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Nyt fra Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen


Academic year: 2022

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Konkurrenceretlig nyhedsoversigt dækker dansk, EU og international konkurrenceret og statsstøtteret Tilmeld dig nyhedsbrevet via. formularen på CMEs hjemmeside Side 1 af 24

Konkurrenceretlig Nyhedsoversigt nr. 65 / dækkende 24. marts – 10. maj 2021


1. Dansk ret

 Nyt fra Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen

 Nyt fra Konkurrencerådet

 Nyt fra Konkurrenceankenævnet

 Nye afgørelser fra domstolene

 Lovforslag i høring

 Ny lovgivning

 Nyt fra Ankestyrelsen

 Andet

2. Europæisk og international ret

 Nyt fra Kommissionen

 Kommisionsafgørelser

 Nyt fra EU-domstolene

 Andet internationalt nyt

3. Litteratur (DK)

 Artikler fra Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen

 Nye publikationer fra Erhvervsministeriet

 Artikler fra Juristen

 Artikler fra Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift

 Artikler fra Revision & Regnskabsvæsen

 Artikler fra EU og Menneskeret

 Konkurrenceretlige emner

 Anden dansk/nordisk litteratur

4. Litteratur (UK)

 European Competition Law Review

 European Competition Journal

 Journal of Competition Law and Economics

 Journal of Antitrust Enforcement

 Competition Policy Brief

 Competition Merger Brief

 Journal of European Competition Law and Practice

 World Competition

 European Journal of Law and Technology

 Antitrust Law Journal

 The Antitrust Bulletin (US Journal)

 Journal of The European Economic Association

 Competition Law & Policy Debate

 Journal of Economics &

Management Strategy

 Journal of Regulatory Economics

 International Review of Law and Economics

 Competition Law Journal

 European Competition and Regulatory Law Review

 European Economic Review

 Communications Law

 Computer and Telecommunications Law Review

 Global Competition Litigation Review

 Andre udenlandske artikler 5. Nyt fra konkurrencegruppen


/ Konkurrenceretlig nyhedsoversigt dækker dansk, EU og international konkurrenceret og statsstøtteret Tilmeld dig nyhedsbrevet via. formularen på CMEs hjemmeside Side 1 af 24


Nyt fra Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 8. april 2021 en forenklet anmeldelse af en fusion hvor Kjell & Co elektronik AB opnår enekontrol over AV-cables.dk ApS

Kjell & Co Elektronik AB vil opnå enekontrol med AV-cables.dk ApS efter transaktionens gennemførelse, jf.

konkurrencelovens § 12 b, stk. 1.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 15. april 2021

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 13. april en forenklet anmeldelse af en fusion mellem Capidea Kapital III K/S og Maki Investment ApS.

Transaktionen indebærer, at Capidea Kapital III K/S erhverver enekontrol over Maki Investment ApS igennem selskabet CapHold M ApS, der er oprettet særligt til transaktionen.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 19. april 2021

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 19. april 2021 en forenklet anmeldelse af en fusion, hvorved Polaris Private Equity V K/S’ erhverver enekontrol over Sinful ApS

Fusionen sker i henhold til en aktieoverdragelsesaftale, hvorved Polaris V erhverver en majoritet på 57,5 pct.

af aktiekapitalen i Sinful ApS fra selskabets nuværende ejere. Den resterende aktiekapital forbliver ejet af virksomhedens to ejerledere og ledelse. Polaris V erhverver dermed enekontrol over Sinful ApS.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 21. april 2021

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 21. april 2021 en forenklet anmeldelse af en fusion mellem Arbejdernes Landsbank og Vestjysk Bank A/S

Transaktionen gennemføres ved en aktieoverdragelse til Arbejdernes Landsbank fra AP Pension

Livsforsikringsselskab og Nykredit Realkredit A/S, som er aktionærer i Vestjysk Bank A/S. Transaktionen indebærer, at Arbejdernes Landsbank erhverver enekontrol over Vestjysk Bank A/S.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 23. april 2021

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 15. april 2021 en forenklet anmeldelse af Laurie 30 FIII Holding GmbH's og Laurie 30 SC FIII Holding GmbH's erhvervelse af enekontrol over Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter A/S

Transaktionen indebærer, at Laurie Fonden gennem en aktieoverdragelsesaftale og et til formålet oprettet selskab, Laurie Acquisition ApS, erhverver 100 pct. af aktiekapitalen i Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter A/S fra selskabets nuværende ejere. Transaktionen fører videre til, at Laurie Fonden på basis af aftale vil eje 69,5 pct. af Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter A/S, og den resterende aktiekapital vil blive ejet af en række af

sidstnævnte selskabs nuværende ejere m.v., der reinvesterer i selskabet. Laurie Fonden erhverver dermed enekontrol over Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter A/S.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 23. april 2021


Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 24. marts 2021 en anmeldelse af en fusion mellem Lerøy Seafood Group ASA og Seafood Danmark A/S

Med transaktionen opnår Lerøy enekontrol over Seafood Danmark. Den anmeldte fusion medfører et kontrolskifte og udgør en fusion, jf. konkurrencelovens § 12 a, stk. 1, nr. 2.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 29. april 2021

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 29. april 2021 en forenklet anmeldelse af en fusion, hvor Union Nine A/S erhverver enekontrol over WhiteAway Group A/S

