By Kirsten Flensborg Petersen
This bibliography is a supplement to Mina F. Miller: Carl Nielsen A guide to research (New York 1987) covering the period 1985 to 1995, together with a few additions to Miller’s bibliography.
The biblography includes mono- graphs and articles, plus dissertations from Denmark and the rest of the world.
Important book reviews from specialist journals are included, but not reviews of recordings or concerts, CD booklets or magazine articles. As in Miller’s biblio- graphy the list encompasses both scho- larly research and more journalistic arti- cles written for a general readership.
The next instalment of the biblio- graphy in Carl Nielsen Studies will cover the period from 1996 to the present, after which each volume will contain updates, together with supplements to previous lists.
Titles are given in the original language, and for languages other than English, French and German an English translation is added in parentheses.
Alster, Bendt: ‘Carl Nielsen Museet’ [The Carl Nielsen Museum], Danske museer 1/1 (1988) pp. 24-25.
Arnold, Cecil B.: ‘Tradition and Growth in the Concertos of Nielsen’ in Mina F.
Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 350-376.
Bingham, Ann Marie: Carl Nielsen’s koncert for Klarinet og Orkester, opus 57 (1928): A per- formance guide, D.M.A. diss., University of Kentucky 1990, 220 p.
Bjørnkjær, Kristen: ‘To sjæle – to tanker’
[Two souls – two thoughts], Samvirke 67/
1-2 (1994) pp. 72-74.
Bjørnum, Birgit and Klaus Møllerhøj: Carl Nielsens Samling: Katalog over komponistens musikhåndskrifter i Det Kongelige Bibliotek / The Carl Nielsen Collection: A Catalogue of the Composer’s Musical Manuscripts in the Royal Library, København 1992, 301 p. (Danish Humanist Texts and Studies 4).
Blaabjerg, Vibeke: Carl Nielsen og Højskole- sangbogens digtere [Carl Nielsen and the Folk High School Songbook poets], diss., Århus Universitet 1985.
Borum, Poul: ‘Den mindre komma kend- te Nielsen’ [The less comma known Niel- sen], Dansk Musiktidsskrift 66/1 (1991/92) pp. 20-27.
1 9 8 5 – 1 9 9 5
Bredal, Bjørn: ‘Forunderligt at sige: små tanker om musikken og forelskelsen fra Carl Nielsen til Marcel Proust’ [Strange to say: Small thoughts on music and love from Carl Nielsen to Marcel Proust], Spring:
Tidsskrift for moderne dansk litteratur 6 (1994) pp. 72-78.
Bruun, Georg: Kolding højere Almenskoles Majfest [The May celebrations at Kolding Secondary School], Kolding 1924.
Brøgger, Suzanne: ‘Carl Nielsens Symfoni- er’, Espansiva 2 (1995) pp. 4-9.
Buhl, Claus: ‘Den uudslukkelige utopi:
om det sociale og filosofiske engage- ment i Carl Nielsens arbejde med den folkelige sang’ [The Inextinguishable Utopia: about the social and philan- thropic engagement in Carl Nielsen’s work with popular song], Modspil 7/28 (1985) pp. 42-45.
Carl Nielsen 9.6.1865 Nørre Lyndelse – 3.10.1931 Copenhagen, Werkverzeichnis, Snekker- sten [s.a.].
‘Carl Nielsen’s Letters: A Selection’ in Mina F. Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 599-640. [tr. Alan Swanson].
Caron, Jean-Luc: ‘Autour de la troisième symphonie de Carl Nielsen’, Bulletin de l’Association Française Carl Nielsen 2 (1986) pp. 9-78.
Caron, Jean-Luc: ‘Carl Nielsen à Paris:
Octobre 1926’, Bulletin de l’Association Française Carl Nielsen 10 (1993) pp. 1-22.
Caron, Jean-Luc: ‘Carl Nielsen: disco- graphie’, Bulletin de l’Association Française Carl Nielsen 7 (1990) 49 p.
Caron, Jean-Luc: ‘Carl Nielsen en CD’, Bul- letin de l’Association Française Carl Nielsen 3 (1987) pp. 5-25.
Caron, Jean-Luc: ‘Carl Nielsen i Paris 1926’, Espansiva 3 (1995) pp. 10-15. Translated from ‘Carl Nielsen à Paris: Octobre 1926’, Bulletin de l’Association Française Carl Niel- sen 10 (1993) pp. 1-22.
