• Ingen resultater fundet

A rticle VIL

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We hereby alfo moft graciously repeat and confirm the Approbation We have given to the two Seals of the Academy. T he Greater to be imprefled in red Wax and ufed to the Diploma’s , Letters-Patents, Teftimonies, and Academical Atteftations; T he Lesser shall be em*

ployed to the Academy’s Correfpondence, whereunto w e, by thefe Prefents, moft graciously add Frank-Poftage, on Condition that the Academy in no wife ufe it, or fuffers it to be ufed, to any other than it’s own proper Affairs.

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W e will farther mod graciously allow, that all the Officers of this Academy, to wit. the Direftor, Reftors, Profeffors-Artifts, Counfellors of the Academy, Profeffors in Anatomy and Geometry, together with the Secretary, shall have the farne Rank as the affual Counsellors of

Ou r Ch a n c e r y enjoy. Among themfelves they take Place according to the Seat they have in the Academy.

As for the AcademicalMembers, We will perrnit them to bear the Titles of Our Pa in t e r s, Ca r v e r s, Ar c h i-

t e c t s and En g r a v e r s; and We forbid any for the Future to ufe thefe Titles, unlefs they have been received Mem- bers of this Academy.


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We will alfo moft graciously that the Academy for the Future shall receive as Academ ians not only Hiftory- Painters, Archite&s and Sculptors; but alfo Painters of all Sorts, as forExample Face Pa in t e r s, Ba t t l e-Pa in t e r s, Pa in t e r s o f Be a s t s, L a n d sk ips, Se a-Pie c e s, Flo w ers, Fr u it s , Bu ildin gs ; Pa in t e r s in Min ia t u r e and En a-

m e l, as alfo Engravers in Co p p e r, Medals and fine

St o n e s,

The Academy shall alfo by Degrees, and according to a Majority of V otes, eleft Profeflors to the Model- School of the moft feilful Hiftory-Painters and Carvers.

The Academy shall alfo be at Liberty, to chufe them out of the Clafs of Face-Painters and Battie-Painters, when Occahon requires, and even of Engravers in Copper after the Hiftorical-Way, provided they are found to be Perfons of great Talents.

As for fuch other Members of the Academy, who, from theNature of their A rts, can neither teach publickly, nor arrive at the Profefforship in the Academy, We will moft graciously, (to the Intent the excellent Talents, which may be found among them, shall not go unrewarded) that fuch Perfons, by a Plurality ofVoices, may be elefled

Counsellors o f the Academ y and thac they enjoy the farne Honours and Prerogatives as the Profeffors, except

that they can not come into Pay.

A rticle X.

T he Academy shall not henceforward admit any as Members of the Academy but what are Perfons of diftin- guished Merit in the Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Archi- te&ure and Engraving in Copper, and to the E nd, they may be certain of fuch Merit and Skiil, We will, that, for

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the Time to come, thefc following Precautions be ufed:


Every Perfon, defir^ous of becoming a Member of the Academy, shali repair to one of the Officers pra&ifing the farne Art. This Officer, having du^ly examined the Afpiring-Party’s Workmanship, shall propofe him to the Academy in their Affembly, who, according to the Report there made, are to determine, whether the Performance, exhibited by the Party propofed, shall be brought before them then, or deferred ’till an other Opportunity.

In Cafe the Academy refolves to have it laid before them, as then shall the Afpiring-Perfon produce it before the Academy in their Affembly, who proceed to Ballotting, and if the greater Number of Votes be for the Afpiring- P a rty , his Requeft shall be granted; if againfl him , he shall be admonished to make a new Performance, and endeavour fo to improve as to be worthy of that Honour.

As foon as he is approved of, the Academy shall give him a Subjeft to elaborate for his Reception, upon which he shall make a Sketch and show it unto the Academy, who by a Majority of Voices shall either admit it, or, in Cafe it is fo und neceffary, refer him to the Making of a

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The Party-approved shall then perform it in large and finish it, for the Piece of his Reception, in the Time allotted him by the Academy * there shall alfo forne of the Officers be appointed to go now and then to fee him w ork, and in Cafe it can be proved that he made Ufe of the Help of Ocher’s, or that the Work itfelf is not finished in the Time prefenbed by the Academy (yet all lawful Hinderances confidered and exeepted) the Approbation he had, shall be of no Advantage to him.

When the Piece for his Reception is finished, the Acade­

my shall by Ballot judge thereof, and, provided that is gains the Good likingof the Major-Part of theAffembly, the Perfon, that performed it, shall be received an Ac a d e m i c a lM ember

in the ufual Manner, upon which he takes his Place as fuch, and his Performance shall remain in die Academy.

A rticle XI.

T hat the Scholars frequenting the Academy may be encouraged to vie' with, and out go each other in Per­

fektion, and alfo the Rewards made equal among thofe that ftudy different A rts, We will moft graciously enereafe the Number of the Prizes, and in lieu of one Gold-Medal for the Painters, one for the Sculptors and one

for the Archite&s, as expreffed in Our moft gracious Charter of 1754. We will allot t m Gold-Medals yearly


for eacli of the aforefaid Arts, which shall be (truck ex- prefsly to that End. viz. one great M edal, entituled the

F i r s t-Pr i z e , and a Leder M edal, called the Second- Pr i z e , or Premium.