Union Nine A/S har på nuværende tidspunkt fælleskontrol over WhiteAway Group A/S sammen med Ib Dyhr Nørholm Holding ApS og HAK Holding ApS. Med transaktionen erhverver Union Nine A/S enekontrol over WhiteAway Group A/S.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 4. maj 2021

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 3. maj 2021 en forenklet anmeldelse af Velliv, Pension & Livsforsikring A/S’ og IP Ejendomme 2013 P/S’ erhvervelse af fælleskontrol over Project Vortex Partnerselskab

Ved transaktionen erhverver Velliv, Pension & Livsforsikring A/S og IP Ejendomme 2013 P/S hver en kontrollerende ejerandel på 50 pct. af ejerandelene i Project Vortex Partnerselskab og opnår dermed fælleskontrol over Project Vortex Partnerselskab.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 5. maj 2021

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen modtog den 26. januar 2021 en forenklet anmeldelse af fusion mellem H.J. Hansen Genvindingsindustri A/S og Uniscrap A/S

Ved den anmeldte fusions gennemførsel erhverver H.J. Hansen Genvindingsindustri A/S 100% af aktierne i Uniscrap A/S fra Scholz Recycling GmbH.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 6. maj 2021

Nyt fra Konkurrencerådet

Orifarm Generics Holding har fået Konkurrencerådets godkendelse til at overtage rettighederne til en række lægemidler, kosttilskud og naturmedicinpræparater samt to fabrikker fra Takeda

Pharmaceuticals International. I forbindelse med godkendelsen har Orifarm blandt andet forpligtet sig til at frasælge en række produkter og rettigheder

Ved transaktionen overdrages alle relevante rettigheder, tilladelser, kontrakter og dokumentation relateret til udvikling, produktion, distribution og markedsføring af de produkter, der er omfattet af transaktionen. Orifarm overtager endvidere produktionsfaciliteter i henholdsvis Łyszkowice i Polen og i Hobro, samt en række medarbejdere tilknyttet produktionsfaciliteterne.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 24. marts 2021


Konkurrencerådet har godkendt, at Polaris Private Equity IV K/S overtager busselskaberne Egons A/S, Larsenbus ApS, Papuga Bus A/S samt Papuga A/S

Ved fusionen erhverver Polaris IV gennem et datterselskab 100 pct. af aktierne i Busselskaberne ved en aktieoverdragelse. Den anmeldte fusion medfører et kontrolskifte og udgør en fusion, jf. konkurrencelovens § 12 a, stk. 1, nr. 2. Busselskaberne vil gennem et fællesejet holdingselskab reinvestere ca. 40 pct. af

købesummen i Polaris IV’s datterselskab, således at Busselskaberne til sammen kommer til indirekte at eje ca. 40 pct. af kapitalandelene i det datterselskab til Polaris IV, som efter godkendelse af fusionen vil eje Busselskaberne.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 28. april 2021

Nyt fra Konkurrenceankenævnet

Konkurrenceankenævnet har stadfæstet Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens afgørelse om afslag på aktindsigt, egenacces og meroffentlighed (1/3)

[Tolk] har påklaget Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens afslag af 28. januar 2021 på aktindsigt i

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens undersøgelsessag om tolkes adfærd over for EasyTranslate. [Tolk]

blev informeret om, at undersøgelsen blev afsluttet ved brev af 21. december 2020. Styrelsen havde afvist anmodningen om aktindsigt med henvisning til, at der ikke var tale om en afgørelsessag, jf.

forvaltningslovens § 2, stk. 1, og § 9, stk. 1, og konkurrencelovens § 13, stk. 1, og at der heller ikke var grundlag for at give aktindsigt ud fra princippet om meroffentlighed. Dog gav Konkurrence- og

Forbrugerstyrelsen [Tolk] aktindsigt i to dokumenter ud fra princippet om meroffentlighed.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 13. april 2021

Konkurrenceankenævnet har stadfæstet Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens afgørelse om afslag på aktindsigt, egenacces og meroffentlighed (2/3)

Tolkesamfundet har påklaget Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens afslag af 28. januar 2021 på aktindsigt i Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens undersøgelsessag om tolkes adfærd over for EasyTranslate.

Tolkesamfundet blev informeret om, at undersøgelsen blev indledt ved brev af 6. september 2019, og senere at undersøgelsen blev afsluttet ved brev af 21. december 2020. Styrelsen havde afvist anmodningen om aktindsigt med henvisning til, at der ikke var tale om en afgørelsessag, jf. forvaltningslovens § 2, stk. 1, og § 9, stk. 1, og konkurrencelovens § 13, stk. 1, og at der heller ikke var grundlag for at give aktindsigt ud fra princippet om meroffentlighed.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 13. april 2021

Konkurrenceankenævnet har stadfæstet Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens afgørelse om afslag på aktindsigt, egenacces og meroffentlighed (3/3)

[Tolk] har påklaget Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens afslag af 28. januar 2021 på aktindsigt i

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens undersøgelsessag om tolkes adfærd over for EasyTranslate. [Tolk]

blev informeret om, at undersøgelsen blev indledt ved brev af 6. september 2019, og senere at undersøgelsen blev afsluttet ved brev af 21. december 2020. Styrelsen havde afvist anmodningen om aktindsigt med henvisning til, at der ikke var tale om en afgørelsessag, jf. forvaltningslovens § 2, stk. 1, og § 9, stk. 1, og konkurrencelovens § 13, stk. 1, og at der heller ikke var grundlag for at give aktindsigt ud fra princippet om meroffentlighed. Dog gav Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen [Tolk] aktindsigt i to

dokumenter ud fra princippet om meroffentlighed.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 16. april 2021


Konkurrenceankenævnet har stadfæstet, at den største distributør af adresseløse forsendelser i Danmark, FK Distribution, har misbrugt sin dominerende stilling. Distributøren har haft en adfærd, der kunne afskære konkurrenter fra det voksende marked for digital visning af tilbudsaviser i Danmark.

