) +%·ν0(0)·α, 0< % <0.5 (D.9) This can be used in order to determine an upper limit for αs:

ν(αs)≤ω(αs) (D.10)

There must also be a limit as to how small the search step is, as a step size that is too small may cause convergence before the region of the minimizer is reached. The condition in Eq.(D.11) must thus also be satised.

ν0s)≥β·ν0(0), % < β < 1 (D.11) In each iteration, the cost function F(w) is approximated by a quadratic function that yields a parabolic form for the cost function. The search determines an interval containing acceptable points, and a point α is found within this region. When both criteria in Eq.(D.10) and Eq.(D.11) are met, convergence is reached and αs =α. In the case where one or both of the criteria are not met, the interval is rened and a new α is determined.

In Figure D.2, the interval[a, c]contains the minimizerαsof the shown quadratic func-tion. The interval[a, b]represents the area that is found when the condition in Eq.(D.11) is not satised, i.e. the step size is too small and thus the local minimum cannot be determined in the interval [a, b]. The step size that denes the interval [a, d] is too large, and the cost function increases in this case. The interval must be rened as the condition in Eq.(D.10) is not satised.

We return now to the updating of the BFGS parameters. In order to complete the introduction to the BFGS updating process, the quadratic function Q(w) is shown in Eq.(D.12). This function approximates the cost function F(w)and it is the minimizer of Q(w)that must be determined in each iteration.

0 5 10 15 20 25

−50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

The cost function as a function of the step size

cost function, f(s)

step size, s acceptable points a


c d

Figure D.2: The interval[a, c] containing acceptable points

Q(w) =a+bTw+1

2wTHw (D.12)

As the evaluation of the Hessian matrix can prove to be extremely complex, an ap-proximation to it is introduced: B 'H. The BFGS algorithm approximates the inverse of B, D =B−1.

The following update for D is taken from [45].

Dnew = D+arrT −b(rvT +vrT), (D.13)

where (D.14)

r = wneww, (D.15)

y = ∇F(wnew)− ∇F(w), (D.16)

v = Dy, (D.17)

b = 1

rTy, (D.18)

a = b(1 +b(yTv)) (D.19)

The initial D is checked for symmetry and positive deniteness. It follows that if the Hessian matrix of Eq.(D.12) is positive denite, then there is a single minimizer for Q(w). ∇F(w) are the cost function derivatives w.r.t. weight values that are provided by the calling back propagation algorithm. The update for D is only implemented if the following condition is satised:

rT∇F(w)new >rT∇F(w) (D.20) as the increased curvature of the cost function shows that the search is approaching the minimum.

For each iteration, the search direction is initialized at D ·(−∇F). The value of α is estimated by the soft line search, and the value of D is updated if the condition in

Eq.(D.20) is satised. The algorithm continues until convergence is reached, i.e. the gradient falls below a certain very small threshold or the stepsize becomes very small, indicating the proximity of a stationary point and, due to the positive deniteness of D, thus a minimum. However, if the convergence is very slow or if the algorithm diverges, the iterations stop when a certain preset maximum number of iterations is reached, as it is then assumed that further updates will not aid convergence.

The ner details of the theory behind the discussed optimization techniques have been omitted in the above overview, but it remains to be mentioned that the BFGS is a popular updating algorithm because it can determine the quadratic minimizer faster than the conjugate gradient methods and is yet computationally less heavy than the Newton method, in which the actual Hessian matrix must be calculated. The BFGS method belongs to the Quasi-Newton methods. The general theory of nonlinear optimization algorithms, as well as a detailed description of the Conjugate Gradient, Newton and Quasi-Newton methods are given in chapter 7 of [15], as well as in [45], while a complete description of the program that implements the BFGS algorithm can be found in [46].


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In document IMM, Denmarks Technical University (Sider 141-151)