Caron, Jean-Luc: Carl Nielsen: Vie et oeuvre 1865-1931, Lausanne 1990, 500 p.
Caron, Jean-Luc: ‘Discographie critique des symphonies de Carl Nielsen’, Bulletin de l’Association Française Carl Nielsen 1 (1985) pp. 14-21.
Caron, Jean-Luc: ‘Le quintette a vent F. S.
100 de Carl Nielsen’, Bulletin de l’Associa- tion Française Carl Nielsen 4 (1988) pp. 6-57.
Christensen, Mogens: ‘Betrachtungen über den Tonikalitätsbegriff bei Edvard Grieg und Carl Nielsen’, Die Gratulanten kommen:
Edvard Grieg zum 150. Geburtstag, Frankfurt (Main) 1993, pp. 24-40.
Christensen, Mogens: Tonalitetsbegrebet hos Carl Nielsen til og med 3. symfoni [Tonality
in Carl Nielsen’s music up to and includ- ing Symphony No. 3], diss., Århus Univer- sitet 1993.
Clegg, R. N.: The writing of Carl Nielsen’s
‘Saul og David’, M. Phil. diss., Leeds Univer- sity 1989.
Colding-Jørgensen, Gunnar: Carl Nielsens operaer. Carl Nielsens særpræg som drama- tisk komponist dokumenteret gennem en an- alyse af ‘Saul og David’ og ‘Maskarade’ [Carl Nielsen’s operas. Characteristics of Carl Nielsen as a dramatic composer, shown by an analysis of ‘Saul og David’ and
‘Maskarade’], diss., Københavns Univer- sitet 1966.
Colding-Jørgensen, Gunnar: Dansk opera ca. 1890-1910 og dens europæiske baggrund [Danish opera c. 1890-1910 and its Euro- pean background], [diss.], Københavns Universitet 1967.
Dalaker, Ingrid Loe: Carl Nielsens klavermusikk: en stilistisk og strukturell ana- lyse [Carl Nielsen’s piano music: a stylistic and structural analysis], diss., Trondheim Universitet 1995, 268 p.
Damberg, Erik: Carl Nielsens kantater og deres forhold til den tidligere danske kantate- tradition [Carl Nielsen’s cantatas and their relation to the earlier Danish cantata tra- dition], diss., Århus Universitet 1974.
Danving, Kirsten Elise: Schulz-traditionen i dansk folkelig sang til omkring 1930 [The
Schulz Tradition in Danish Popular Song until about 1930], diss., Københavns Universitet 1982.
Davenport, David: ‘Carl Nielsen, Sym- phony No. 4: The Timpani Parts’, Percus- sive Notes 33/2 (1995) p. 53.
Davenport, David: The virtuoso percussion writing of Carl Nielsen, D.M.A. diss., Indi- ana University 1993, 230 p.
Davidson, Rolf: ‘Danmarks störste tonsät- tere: Carl Nielsen’ [Denmark’s greatest composer: Carl Nielsen], Mixturen, Frikyr- kaliga studie förbundet 4 (1993) pp. 6-8.
Devoto, Mark: ‘Non-Classical Diatonicism and Polyfocal Tonality: The Case of Nielsen’s Fifth Symphony, First Move- ment’ in Mina F. Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 257-288.
Dollerup, Kirsten: Carl Nielsens operaer og deres forhold til nummeroperaen [Carl Nielsen’s operas and their relation to the number opera], diss., Århus Universitet 1974.
Emil: ‘Carl Nielsen som bilist: Komponis- ten (1865-1931) og hans mæcen Carl Jo- han Michaelsen (d. 1963)’ [Carl Nielsen as a car driver: the composer (1865-1931) and his maecenas Carl Johan Michaelsen (d. 1963)], Bilhistorisk tidsskrift 177 (1994) pp. 1-11, 32.
Eriksen, Birgitte: J. P. Jacobsen i musikken [J. P. Jacobsen in music], diss., Københavns Universitet 1977.
Falkencrone, Jan: Musikforeningen i Køben- havn 1886-1937 [The Music Society in Copen- hagen 1886-1937], diss., København 1992.
Fanning, David: ‘Nielsen’ in Robert Layton (ed.), A Companion to the Symphony, London 1993, pp. 351-362.