Konkurrencerådet har den 30. juni 2020 truffet afgørelse i en sag, der angår, om FK Distributions vilkår om koblingssalg over for kunder i 2018 til oktober 2019 udgjorde et misbrug af dominerende stilling i strid med konkurrencelovens § 11, stk. 1, jf. stk. 3, nr. 4, og TEUF artikel 102, stk. 2, litra d. Konkurrencerådet fandt, at Forbruger-Kontakt havde overtrådt forbuddet mod misbrug af dominerende stilling ved via p-enheden FK Distribution at stille det som betingelse for at indgå en aftale om distribution af adresseløse forsendelser i Danmark, at kunderne godkendte tillægsydelser i form af digital formidling af kundens tilbudsaviser via www.minetilbud.dk, minetilbud-appen og øvrige platforme drevet af FK Distribution. Ved afgørelsen påbød Konkurrencerådet Forbruger-Kontakt bl.a. straks at bringe overtrædelsen til ophør, såfremt dette ikke allerede var sket, jf. konkurrencelovens § 11, stk. 4, 1. pkt., jf. § 16 og TEUF artikel 102, jf.

konkurrencelovens § 16, stk. 1, jf. § 24.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 27. april 2021

Nyt fra domstolene

- Intet nyt

Lovforslag i høring

- Intet nyt

Ny lovgivning

VEJ nr. 9199 af 22/03/2021 – Vejledning om udlejning af arealer på markedsvilkår til brug for udbygning af elektroniske kommunikationsnet

Vejledningen skal hjælpe primært kommuner, regioner og statslige myndigheder (herefter offentlige myndigheder) med at fastsætte en lejepris på markedsniveau. Vejledningen kan også benyttes af offentligt ejede forsyningsselskaber, skoler, uddannelsesinstitutioner m.v. eller private personer og virksomheder i deres prisfastsættelse ved udlejning af arealer til brug for udbygningen af elektroniske kommunikationsnet.

Metoderne er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem Energistyrelsen, telebranchen, kommuner, regioner og statslige myndigheder.

Nyt fra Ankestyrelsen

Ankestyrelsens brev til Svendborg Kommune vedr. tilsynsudtalelse om garantiprovision Svendborg Kommune har den 27. oktober 2020 skrevet til Ankestyrelsen. Kommunen har bedt

Ankestyrelsen om en forhåndsudtalelse om, hvorvidt kommunen kan undlade at opkræve garantiprovision for en kommunal garanti, der skal stilles for et forsyningsselskabs lån, og om kommunen er forpligtet til at opkræve en garantiprovision på minimum 3,8 pct. årligt.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 19. januar 2021



- Intet nyt


Nyt fra Kommissionen


Commission opens investigation into possible anticompetitive behaviour by the power exchange EPEX Spot

The European Commission has opened a formal investigation to assess whether the power exchange EPEX Spot SE (‘EPEX Spot') has been taking advantage of its dominant position to hinder the activities of

competitors on the market for electricity intraday trading facilitation services in at least six Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands).

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 30. marts 2021

Commission sends Statement of Objections to Apple on App Store rules for music streaming providers

The European Commission has informed Apple of its preliminary view that it distorted competition in the music streaming market as it abused its dominant position for the distribution of music streaming apps through its App Store. The Commission takes issue with the mandatory use of Apple's own in-app purchase mechanism imposed on music streaming app developers to distribute their apps via Apple's App Store. The Commission is also concerned that Apple applies certain restrictions on app developers preventing them from informing iPhone and iPad users of alternative, cheaper purchasing possibilities.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 30. april 2021

Commission publishes findings of the evaluation of rules on horizontal agreements between companies

The European Commission has published today a Staff Working Document that summarises the findings of the evaluation of the two horizontal block exemption regulations on Research & Development and

specialisation agreements, together with the Horizontal Guidelines. The aim of the evaluation was to allow the Commission to determine whether it should let the HBERs lapse, prolong their duration or revise them. In view of the findings of the evaluation, the Commission will now launch an impact assessment to look into the policy options for a revision of the rules.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 6. maj 2021



Commission fines three EU railway companies €48 million for customer allocation cartel

The European Commission has fined railway companies Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB), Deutsche Bahn (DB) and Société Nationale des Chemins de fer belges / Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen (SNCB) a total of €48 million for breaching EU antitrust rules. The companies participated in a customer allocation cartel, which concerned cross-border rail cargo transport services on blocktrains on key rail corridors in the EU. The three companies admitted their involvement in the cartel and agreed to settle the case.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 20. april 2021

Commission fines investment banks € 28 million for participating in SSA bonds trading cartel The European Commission has fined Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Crédit Agricole, and Credit Suisse a total of € 28 494 000 for breaching EU antitrust rules. Deutsche Bank was not fined as it revealed the existence of the cartel to the Commission. The four banks took part in a cartel in the secondary trading market within the European Economic Area of Supra-sovereign, Sovereign and Agency (SSA) bonds denominated in US Dollars.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 28. april 2021