T o attain thefe Prizes , (to which Foreigners may likewife concur) the Scholars shall be obliged to appear annually each firft Day of February, and, in the Art they ftudy, compofe, paint, model, or draw a Sketch according to the Subjekt which the Academy shall propofe to be made.

Such Competition shall be conftantly made known

eight Days before, by Placais hung up in the Model- School.

And as We are moft graciously inclined to caft a favourable Eye on En g r a v i n g in Co p p e r, and thereby to forward it’s Perfektion , We will mo.fi: graciously thac they, who have learnt this A rt, may concur too for the great Prizes. T o that faid Intent We will mofl: graciously grant unto them , like as to the Scholars in Painting, Carving and Budding, yearly two Gold-Medals.

T he Subjekt, which they, as well as the Painters and Garvers, shall elaborate, mult be taken out of the Bible.

T he DireTor shall propofe two Subje&s for the Pain- ters and Sculptors, two for the Archite&s, and likewife two for the Engravers in Copper, of which the Academy shall, by a Piarality of Votes, chufe one.

And to prevent the Scholars from making Ufe of any Other’s Aid, they shall be shut up in the Academy, untii that they have made each his Sketch, and got it Bgned by the Profelfor in Office.

After that the Academy has been affembled and conffi dered the faid Sketches, thofe Scholars, as are found fic to concur for the great Prizes, shall each a-part, in the Lodg­

es, built to that End in the Academy, perform in large their Pieces, entirely deprived from all Inftru&ion and Help of Others.

T he Painters, Carvers, and Builders shall be each obliged to get his Piece ready againft the thirtieth of M arch, on which Day the Academy shall be aflembled to difcern which of them can bear being expofed in the great Hall of the Academy, to publick View, the Day follow- ing, viz. the t h i r t y f i r s t, which is Ou r Bi r t h- Da y.

Upon which the Academy, in their next Affembly, shall adjudge the Prizes, by Ballot, to them that have merited the farne, and the very farne Day, when the Prefident has accepted the Adjudication, the Prizes shall be diflributed

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unto them. But the Pieces, which have obtained the Prize, shah be hung up as Memorials in the Academy.

As for the Scholars in Engraving, feeing it is impos- fible for hem, in the Space of two M onths, to complete a perfeft Draught and withal engrave a Plate according to the Subject propofed , there shall be granted to them fix

Months , to be reckoned from the aforefaid firft Day of February, which is the Day when the Competition for the great Prizes shall begin , until the firft of A uguft, when they shall be obliged to deliver their Draughts and en- graven Plates unto the Secretary in the Prefence of the Profeffor whofe Monthly Courfe it is then to officiate, which Things shall be depoiited in a Cafe fitted up to that Intenr, and remain fealed until the Day preceeding Our Birth-Day, when the Academy affembled shall judge, whether what the Concurrents have performed for the gaining the great Prizes is qualified to bear a publick Cenfure, or not.

T hey shall be obliged, like as the young Painters, Sculptors and Architefts, to make their Draughts and engrave their Plates locked up in the Lodges which the Academy fet up on this Occafion.

In Cafe any of the Competitors shall offend againft the Statutes of the Academy by carrying any one into their Lodge, or bringing thither any Piece whether of


Carving, Painting, Brawing, Print, or other Aftiftance whatfoever, the Party offending shall be thereby entirely fecluded from Concurring.

As to the Si l v e r- M e d a l s, or fmall Prizes, of which in Our-Charter of 1754? We have molf graciously gran- fed the Academy three to be diftributed quarterly, We will molf graciously that their Number be augmented, and to the End Our molf gracious Views may be attained, viz.

t h e Im p r o v e m e n t of Ar t s with equal Advantages, We will henceforward, that thefe Medals be diftributed in the following Manner:


One great Medal called the Fi r s t-Me d a l, and otte of lefs Value, called the Second- Me d a l, shall be given unto them, who have drawn the beft Academical-Defign after the living Model. Likewifé a f i r s t and second M edal

for thofe who have modelled the beft Academical-Model after the living Model, and finally a f i r s t and second

M edal for them that have performed beft in the Schools of Architeaure. Thefe faid Medals shall be adjudged in the General-Aflemblies held every Quarter of a Year, and be diftributed annually on the Day when the great Prizes are dealt out. T o concur for thefe Prizes the Profeftors exercifing, each in his Courfé, shall once a Month adjuft a Pofture, which they may not correa, nor the Scholars bring

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out of the Academy, and to be fo much the more affured hereof, every Draught, or Modelled-Piece shall be mark­

ed on the Back, the firft Day, by the ProfefTor then officiating, and delivered every Evening into the Hånds of a Perfon

thereunto appointed.

T he ProfefTor, whofe Month it is to officiate in Archi- tefture shall in like Manner fet them a T a sk , and the farne Precautions shall be taken, in Regard to it’s Performance, as

are ufed in the Model School.