Fanning, David: ‘Progressive Themati- cism in Nielsen’s Symphonies’ in Mina F.
Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 167-203.
Fanning, David: ‘The Gramophone collec- tion: Carl Nielsen. Discography’, Gramo- phone: The Rewiew of Classical Recordings 68 (1990) pp. 37-39.
Fanning, David: [Review of] Birgit Bjørnum og Klaus Møllerhøj: Carl Nielsens sam- ling, Music & Letters 74 (1993) pp. 608-609.
Fanning, David: [Review of] Jørgen I.
Jensen: Carl Nielsen – Danskeren, Music &
Letters 74 (1993) pp. 113-115.
Fellow Larsen, John: ‘Carl Nielsen i pressen’ [Carl Nielsen in the press], Espan- siva 1 (1994) p. 24.
Fellow Larsen, John: ‘Carl Nielsen som skribent’ [Carl Nielsen as a writer], Espan- siva 1 (1994) pp. 14-15.
Fellow Larsen, John: ‘Modbilledet Carl Nielsen’ [Carl Nielsen the ‘counter-pic- ture’], Espansiva 2 (1995) p. 3.
Fellow Larsen, John: ‘Sinfonia Espansiva.
Kraften og dens retning’ [Sinfonia Espan- siva. The power and its direction], Espan- siva 1 (1994) pp. 4-12.
Gad, Ole: Den tematiske udformning og forma- le opbygning i Carl Nielsens koncerter med sær- ligt henblik på en klarlæggelse af hans ændrede opfattelse og udnyttelse af koncertformen [The- matic presentation and formal organiza- tion in Carl Nielsen’s concertos with spe- cial emphasis on the new way in which he understands and exploits the concerto form], diss., Københavns Universitet 1963.
Gervink, Manuel: ‘Exotismus oder Popu- lismus? Carl Nielsens Aladdin-Suite’, Be- gegnungen der Kulturen in der Musikfor- schung – Festschrift Robert Günther zum 65.
Geburtstag, Kassel 1995, pp. 253-270.
Getler, Annie: Det københavnske musikliv i årene omkring 1930. [Musical life in Copen- hagen in the years around 1930], diss., Københavns Universitet 1974.
Halken, Mogens: Carl Nielsen som drama- tisk komponist. Karaktertegning og situations- beskrivelse i Carl Nielsens operaer ‘Saul og David’ og ‘Maskarade’ [Carl Nielsen as a dra- matic composer. Characterisation and scene-Setting in Carl Nielsen’s operas
‘Saul og David’ and ‘Maskarade’], diss., Københavns Universitet 1990.
Hamburger, Povl: ‘The Problem of Form in the Music of Our Time with an Analy- sis of Nielsen’s ‘Sinfonia espansiva’ (First Movement)’ in Mina F. Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 379- 98. Translated from ‘Formproblemet i vor tids musik med analyse af Carl Nielsens
‘Sinfonia espansiva’ (1. sats)’, Dansk Musik- tidsskrift 6/5 (1931) pp. 89-100.
Hansen, Morten Gudmund: ‘Carl Nielsens FUHU-Kantate’ [Carl Nielsen’s cantata for the Society for the Education of Young Businessmen], Kommers 1 (1988) p. 12.
Hansen, Tove Skovbo: Sonateformens skæbne i Carl Nielsens symfonier med særligt henblik på 1.-4. symfoni [The fate of sonata form in Carl Nielsen’s symphonies, especially sympho- nies 1-4], diss., Århus Universitet 1994.
Hesse, Lutz-Werner: ‘Die Metamorphose und Durchführung: Anmerkungen zu Carl Nielsens 4. Symphonie op. 29 ‘Das Unauslöschliche’’, Das Orchester: Zeitschrift für Orchesterkultur 38/1 (1990) pp. 14-18.
Hiatt, James Smith: Form and tonal organiza- tion in the late instrumental works of Carl Niel- sen, Ph.D. diss., Indiana University 1986, 118p.
Holmen, Grethe: ‘Anne Marie Carl Niel- sen and Anne Marie Telmanyi’, Woman’s Art Journal 5/2 (1984-1985) pp. 28-33.
Isaacson, Lanae H.: ‘Carl Nielsen’s ‘Min fyn- ske Barndom’. The Childhood as Literary Art’, Scandinavica 30/2 (1991) pp. 161-204.