Commission clears acquisition of GrandVision by EssilorLuxottica, subject to conditions

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of GrandVision by EssilorLuxottica. The approval is conditional on full compliance with commitments offered by EssilorLuxottica.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 23. marts 2021

Commission announces evaluation results and follow-up measures on jurisdictional and procedural aspects of EU merger control

The European Commission has published a Staff Working Document that summarises the findings of the evaluation of procedural and jurisdictional aspects of EU merger control. Following the results of the evaluation, the Commission decided to adopt a communication providing guidance on the application of the referral mechanism between Member States and the Commission set out in Article 22 of the Merger Regulation and launch an impact assessment on exploring policy options for further targeting and simplification of merger procedures.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 26. marts 2021

Commission opens in-depth investigation into proposed acquisition of Trimo by Kingspan The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess the proposed acquisition of Trimo, arhitekturne rešitve, d.o.o. (‘Trimo') by Kingspan Group plc (‘Kingspan'), under the EU Merger

Regulation. The Commission is concerned that the proposed transaction may reduce competition and lead to price increases in the market for mineral fibre sandwich panels in a number of Member States and the UK.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 12. april 2021


Commission approves acquisition of certain Suez waste management companies by the Schwarz Group, subject to conditions

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of certain Suez waste management companies in Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Poland, by the Schwarz Group. The approval is conditional on the divestiture of Suez's lightweight packaging (“LWP”) sorting business in the Netherlands.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 14. april 2021

Commission fines Sigma-Aldrich €7.5 million for providing misleading information during Merck takeover investigation

The European Commission has fined Sigma-Aldrich €7.5 million for providing incorrect or misleading information during the Commission's investigation under the EU Merger Regulation of Merck's acquisition of Sigma-Aldrich.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 3. maj 2021

State Aid

Commission invites interested parties to provide comments on proposed revision of State aid Framework for research, development and innovation

The European Commission has launched a public consultation inviting all interested parties to comment on a proposed targeted revision of the State aid Framework for research, development and innovation. Interested parties can respond to the consultation for eight weeks, until 3 June 2021. The RDI Framework aims at facilitating research, development and innovation (“RDI”) activities, which, due to market failures, would not occur in the absence of public support. In this respect, the RDI Framework enables Member States, subject to certain conditions, to provide the necessary incentives to companies and the research community to carry out these important activities and investments in this field.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 8. april 2021

Commission approves French support measures for fisheries sector in the context of Brexit The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, three French schemes worth €100 million in total, to support the fisheries sector affected by the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU and the consequent quota share reductions foreseen in the provisions of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. These are the first support measures approved by the Commission in the context of inter- institutional discussions on the proposed Brexit Adjustment Reserve.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 23. april 2021

Commission approves €462 million Portuguese support to compensate TAP for damage suffered due to coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission has found a €462 million Portuguese support measure in favour of Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, S.A. to be in line with EU State aid rules. The measure aims at compensating the airline for the damage suffered due to the coronavirus outbreak between 19 March and 30 June 2020.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 23. april 2021


Commission approves €1.9 billion Czech scheme to support uncovered fixed costs of companies affected by coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission has approved a Czech scheme worth €1.9 billion to support the uncovered fixed costs of companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. The purpose of the scheme is to mitigate the economic difficulties and the liquidity shortages that the beneficiaries are facing due to the restrictive measures imposed by the Czech

government to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 26. april 2021

Commission approves prolongation and modification of German scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, the prolongation and modification of a German scheme to support the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and from mine gas, as well as reductions of charges to fund support for electricity from renewable sources. The reduction of charges will be available to (i) energy-intensive companies and (ii) shore-side electricity supply to ships while at berth in ports. The scheme is part of the German Renewable Energy Act (“Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz”

- ‘EEG 2021'). The scheme will help Germany reach its renewable energy targets without unduly distorting competition and will contribute to the EU objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Payments under the scheme for 2021 have been estimated to amount to around €33.1 billion.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 29. april 2021

Commission approves €2.5 million compensation to Slovenian Press Agency STA for its public service

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €2.5 million compensation granted by Slovenia to the Slovenian Press Agency STA to fulfil its public service mission. The public funding will contribute to the independent news provision to the Slovenian public without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 29. april 2021

Commission approves €12 million coronavirus damage compensation and €255.5 million of liquidity support to SATA Air Açores and Azores Airlines in Portugal; extends ongoing in-depth investigation to planned restructuring aid

The European Commission has approved €12 million in Portuguese support in favour of SATA Air Açores - Sociedade Açoriana de Transportes Aéreos S.A. (‘SATA Air Açores') as compensation due to damages suffered as a direct result of travel restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Furthermore, it approved up to €255.5 million additional liquidity support to SATA Air Açores. At the same time, the

Commission has extended the ongoing in-depth investigation into other support measures to assess whether Portugal's planned restructuring support measures in favour of SATA are in line with EU rules on State aid to companies in difficulty.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 30. april 2021

Commission approves €400 million Danish aid scheme to support production of electricity from renewable energy sources

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a Danish aid scheme to support electricity production from renewable sources. The measure will help Denmark reach its renewable energy targets without unduly distorting competition and will contribute to the European objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 4. maj 2021