Moreover We will mod: graciously that the Scholars in the Model-School, who have not acquired any Prize, shall annually concur for the Up p e r-Places. T o which Purpofe the ProfefTor officiating shall exprefsly, towards the

latter End of January, adjud a Figure, in Regard to which the farne Precautions shall be obferved as in the Concur- rence for the Medals. T he Draughts or Models thus made shall be fentenced at the End of the farne Month, and he, who has performed bed, shall have the Right to go firft into the Model - School, ( p e x t after thofe that have gained the Great and Leder Prizes,)every Day the Model is placed in a new Podure, and there feek themfelves out the bed Place; upon which the next bed Performer follows, and fo the Red, until he, who has done the w ord, shall go in the lad.

Con-Concerning the inferiour Schools, to which alfo Our Royal Care shall extend, it is Our Pleafure, that Emula- tion and Indufcry be diere promoted by Means of a Qu a r-

t e r l y Co n c u r r e n c e , and mantained by the Scholars afcending from a l q w e r to a h i g h e r Sc h o o l; that is from the School, where the fir ft Rudiments of Drawing are taught, to that where they draw after Draughts;

from thence again to the School where they draw after Em- bofied Figures, or Images of Plaider, and from this lad to the Model-School. T he farne Order shall likewife be foh lowed in the Schools of Archite&ure, where the Scholars shall alfo quarterly concur, and they, who have performed bed in the lower School, shall advance to the fird.

For the Future none shall be allowed to go to Iearn in this Academy without being fird provided with a Let­

ter of Protektion from one of the Members of the Acade­

m y, which the Secretary shall iffue out, and the Scholar deliver to the Profeffor officiating, who is to appoint him the Place for his Indruktiom

A r t ic l e XII.

W e wilt mod graciously to the Support of Arts , and Encouraging their Progrefs in Our Kingdoms and Domi­

nions, as alfo to fee this Academy fucceffiveiy provided

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with able Artifts, that four of the Scholars, who have learn- ed Painting, Carving, Budding and Engraving in Copper, and who are to be of Our Native Subje&s, bom in Den- mare, Morway, or forne other of Our Dominions, shall, after having firft obtained the Chief-Prize, farther enjoy the Honour to travel abroad, at Our own Charge, for the Space of fix Years with the Character of the Kin gs Pensioners , that they may frequent the moft famous Academies in foreign Parts, to the accomplishing them in their refpeflive Arts, as alfo to show the Academy, at their Return Home, forne of their W ork, and chere to fubmit to it’s Examinadon, according to which, in Cafe they shall be deemed fufficiently improved, they shall be received as M embers o f the Ac a d e m y.

At their Departure they shall be enjoined to bind themfelves in the moft folernn Manner to return again unto Our Kingdoms and Dominions, when their Time is expired, and not to enter into the Service of any other Prince whatfoever, without Our moft gracious Leave firft obtained.

Befides which the Prefident shall impart to them a Letter, wherein they shall be commanded to fend to the Academy every Year fomething of their Workmanship, from which may be difeerned the Progrefs they make.


We will alfo, that the Perfons judged worthy to undertake fuch a Journey abroad, shaJl be prcpofed to Us by none but the Academy alone, We ever Referving to Ourfelves the Right of Chufing.

Ic shall alfo be obferved, as far as is poffible, that, among thofe that travel abroad, there be alcernatively found a Perfon p rofe ffin g Painting, Sculpture, Architefture and Engraving in Copper; And, as any of the aforefaid Penfo­

ners by Degrees return Home, their Room shall be fup- plied by others, who are likewife efteemed worthy, and have received Our moft gracious Approbation.

A r t ic l e XIII.

W e will moft graciously that none be hereafter allow- ed to fettle in Our Royal Refidence-City Copenhagen in Quality of Pa i n t e r, Sculptor, Architect or Engra­

ver m Copper, but what has been firft admitted a Mcmber of the Acadeiny, or of the City-Companies, unlefs he has already praftifed in any of thefe Arts befare the Publication

of this Charter.

We will alfo moft graciously that fuch of Our Subjefts as frequent the Academy, and obtain one of the great Prizes, may fettle himfelf as a Privil eg ed Fr e e- Ma s t e r


.any where throughout Our Dominions, wichout any other Impofition, or Charges, than the Taking up the Freedorø o f the Place; nor shall the Måders of that Place dåre to hinder or moleft him in any Wife.

Befides which, We will mod: graciously grant to the Academy the Liberty, when they shall find it proper for the Progrefs of the Arts and Improvement of Youth therc- in, to take into their Proteffion fuch Perfons as will vend here in this City Works depending on the Arts, or relating thereunto, as Pa i n t i n g s, An t i^ue St a t u e s,

or other M od el s, Dr a u g h t s, Pr i n t s, &e. as alfo the travelling Workers of Images, yet ever with this Provifo, that they are found to have fuch Moulds as for Beauty and Art exceed thofe of the Image-Makers already fettled in Copenhagen; wherefore We will mod graciously, that none may hinder them, who are thus provided with Licen- ces from the Academy.

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