Jacobsson, Stig: Carl Nielsen, Borås 1987, 191 p.
Jensen, Anne Ørbæk: ‘Two great Danish editions in progress: Niels W. Gade and Carl Nielsen’, Fontes Artis Musicae 42/1 (1995) pp. 85-90.
Jensen, Jørgen I.: ‘At the Boundary be- tween Music and Science: From Per Nør- gård to Carl Nielsen’, Fontes Artis Musicae 42/1 (January – March 1995) pp. 55-61.
Jensen, Jørgen I.: ‘Carl Nielsen: Artistic Milieu and Tradition: Cultural-Historical Perspectives’ in Mina F. Miller, The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 58-77.
Jensen, Jørgen I.: Carl Nielsen – danskeren:
musikbiografi [Carl Nielsen – The Dane, a music biography], København 1991, 507 p.
Jensen, Jørgen I.: ‘Carl Nielsen og livsan- skuelserne’ [Carl Nielsen and philoso- phies of life], Musik og Forskning 16 (1990- 91) pp. 7-14.
Jensen, Niels Martin: ‘Carl Nielsens Musik i ny skikkelse – en samlet udgave af hans værker’ [Carl Nielsen’s music in a new guise: a complete edition of his works], Espansiva 1 (1994) p. 13.
Jensen, Niels Martin: ‘Carl Nielsen und Rued Langgaard: Gegensätze in der däni- schen Musikgeschichte’, Festival Ljubljana, Ljubljana 1995, pp. 268-276.
Joseph, Charles M.: ‘Structural Pacing in the Nielsen String Quartets’ in Mina F.
Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 460-488.
Jürgens, Berenike: ‘Verweisende Musikre- zeption in Hans Henny Jahnns Fluß ohne Ufer’ in Uwe Schweikert (ed.): ‘Orgelbauer bin ich auch’: Hans Henny Jahnn und die Musik – mit der Erstveröffentlichung des Briefwechsels Hans Henny Jahnn-Carl Nielsen, Paderborn 1994, pp. 144-159.
Klemm, Eberhardt: ‘ “– und ihre Wirkung ist gefährlich”: Anmerkung zum ‘nordi- schen Klang’ in den Orchesterwerken von Nielsen, Sibelius und Petterssons 7.
Sinfonie’ in Nico Schüler und Lutz Winkler [ed.], Zu interregionalen musikkul- turellen Beziehungen im Ostseeraum, Greifs- wald: Institut fur Musikwissenschaft und Musikpädagogik 1993, pp. 44-62.
Koppel, Herman D.: ‘A Personal Tribute to Carl Nielsen’, Nordic Sounds 2 (1990) p. 3.
Kovar, Vladimir: Carl Nielsens Estetik [Carl Nielsen’s Aesthetics], diss., Göteborg Uni- versitet 1986, 104 p.
Krabbe, Niels: ‘Omkring et Carl Nielsen symposium på Musikvidenskabeligt In- stitut i København’ [About a Carl Nielsen symposium at the Music Department at Copenhagen University], Dansk Musiktids- skrift 64/7 (1989-1990), pp. 278-281.
Kramer, Jonathan D.: ‘Unity and Disunity in Nielsen’s Sixth Symphony’ in Mina F.
Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 293-344.
Krebs, Harald: ‘Tonal Structure in Niel- sen’s Symphonies: Some Addenda to Robert Simpson’s Analyses’ in Mina F.
Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 208-49.
Krenek, Thomas B.: An examination and analysis of the choral music af Carl Nielsen (1865-1931), D.M.A. diss., University of Cincinnati 1985, 96 p.
Kristensen, Tom: ‘Carl Nielsen as a Writer’
in Mina F. Miller: The Carl Nielsen Compan- ion, London 1994, pp. 151-159. Translated from ‘Carl Nielsen som prosaist’, Dansk Musiktidsskrift 7/1 (1932) pp. 15-21, reprint:
Dansk Musiktidsskrift 40/4 (1965) pp. 105- 109, reprint: Espansva 2 (1995) pp. 16-19.
Krummacher, Friedhelm: ‘Mozart in skandinavischer Sicht: Carl Nielsen als Vermittler’, Mozart in der Musik des 20.
Jahrhunderts: Formen ästhetischer und kom- positionstechnischer Rezeption, Laaber 1992, pp. 71-90.