European Competition Network Statistics

The European Competition Network has published statistics on (i) aggregate figures on antitrust cases, (ii) more detailed figures on antitrust cases, and (iii) statistics by type of suspected infringement.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 26. april 2021

Nyt fra EU-domstolen


C-152/19 P - Deutsche Telekom mod Kommissionen

Deutsche Telekom AG har med sin appel nedlagt påstand om ophævelse af Den Europæiske Unions dom af 13. december 2018, Deutsche Telekom mod Kommissionen (T-827/14, herefter »den appellerede dom«, EU:T:2018:930), hvorved denne sidstnævnte delvist frifandt Kommissionen for selskabets principale påstand om annullation helt eller delvist af Kommissionens afgørelse C(2014) 7465 final af 15. oktober 2014 om en procedure i henhold til artikel 102 TEUF og EØS-aftalens artikel 54 (sag AT.39523 – Slovak Telekom), som berigtiget ved Kommissionens afgørelse C(2014) 10119 final af 16. december 2014 og ved Kommissionens afgørelse C(2015) 2484 final af 17. april 2015 (herefter »den omtvistede afgørelse«), og subsidiært påstand om ophævelse eller nedsættelse af de bøder, der var blevet pålagt appellanten ved den nævnte afgørelse.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 25. marts 2021

C-611/16 P - Xellia Pharmaceuticals og Alpharma mod Kommissionen

Xellia Pharmaceuticals ApS og Alpharma LLC har med deres appel nedlagt påstand om ophævelse af Den Europæiske Unions Rets dom af 8. september 2016, Xellia Pharmaceuticals og Alpharma mod

Kommissionen (T-471/13, EU:T:2016:460), hvormed Retten frifandt Kommissionen i det søgsmål, som disse selskaber havde anlagt med påstand om dels delvis annullation af Europa-Kommissionens afgørelse C(2013) 3803 final af 19. juni 2013 om en procedure i henhold til artikel 101 [TEUF] og EØS-aftalens artikel 53 (sag AT/39226 – Lundbeck), dels om nedsættelse af den bøde, som de var blevet pålagt ved denne afgørelse.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 25. marts 2021

C-591/16 P - Lundbeck mod Kommissionen

Med appellen har H. Lundbeck A/S og Lundbeck Ltd nedlagt påstand om ophævelse af dom afsagt af Den Europæiske Unions Ret den 8. september 2016, Lundbeck mod Kommissionen (T-472/13, EU:T:2016:449), hvorved Retten frifandt Kommissionen for deres påstand dels om delvis annullation af Europa-

Kommissionens afgørelse C(2013) 3803 final af 19. juni 2013 om en procedure i henhold til artikel 101 [TEUF] og EØS-aftalens artikel 53 (sag AT/39226 – Lundbeck) dels om nedsættelse af den bøde, de var blevet pålagt ved denne afgørelse.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 25. marts 2021

C-165/19 P – Slovak Telekom mod Kommissionen

Med appellen har Slovak Telekom a.s. nedlagt påstand for det første om hel eller delvis ophævelse af Den Europæiske Unions Rets dom af 13. december 2018, Slovak Telekom mod Kommissionen (T-851/14, EU:T:2018:929), hvorved Retten delvis frifandt Kommissionen for selskabets påstand om annullation af Kommissionens afgørelse C(2014) 7465 final af 15. oktober 2014 om en procedure i henhold til artikel 102 TEUF og artikel 54 i EØS-aftalen (sag AT.39523 – Slovak Telekom), som berigtiget ved Kommissionens afgørelse C(2014) 10119 final af 16. december 2014 og ved Kommissionens afgørelse C(2015) 2484 final af


17. april 2015, for det andet annullation, helt eller delvist, af den omtvistede afgørelse og for det tredje subsidiært annullation eller nedsættelse af størrelsen af den bøde, der var blevet pålagt appellanten ved den pågældende afgørelse.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 25. marts 2021

T-388/20 - Ryanair mod Kommissionen (Finnair I; Covid-19)

Den 13. maj 2020 anmeldte Republikken Finland en støtteforanstaltning i form af en statsgaranti til fordel for Finnair, Plc til Europa-Kommissionen i henhold til artikel 108, stk. 3, TEUF. Den 18. maj 2020 vedtog

Kommissionen afgørelse C(2020) 3387 final vedrørende statsstøtte SA.56809 (2020/N) – Finland COVID-19:

Statsgaranti til Finnair, hvorved den besluttede ikke at gøre indsigelser mod den omhandlede foranstaltning med den begrundelse, at foranstaltningen var forenelig med det indre marked i medfør af artikel 107, stk. 3, litra b), TEUF, som fortolket i de midlertidige rammebestemmelser. Sagsøger, Ryanair DAC, Swords (Irland) nedlægger i denne sag påstand om, at afgørelsen C(2020) 3387 annulleres.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 14. april 2021

T-379/20 - Ryanair mod Kommissionen (SAS, Sverige; Covid-19)

