• Ingen resultater fundet

The Organization of Child Protection Services in Iceland

Ministry og Social Affairs

Government Agency for Child Protection

Child Protection Appeal Committee

Children’s house

(Barnahus) State Treatment

Center for Adolescents Residential Treatment Homes

The Judicial System

Local Authorities

Child Protection Committees

Department of

Social Services Cooperation

school, healt care authorities, police


General Social Services

108 ing levels of his ecological model as Russian Babushka dolls, 7 one surrounding the other. In the bachelor thesis the focus was on the two most inner layers of his model, the micro system and the meso system. Other levels of his model are also taken into account; the exosystem and the macro system. The ecological system perspective offers two main theoretical traditions, the system theory and the developmental perspective. The theory focuses on different levels affecting a person’s life as well as the focus being on problems at an individual level. This gives a holistic view of the person and its environment. The ecological perspective can, as well as being an understanding or a perspective, be used as a dynamic practical theory and with that it can provide a broad focus on social intervention. The intervention can happen on different levels of the person’s life e.g. the school, the family and the group level. In addition to the ecological perspective, theory’s on maltreatment, attachment and resilience where chosen relevant to use when developing the project. Garbarino, one of Bronfenbrenner’s followers, points out that there are similarities between the ecological developmental perspective and the developmental psychopathology.

The two theories do collide in some aspects, for example in successful researches on resilience.8 The concepts attachment and resilience can be linked to what is called the “child’s perspective” a perspective that challenges the more traditional view on attachment and preaches the importance of seeing the child as an active human being with opportunities and possibili-ties. Furthermore the community work perspective is introduced. Community work approach can be closely related to the ecological system perspective; both are related to the concept of network and are also linked by working on different levels or in different systems.


The bachelor project was based on qualitative research. The research was based on interviews with social workers at the Child Protection department. All four social workers working at the department, as well as one family receiving help from the department, were interviewed. The research was based on a hermeneutic understanding. This means the interviewer’s experience, as well as the interviewee’s experience, create a dynamic relationship that together create the whole as well as the whole affects them. The framework for the interviews was semi- structured which gave the interviews a relatively open flow. The research was adductive focusing on the connection between data and theory and their effect on each other. When analysing the research qualitative data the text-focused method was used, more specifically, the focus was on themes and personalised focus.


From the finding of the bachelor thesis an actual framework for the project “children in need” was established. One can ask why this project is any different than other projects or interventions already tried. The results showed that it is the intensity of the help and the individualised focus that gives the main difference. It is also relevant to draw a parallel to the Rosenhøj project, the inspiration to the project, which was based on a policy involving local, spacious and an early coordinated solution,9 the same rules applied in my project. When helping the children it is important to focus on the child, its perspective and its ability to influence its own life. This can be done by focusing and supporting three different aspects. To increase and support the child’s intellectual functions. To strengthen and nurture the emotional resilience of the child, and by supporting and in-creasing the good behavioural results by focusing on the behavioural functions.10 The role of the project in Reykjanesbær is to support the child and its ability to meet life in general without to many complications. It is therefore highly relevant to support these 3 important aspects, the intellectual, the emotional and the behavioural resilience.11

How the project can be of help will now be listed in more details: aiming at a holistic solution for the child:

• The project can help by focusing on cooperation between each child’s relevant mesosystem

• By strengthening the parental/ family role

• By providing and introducing, familiarity and generalization.

• By extending the child’s network

• By offering help with homework and practical things

• By providing and working after certain ethical guidelines

• By providing Education and awareness

7 David R. Shaffer.(2002). 59.

8 Andersen. Anna Meeuwisse and Hans Sward.(200).pp.182 9 Projectgruppen

10 Borge (2003) 11 Ibid


It was concluded that the results of the bachelor thesis can be used as a framework for the developmental project “children in need“ with the space and opportunity for changes and further developments.

Alcohol addiction can be associated with many complex and difficult social problems. These problems can be culture related which means they can be categorised differently depending on context and culture. The alcohol addiction doesn’t just affect the addict but affects the whole family, leaving scars that sometimes are hard to repair. The children are at a stage where they are at risk of being taken away from their family and into foster care. Researches show that children that grow up with alco-hol addiction in the family grow up in a problematic environment and they risk developing psycalco-hological complications. The research concluded that there was an agreement on that alcoholism and related problems are one of the most difficult social cases to work with. The children in these families are often socially isolated, have educational problems and are more at risk of developing alcohol addiction themselves. They are living in a closed family system where secrecy, denial and isolation are dominating.

The best way to get a holistic view of the child and to treat all aspects of the child’s life is to include the child’s perspective as well as more family centred approaches, psychiatric help and family therapy. The project focuses is on the child; other measu-res like parent’s psychological help and treatments are relevant but need to be established by the child protection department and not the project.

Furthermore it was concluded that the object of the project was to increase and support the child’ intellectual, emotional and behavioural resilience. This can be done by breaking the social isolation and by helping the child to build up a more positive self image, resulting in better psychological health. Parental involvement is important and essential for the success of the project as well as working after certain ethical guidelines.

My bachelor project was an attempt to develop an after school program for children in Reykjanesbæ. There is no doubt that the results are valuable for further development of the project and can be seen as an important theoretical and practical fou-ndation for the Child Protection Department in Reykjanesbær.

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