Krummacher, Friedhelm: ‘Nationaler Ton und Gattungstradition: Über Steich- quartette von Nielsen und Stenhammar’
in Robert Bohn und Michael Engelbrecht [ed.]: Weltgeltung und Regionalität, Nord- europa um 1900, Frankfurt am Main 1992, pp. 213-239, (Studia septemtrionalia 1).
Kurzbauer, Heather: ‘A sense of responsi- bility’, The Strad. 103/1229 (September 1992) pp. 800-802, 804.
Langevin, Paul-Gilbert [et al.]: ‘Musiciens d’Europe: figures du renouveau ethnoro- mantique: essais en forme de ‘prélude, variations et fugue’’, Revue Musicale 388- 390 (1986) 213 p.
Lanz, Christopher Charles: The concerti of Carl Nielsen, D.M.A. diss., Stanford Univer- sity 1989, 132 p.
Lanzendörfer, Heidrun: Carl Nielsen, ein Komponist zwischen Tradition und Fortschritt, Analyse der 4. Symphonie – ‘Das Unauslösch- liche’, Wien, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Dipl.-Arb., 1993, 73 p.
Larsen, Jørgen: ‘Carl Nielsen og H. C. An- dersen – ‘Amor og Digteren’, 1930", Fyn- ske minder (1988) pp. 49-79.
Larsen, Kirsten: Carl Nielsens romancer, deres egenart og deres stilling i den danske sangs historie [Characteristics of Carl Nielsen’s romances and their place in the history of the song in Denmark], diss., Århus Universitet 1963.
Larson, Julia Ann: Flute without accompani- ment: Works from Debussy: ‘Syrinx’ (1913) to Va- rèse: ‘Density 21.5’ (1936), D.M.A. diss., Univer- sity of Maryland College Park 1990, 327 p.
Lawson, Jack: A Carl Nielsen Discography, Glasgow 1990.
Lawson, Jack: ‘Carl Nielsen as seen from Great Britain’, Musical Denmark 42, pp. 2-7.
Layton, Robert: ‘After Sibelius and Nielsen’, A Companion to the Symphony, London 1993, pp. 363-381.
Layton, Robert: ‘Nielsen and the Gramo- phone’ in Mina F. Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 116-147.
Leighton Thomas, A. F.: [Review of] Mina F. Miller, Carl Nielsen – a Guide to Re- search, Music Review 50 (1989) pp. 304-306.
Lesle, Lutz: ‘Sonnenwahn, Himmelriss und Donnerwohnung: Die Zeit des dänischen Symphonikers Rued Langgaard ist gekom- men’, Das Orchester 43/9 (1995) pp. 2-9.
Lester, Joel: ‘Continuity and Form in the Sonatas for Violin and Piano’ in Mina F.
Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 495-533.
Lunte, Sandra K.: A pedagogical analysis of se- lected chamber works for the flute by Carl Niel- sen, diss., Ball State University 1993, 93 p.
Maegaard, Jan: ‘1923 – The Critical Year of Modern Music’ in Mina F. Miller: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp.
Maegaard, Jan: ‘Ung komponist i Carl Nielsens skygge’ [A young composer in Carl Nielsen’s shadow], Musik og Forskning 16 (1990-91) pp. 18-24.
Marcussen, Henrik: ‘Carl Nielsen og hans forlæggere’ [Carl Nielsen and his publish- ers], Espansiva 2 (1995) pp. 17-19.
Mathiassen, Ejnar: Den enstemmige folkelige sang hos Carl Nielsen i dens forhold til det 19.
århundredes folkelige danske sang, med særligt hensyn til det formale [Carl Nielsen’s mono- phonic popular songs and their relation to popular song in Denmark in the 19th century, especially in relation to form], diss., Københavns Universitet 1942.
Mathiassen, Finn: ‘Carl Nielsens forord til ‘Det uudslukkelige’. Et korrigerende og supplerende notat’ [Carl Nielsen’s Preface to ‘The Inextinguishable’. A cor- rective supplementary note], Dansk Musik- tidsskrift 62/1 (1987-88) pp. 17-19.
Mathiassen, Finn: ‘Carl Nielsens sidste symfonisats’ [Carl Nielsen’s last sympho- nic movement] in Kirsten Sass Bak (ed.):
Otte ekkoer af musikforskning i Århus, Århus 1988, pp. 158-172.