Den 11. april 2020 vedtog Europa-Kommissionen afgørelse C(2020) 2366 final om statsstøtte SA.56812 (2020/N) – Sverige – covid-19: lånegarantiordning til fordel for luftfartsselskaberne, hvorved den fandt, at en støtteforanstaltning i form af en lånegarantiordning til støtte for bestemte luftfartsselskaber, som Kongeriget Sverige havde anmeldt den 3. april 2020 i henhold til artikel 108, stk. 3, TEUF, for det første udgjorde statsstøtte som omhandlet i artikel 107, stk. 1, TEUF og for det andet var forenelig med det indre marked i medfør af artikel 107, stk. 3, litra b), TEUF. Denne ordning tilsigter at give de luftfartsselskaber, som er vigtige for Sveriges forbindelsesmuligheder, og til hvilke de svenske myndigheder har udstedt en licens, tilstrækkelig likviditet til at opretholde deres økonomiske virksomhed under og efter covid-19-pandemien ved hjælp af en offentlig garanti. Sagsøger, Ryanair DAC, Swords (Irland) nedlægger i denne sag påstand om, at førnævnt afgørelse annulleres.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 14. april 2021

T-378/20 - Ryanair mod Kommissionen (SAS, Danmark; Covid-19)

Den 10. april 2020 anmeldte Kongeriget Danmark en støtteforanstaltning i form af en garanti for en revolverende kreditfacilitet på maksimalt 1,5 mia. svenske kroner (SEK) til støtte for SAS AB til Europa- Kommissionen i henhold til artikel 108, stk. 3, TEUF. Denne foranstaltning tilsigter at yde SAS en delvis kompensation for den skade, der følger af aflysningen eller omlægningen af selskabets flyvninger efter indførelsen af rejsebegrænsninger i forbindelse med COVID-19-pandemien. Den 15. april 2020 vedtog Kommissionen afgørelse C(2020) 2416 final om statsstøtte SA.56795 (2020/N) – Danmark – Kompensation for den skade, som SAS har lidt som følge af COVID-19-pandemien, hvorved den fastslog, at den

omhandlede foranstaltning for det første udgjorde statsstøtte som omhandlet i artikel 107, stk. 1, TEUF og for det andet var forenelig med det indre marked i medfør af artikel 107, stk. 2, litra b), TEUF. Sagsøger, Ryanair DAC, Swords (Irland) nedlægger i denne sag påstand om, at førnævnt afgørelse annulleres.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 14. april 2021


T-561/19 - ITD og Danske Fragtmænd mod Kommissionen

Kommissionens afgørelse C(2018) 3169 final af 28. maj 2018 om statsstøtte SA.47707 (2018/N) – Statens kompensation til PostNord for opfyldelse af postbefordringspligten – Danmark, annulleres, for så vidt som det efter den foreløbige undersøgelse heri blev fastslået, at den fritagelse for merværdiafgift (moms), der blev indført ved de danske skatte- og afgiftsmyndigheders administrative afgørelse nr. 1306/90 og cirkulære F 6742/90, og PostNord AB’s kapitaltilførsel af 23. februar 2017 på 1 mia. danske kroner (DKK) til Post Danmark A/S ikke udgjorde statsstøtte. I øvrigt frifindes Europa-Kommissionen.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 5. maj 2021 Stævning

- Intet nyt

Forslag til afgørelse - Intet nyt

Kendelse - Intet nyt

Andet nyt fra EU-domstolen - Intet nyt

Andet internationalt nyt

The Competition and Markets Authority has closed its consultation on Interim measures in merger cases

The CMA is consulting on a new draft version of guidance for interim measures in merger investigations as well as a new draft version of the template initial enforcement order to be used in completed cases.The CMA is seeking the views of interested parties, particularly merging parties and legal advisers involved in transactions where interim measures may be relevant. This consultation ran from 7 April 2021 to 5 May 2021.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 7. april

ACER consults on reasoned amendments to the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Regulation

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launches today a public consultation on reasoned amendments to the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Regulation (CACM 2.0).

This Regulation provides binding rules for the implementation and operation of an EU-wide single market coupling and capacity calculation in the day-ahead and intraday timeframes. All interested parties are invited to submit their input to the consultation by 10 June 2021. The purpose of the consultation is to gather stakeholder views and inform ACER when preparing the final recommendation to the European Commission on the amendments to the CACM Regulation.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 15. april 2021


Monitoring NRA’s Independence – A CEER report

The document (C20-RB-23-04) presents a Council of European Energy Regulators report on the

organisational framework within which Europe’s national energy regulators (NRAs) operate. It shines a light on NRAs’ tasks and powers, resources, independence, accountability and transparency. Within this, it looks both at rules that are imposed on regulators (e.g. by law) and at the arrangements and organisational decisions NRAs have taken themselves.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 26. april 2021

Digital platform services inquiry – March 2021 interim report by the ACCC

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission has published its second interim report as part of its inquiry into markets for the supply of digital platform services. This report provides in-depth consideration of

competition and consumer issues associated with the distribution of mobile apps to users of smartphones and other mobile devices. It specifically focuses on the two key app marketplaces used in Australia, the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 28. april 2021

IP Europe and Innovation Alliance Welcome IEEE’s Review of 2015 Patent Policy and Urge Removal of Unbalanced Language

IP Europe and the Innovation Alliance welcome the IEEE’s move to revisit its unbalanced 2015 patent policy.

Ideally, this process will result in revision or removal of the IEEE’s unprecedented “reasonable rate” and

“prohibitive order” provisions. In our opinion, this review is long overdue. The review comes against a backdrop of growing global consensus that, first, injunctive relief should issue to SEP owners facing hold-out strategies, and, second, SEP licenses should reflect the value contributed by the technology to the end product and user.

