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1. Introduction

5.3 Dimensions of the self-concept

5.3.1 Actual self

The actual self describes a specific image, the individual believes he has. Accordingly, the influence on the actual self refers to the idea that CE with LFBs influences this dimension of the self in the way that it is able to influence the individual’s own perception of himself. Derived from the data at hand, six different ways in which the CE influences the actual self, emerge (see figure 10).






Rewards oneself

Boosts self-confidence

Enriches personality

Helps to define own self

Increases knowledge

Provides mean to express oneself



First, with regard to the actual self, it becomes apparent, that CE with LFBs influences this dimension of the self in the way that it acts as a self-reward. More precisely, it does so by presenting an incentive for the achieved goal that one has previously defined for oneself and as a symbol for the achievement.

In this case, however, the achievement is rather symbolized to oneself – thus, serving as a symbol for oneself and not towards the outside.

It is kind of a reward. (Int. 4)

If I have learned a lot for my master’s thesis, for example, or if I have successfully completed it all, then you reward yourself to a certain extent with a luxury item for the work you have done or for the challenge you set yourself to achieve it. As an incentive, if you like. (Int. 11) I bought a Tissot watch for myself on Valentine’s Day, because I had enough money to do so.

And I just felt like buying myself a watch. And it was for me to say like, hey, like you made it, right? Like you made it in this sort of time of your like, that you have a job. You can do this.

(Int. 3)

Like being able to afford these kinds of products would kind of symbolize the achievement of something. (Int. 13)

And also, the thinking about ambition, I would say, like, it’s still a symbol of status and like some sort of achievement. (Int. 13)

Apart from influencing the customer’s SC by acting as a self-reward, it further boosts the self-confi-dence. This is manifested above all in the participant’s perception that the CE with LFBs provides a certain amount of coolness and boosts the own sense of the self.

Well, first of, I get the brand, the anomaly that this kid from a low-income suburb in the Phil-ippines is wearing it. There’s that number one. Because people like me are not supposed to be wearing these things or can purchase these things. So that’s cool. I call that swag. (Int. 3) I think, I like of course the quality of the product material, the product itself, but also maybe the feeling that the brand adds on to you, I guess. So, I guess, the brand association kind of give you a boost in personality or like it adds on something to your, to your sense of self. (Int.


I think, it affects me more than I think. Because like I said, it kind of gives you a boost indi-rectly. (Int. 5)

By analyzing the data, it becomes furthermore apparent, that CE with LFBs influences the customer’s SC in the way that it enriches the personality. Regarding the following statement, it does so by adding onto the personality and by changing the picture of the self that one has about oneself.

I think, by looking at things and knowing things about a brand, kind of already gives you like, oh, I’m a person that knows a lot about this brand. So, I’m this guy, I think it definitely adds on to your personality as well. Like, if you follow a brand on Instagram, that’s engagement, right? And I think by following a certain brand, kind of also indirectly gives you this changed picture of yourself because I’m the girl or guy that follows this brand. So, I’m part of that a little bit. (…) So, it’s kind of like, this is sum of the brands that I follow. So, it’s like me, this is my personality and my interests. (Int. 5)

As stated above, CE with LFBs is also seen as a constant increasement in knowledge, which in turn is regarded as part of enriching the personality as it adds onto the personality.

So, you are much more informed. (Int. 4)

(Interviewer: Okay, then let’s think about what’s your personal outcome when you engage with a brand? Like what is the actual benefit that you get?) I think knowledge. (Int. 10) Yeah, in general, when I get a product or when I just interact with the brand, I think it’s a constant increase of knowledge. So, for example, if I like a picture on Instagram is using the latest collection. So, I am aware of the latest collection, how the brand is evolving. So yeah, I think that is an increase of knowledge every time I take part and every time I, yeah, just think-ing of the brand, researchthink-ing etc. is an increase of knowledge for me. (Int. 9)

The kind of knowledge that is gained can thereby be complex. Quotations from the participants indi-cate that such knowledge can relate, for example, to the various production methods of the brand.

Here, an additional inference can be drawn about the CE type researching (see chapter 5.2.3), in which the increase in knowledge is particularly pointed out.

For example, if you look at Hermès again, I think, you can learn something about production and processing. And I find that very, very interesting, because it’s also a certain craft and is related to high quality, which you can communicate as well. And I find it very interesting to experience that as a customer. (Int. 4)

Lastly, it is pointed out by the interviewees that such increasing knowledge is linked to the own person and the way in which one sees oneself. According to the participants, increasing one’s knowledge by engaging with an LFB builds up on the characteristics that define the person.

So, it’s another form of increasing your knowledge in something and increasing the hobbies that you have for something, the whole interest. So, for me, I want to work in the luxury fashion industry when I’ll be older. So, it’s kind of a way of revising my work, when I read newsletters, and when I speak about it with my friends etc. (Int. 9)

Well, if those brands are actually talkative or giving you more information than expected, then this is a rare insight that you wouldn’t have usually. And so, you can… which can be very useful afterwards. And having a lot of small information from different kind of luxury brands at some point can make a whole puzzle. So, your own puzzle, it can be very insightful.

(Int. 10)

In some cases, participants even indicate that such a CE with LFBs not only enriches their own per-sonality, but also helps to define their own self, which is shown by the following quote.

Yeah, I think, it’s a way to define yourself. Yeah. It’s kind of, if you feel elegant, you tend to use like pieces that make you more elegant and so that helps you to define yourself. (Int. 13) Another way in which the actual self is influenced by engaging with LFBs, providing a mean to express oneself becomes apparent as one of the most obvious and most frequently mentioned influ-ences. It can be ascertained from the participant’s quotes that the expression is largely directed at oneself.

If I could express myself through fashion? YES! (Int. 7)

So, having like a certain bag or a dress or whatever, something that would just make me really happy that I have it and just to express myself, mostly. (Int. 8)

I would rather explain it as a form of self-expressionism. It’s a form of personality expression.

And I don’t know if you get validation about it, or if that’s just the subjective view that makes it attractive to you. (Int. 11)

Yeah, I think it’s a self-expression, I would benefit like probably feeling good about myself.

(Int. 13)

Regarding the participant’s quotes more closely, it becomes apparent, that such self-expression is oftentimes linked to wearing LFBs. Thus, it can be assumed that especially wearing a luxury fashion item enables or supports to express oneself.

I think, that it says a lot about yourself, the kind of clothes that you wear. (Int. 8)

What do I want to express… of course a bit of my self-image, how I perceive myself. I believe that sometimes subconsciously you do it in such a way that you dress like it. (Int. 11)

And then, I just like fashion in general, so it’s like the way of expressing myself by wearing clothes that I like. (Int. 13)

Aligned with such self-expression, it becomes strongly apparent, that particularly the participant’s individuality is aimed to be pointed out by engaging with the LFB. For participants, it appears to be very important to express their individual style, their individual values and attitudes as well as their individual message through the CE.

I think, fashion really helps people to become their own self or like to express their individu-ality. So, in that sense, I think, fashion is very powerful. (Int. 10)

I think, there is almost no limit to how you can express your personality through fashion. I think, there are thousand different kinds of fashion. There are a thousand different styles, there are a thousand different types of fashion, there are a thousand different designs and I think, the personalities that can be expressed, are just as individual. So, I think, there are no limits to that. (Int. 11)