Mathiassen, Finn: Livet, musikken og sam- fundet: en bog om Carl Nielsen [Life, Music, and Society: a book about Carl Nielsen], Århus 1986, 80 p.
Mercader, Jaime: ‘Carl Nielsen’, Ritmo 621 (1991).
Mikkelsen, Bente: Carl Nielsens ‘Salmer og aandelige Sange’ [Carl Nielsen’s ‘Hymns and Spiritual Songs’], diss., Århus Univer- sitet 1993.
Miller, Mina F.: Carl Nielsen: A Guide to Re- search, New York 1987 (Garland Composer Resource Manuals 6).
Miller, Mina F.: ‘Carl Nielsen Today: An American Assessment’, Musiikki 19/1-4 (1989) pp. 150-160.
Miller, Mina F. [ed. and joint author]: The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, 666 p.
[‘Interlude 1: Motivic Consistency in the Third Symphony’, pp. 204-207; ‘Interlude 2: Recapitulation and Tonality’, pp. 250- 256; ‘Interlude 3: Tonality, Tempo Rela- tions and Performance’, pp. 289-292; ‘In- terlude 4: Interpreting Nielsen: Nielsen’s Interpreters’, pp. 345-349; ‘Interlude 5:
Nielsen’s Compositional Procedures’, pp.
454-459; ‘Interlude 6: Ink v. Pencil: Impli- cations for the Performer’, pp. 489-494;
‘Interlude 7: Rhythm, Metre and Accent’, pp. 534-540; ‘Postlude’, pp. 597-598].
Mizener, Robert Gary: The four chamber/
solo works of Carl Nielsen which utilize the clarinet, D.M.A. diss., The University of Texas at Austin 1990, 150 p.
Mokhov, Nikolay: ‘O tvorchestve Karla Nilsena’ [The creative output of Carl Niel- sen], Sovetskaya muzïka (June 1981) pp.
Mokhov, Nikolay: Simfonicheskoe tvorchest- vo Karla Nilsena i ego znachenie dlya skandi- navskoy muzïki XX stoletiya [Carl Nielsen’s Symphonies and their Significance for 20th Century Scandinavian Music], Ph.D.
diss., Gosudarstvennaya Konservatoriya, Leningrad 1984, 22 p.
Morrison, Linda Sue: Commotio: Carl Niel- sen’s symphony for organ, a lecture recital, to- gether with three recitals, D.M.A. diss., Uni- versity of North Texas 1984, 54 p.
Mortensen, Tage: Den folkelige danske sang efter ca. 1920. Form- og stilelementer i Folke- højskolens Melodibog fra 1922 og senere udga- ver [The popular Danish song after about 1920. Elements of form and style in the
‘Folk High School Song Book’ of 1922 and later editions], M.A. diss., Århus Universi- tet 1959.
Neill, Edward D. R.: ‘Carl Nielsen’, Musi- calia 1/3 (1970) pp. 4-13.
Nelson, E.: ‘The Danish performance tra- dition in Carl Nielsen’s Koncert for klarinet og orkester, Op.57 (1928)’, The Clarinet 14/2 (1987) pp. 30-33.
Nielsen, Carl: La musique et la vie, Paris 1988, 156 p. [tr. Eva Berg Gravenstein and Alain Artaud].
Nielsen, Carl: Lebendige Musik, Arbon am Bodensee 1992, 164 p. [tr. Mogens Rafn Mogensen].
Nielsen, Carl: Levande musik, Göteborg 1991, 80 p. [tr. Bengt Pleijel].
Nielsen, Carl: Levende Musik, Frederiks- berg 1991, 90 p.
Nielsen, Carl: Meine fünische Kindheit, Arbon am Bodensee 1992, 288 p. [tr.
Mogens Rafn Mogensen].
Nielsen, Carl: Min fynske barndom, Frede- riksberg 1994, 181 p.
Nielsen, Carl: My childhood, København 1972, 152 p. [tr. Reginald Spink].
Nielsen, Jens: Carl Nielsens tre første symfo- nier. En redegørelse for tonalitet og tematik i Carl Nielsens tre første symfonier [Carl Niel- sen’s first three symphonies. Tonality and thematicism in Carl Nielsen’s sym- phonies 1-3], diss., Københavns Universi- tet 1962.