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Offentliggørelsesdato: 3. maj 2021

International Chamber of Commerce published Compendium of Antitrust Damages Actions

The ICC Compendium of Antirust Damages Actions provides a comprehensive overview of the complexities and intricacies associated with antitrust litigation across a wide range of key jurisdictions including Brazil, China, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

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Artikler fra UfR

- Intet nyt

Nye publikationer fra Erhvervsministeriet

- Intet nyt


Artikler fra Juristen

Løn og arbejdsforhold i Konkurrenceretten – Hvor står vi nu? Af Christian Bergqvist

Det er traditionelt antaget, at konkurrenceretten ikke reguler løn- og arbejdsforhold og derfor ikke rammer fx kollektive overenskomster. Hverken indholdet heraf eller processen med at indgå dem via strejke og lockout.

Som altid er realiteterne mere komplekse, da undtagelsen snævert er knyttet til det konkurrenceretlige lønmodtagerbegreb. Et begreb i opbrud, hvilket skaber konflikter og har fanget konkurrencemyndighedernes interesse.

Artikler fra Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra Revision og Regnskabsvæsen

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra EU og Menneskeret

- Intet nyt

Konkurrenceretlige emner

Konkurrenceretlige emner 1/2021

 Forord. Af Christian Bergqvist og Peter Stig Jakobsen

 Syndikerede lån. Af David Mejer Jensen og Frederik Jakobsen

 Algoritmisk stiltiende koordinering. Af Amalie Toft Bentsen og Sarah Kaa

 Budkonsortier som formålsovertrædelser af Christopher Urban Hoffmann og Clement Hoff Munk

Anden dansk og nordisk litteratur

- Intet nyt


Artikler fra European Competition Law Review

Volume 42, issue 5, 2021

 Editorial. By Alexander M. Waksman

 The new UK subsidy control regime. By Aidan Robertson

 A response to the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) report on sponsored ranking. By Rob van der Laan


 New horizontal guidelines and block exemptions – four chances for improved guidance. By Tilman Kuhn

 Competition rules for B2B platforms and marketplaces – guidance from Germany. By Rupprecht Podszun

 Testing for abusive refusals to supply in EU competition law: past, present and future. By Annalies Muscat

 Excessive pricing in the pharmaceutical industry: assessing the impact of new policy measures on the Indian competition landscape. By Anish Gupta

 Commission v Hungary (Higher Education) (C-66/18) (Case comment). By Robert Miklós Babirad

 Competition Inspections under EU Law: a Practitioner’s Guide (Publication Review). By Nathalie Jalabert-Doury

 Competition, Effects and Predictability: Rule of Law and the Economic Approach to Competition (Publication Review). By Bruce Wardhaugh

 Austria: mergers – merger control (Case Comment). By Melanie Gassler-Tischlinger

 Canada: anti-competitive practices – Competition Bureau Guidance. By Kaeleigh Kuzma

 Channel Islands: mergers – Jersey Competition Authority. By Rob van der Laan

 Denmark: anti-competitive practices – judgment (Case Comment). By Jens Munk Plum

 European Union: anti-competitive practices – judgment – cartel (Case Comment). By Dr Bruce Wardhaugh

 France: anti-competitive practices – Supreme Court ruling (Case Comment). By Emmanuel Reille

 France: anti-competitive practives – national competition authority (Case Comment). By Emmanuel Reille

 Germany: anti-competitive practices – brewery sector (Case Comment). By Ingo Klauß

 Hong Kong: anti-competitive practices – competition proceedings. By Sandra Marco Colino

 Italy: anti-competitive practices – national competition authority (Case Comment). By Federica Togo

 Latvia: anti-competitive practices – infringement decision (Case Comment). By Ivo Maskalāns

 Poland: mergers – national merger control (Case Comment). By Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka

 Portugal: national competition policy – competition law and the Green Deal. By Nuno Carrolo dos Santos

 Portugal: state aid – state aid approvals – business support measures. By Nuno Carrolo dos Santos

 Portugal: competition law policy – policy agenda – telecoms sector. By Nuno Carrolo dos Santos

 Romania: anti-competitive practices – national competition authority (Case Comment). By Cristina de Jonge

 Spain: competition law reform – draft legislation. By Pedro Callol

 Spain: mergers – national merger control. By Pedro Callol

 Switzerland: mergers – merger control. By Eva Peter

 Turkey: anti-competitive practices – national competition authority (Case Comment). By Gönenç Gürkaynak

 United Kingdom: anti-competitive practices – national competition authority. By Alex Nourry Volume 42, issue 6, 2021

 Editorial. By Alexander M. Waksman

 Law and access to vaccines: current challenges. By Caranina Colpaert

 Google/Fitbit: the starting point for a revolution in merger remedies in digital markets? By Malte Frank

 Third party arbitration in the UK: critically assessing the applicable rules of the joinder of two different proceedings under the Brussels Recast Regulation (EU 1215/2012). By Ehab Qouteshat

 The pursuit of an anti-competitive outcome – restrictions of competition by object after GUK and Budapest Bank. By Jussi Koivusalo


 Revisiting QC Leisure in a different context. By Amogh Sharma

 Chinese State Owned Enterprises and EU Merger Control (Publication Review). By Alexandr Svetlicinii

 Canada: mergers – merger control – notification thresholds decrease. By Kaeleigh Kuzma