Nielsen, Kaj Juel: Carl Nielsen, København 1956, 52 p. (Musikken og dens mænd 4).
Oxenvad, Niels: ‘Carl Nielsen Museet: til- blivelse og udformning’ [The founding and organization of The Carl Nielsen Mu- seum], Fynske minder (1989) pp. 151-168.
Pade, Sten: ‘Carl Nielsen og den ny danske musik’ [Carl Nielsen and contem- porary Danish music], Musik og Forskning 16 (1990-91) pp. 14-18.
Parks, Richard S.: ‘Pitch Structure in Carl Nielsen’s Wind Quintet’ in Mina F. Miller:
The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 541-596.
Pedersen, Bendt Astrup: En redegørelse for formverdenen i Carl Nielsens klavermusik, spe-
cielt en undersøgelse af det særegne i hans me- lodik, som det kommer til orde i disse værker [Form in Carl Nielsen’s piano music, es- pecially the melodic element as it ap- pears in these works], diss., Københavns Universitet 1960.
Petersen, Karen Skalkhøj: Carl Nielsen og friluftsteatret i Ulvedalene [Carl Nielsen and the open-air stage at Ulvedalene], diss., Århus Universitet 1991.
Petersen, Vibeke: ‘Maleren, musikeren og kunsthistorikeren’ [The painter, the mu- sician and the art historian], Jul i Frede- rikssund (1991) pp. 5-9.
Poulsen, Kirsten: Carl Nielsens klaverværker, bibliografisk, klaverteknisk og stilistisk belyst [Carl Nielsen’s piano works, a biblio- graphical, pianistic and stylistic study], diss., Århus Universitet 1965.
Rapoport, Paul: Opus est: Six Composers from Northern Europe, London 1978, 200 p.
Raskmark, Haakon: Carl Nielsens stryge- kvartetter [Carl Nielsen’s string quartets], diss., Københavns Universitet 1946.
Rasmussen, Henning Bro: ‘Om sangbo- gen ‘Danmark’ og Carl Nielsen som sko- lesangbogsredaktør: studier i en dansk skolesangbog 1923 og 1924" [The Song- book ‘Danmark’ and Carl Nielsen as edi- tor of a school songbook. Studies of a Danish school songbook 1923 and 1924], Uddannelseshistorie (1992) pp. 45-60.
Rasmussen, Per Erland (ed.): Carl Nielsen 125 år: Odense 9.-16. juni 1990, Odense 1990.
Ravnkilde, Svend: ‘D for december ’25", Dansk Musiktidsskrift 60/2 (1985-6) p. 90.
Reynolds, Anne-Marie: ‘The Early Song Collections: Carl Nielsen finds his Voice’
in Mina F. Miller: The Carl Nielsen Compan- ion, London 1994, pp. 399-453.
Riis-Vestergaard, Hans: Carl Nielsens sym- foniske stil, dens forudsætninger og særpræg [Carl Nielsen’s symphonic style, its mod- els and characteristics], diss., Københavns Universitet 1952.
Rowell, Lewis: ‘Carl Nielsen’s Homespun Philosophy of Music’ in Mina F. Miller:
The Carl Nielsen Companion, London 1994, pp. 31-57.
Salling, Jørgen M.: Carl Nielsens korværker [Carl Nielsen’s choral works], diss., Århus Universitet 1954.
Schindler, Christopher John: A stylistic analysis of the piano music of Carl Nielsen, D.M.A. diss., University of Oregon 1984, 193 p.
Schiørring, Nils: Le grand compositeur danois Carl Nielsen: 1865-1931, København 1990, 16 p.
Schousboe, Torben: ‘Carl Nielsen-forsk- ningen’ [Carl Nielsen research], Musik og Forskning 16 (1990-91) pp. 24-35.
Schousboe, Torben: ‘Musikdramatisk per- son-karakteristik i Carl Nielsens to operaer’ [Music-Dramatic characterisa- tion in Carl Nielsen’s two operas], Den danske Tilskuer 1 (1990) pp. 173-204.
Schousboe, Torben: Udviklingstendenser indenfor Carl Nielsens symfoniske orkestervær- ker indtil ca. 1910 [Lines of development in Carl Nielsen’s symphonic orchestral works until about 1910], diss., Køben- havns Universitet 1968.
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