 Canada: anti-competitive practices – Competition Bureau decision. By Kaeleigh Kuzma

 Czech Republic: anti-competitive practices – cartel (Case Comment). By Tomáš Fiala

 Denmark – anti-competitive practices – judgment (Case Comment). By Jens Munk Plum

 Estonia: mergers – merger control. By Katri Paas-Mohando

 France: anti-competitive practices – national competition authority (Case Comment). By Emmanuel Reille

 France: anti-competitive practices – judgment (Case Comment). By Emmanuel Reille

 Germany: anti-competitive practices – judgment (Case Comment). By Ingo Klauß

 Greece: anti-competitive practices – infringement decision (Case Comment). By Anastasia Stavropoulou

 Hungary: anti-competitive practices – infringement decision (Case Comment). By Fanni Oroszi

 Hungary: anti-competitive practices – investigation. By Fanni Oroszi

 Hungary: anti-competitive practices – infringement decision (Case Comment). By Fanni Oroszi

 Poland: anti-competitive practices – infringement decision (Case Comment). By Agata Jurkowska- Gomułka

 Portugal: anti-competitive practices – infringement decision (Case Comment). By Ricardo Filipe Costa

 Portugal: competition law policy – transport. By Ricardo Filipe Costa

 Romania: mergers and anti-competitive practices – merger assessment (Case Comment). By Cristina de Jonge

 Romania: anti-competitive practices – national competition authority. By Cristina de Jonge

 Spain: anti-competitive practices – cartel (Case Comment). By Pedro Callol

 Spain: merger control – mergers enforcement. By Pedro Callol

 Spain: anti-competitive practices – cartel (Case Comment). By Pedro Callol

 Turkey: anti-competitive practices – national competition authority (Case Comment). By Gönenç Gürkaynak

 US: mergers – merger control. By Anthony P. Badaracco

 US: anti-competitive practices – criminal prosecution. By Anthony P. Badaracco

Artikler fra European Competition Journal

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra Journal of Competition Law and Economics

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra Journal of Antitrust Enforcement

Volume 9, Issue 1, marts 2021

 Changing the way we think: competition, platforms and ecosystems. By Frederic Jenny

 A reform too few or a reform too many: Judicial review, appeals or a prosecutorial system under the UK Competition Act 1998? By Renato Nazzini


 Devolution of competition policy under the Scotland Act 2016 after Brexit: straining at the edges of the current settlement? By Arianna Andreangeli

 Political influence on Brazilian antitrust enforcement. By Arthur Guerra Filho

 Toward a more robust competition policy regime for Hong Kong. By Ping Lin and Thomas W Ross

 Regtech as an antitrust enforcement tool. By Rob Nicholls

 Remedies for algorithmic tacit collusion. By Francisco Beneke and Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt

 Old abuses in new markets? Dealing with excessive pricing by a two-sided platform. By Zeynep Ayata

Artikler fra Competition Policy Brief

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra Competition Merger Brief

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra Journal of European Competition Law and Practice

Volume 12, Issue 3, marts 2021

 Competition Law and Friendship: Presenting the Rubén Perea Award. By Lena Hornkohl and David Pérez de Lamo

 The Ecn+ Directive and the Next Steps for Independence in Competition Law Enforcement. By Rubén Perea Molleda

 Abuse of Dominance in Digital Markets: Can Amazon’s Collection and Use of Third-Party Sellers’

Data Constitute an Abuse of a Dominant Position Under the Legal Standards Developed by the European Courts for Article 102 TFEU? By Vladya M. K. Reverdin

 The Selective Advantage Criterion in Tax Rulings: The Path Towards a More Coherent and Thorough Analysis of Selectivity. By Nieves Bayón Fernández

 When Does Algorithmic Pricing Result in an Intra-Platform Anticompetitive Agreement or Concerted Practice? The Case of Uber in the Framework of EU Competition Law. By Hubert Bekisz

 At the Mercy of the Gatekeeper: The Theory and Practice of Undertakings’ Fundamental Rights in the EU Cartel Settlement Procedure. By Ştefan Ciubotaru

 Which Sustainability Agreements Are Not Caught by Article 101(1) TFEU? By David Wouters Volume 12, Issue 4, april 2021

 A New Kid on the Block: How Will Competition Law Get Along with the DMA? By Cani Fernández

 By Object or Effect Restrictions – Reverse Payment Settlement Agreements in light of Lundbeck, Servier, and Generics. By Bernadette Zelger

 A New Competition Tool into Old Bottles? Considerations on the Legal Design of the European Commission’s Proposed NCT. By Bo Vesterdorf and Kyriakos Fountoukakos

 Flogging the Wrong: EU Corporate Fines Violate the Fundamental Rights of Shareholders. By Reuter Alexander

Silver Plastics v Commission: The Court of Justice on hearing witnesses, the upper limit of fines and single continuous infringement. By Sibel Yilmaz, Ariti Skarpa, Sari Corrijn and Vasco Costa Santos


International Skating Union v Commission: Pre-authorisation Rules and Competition Law. By Andrea Cattaneo

 Belgian Prohibition of Abuse of Economic Dependence Enters into Force. By Jan Blockx

 The Transposition of the Antitrust Damages Directive in Albania as an EU Candidate Country. By Gentjan Skara

 Collusive Outcomes via Pricing Algorithms. By Karsten T Hansen, Kanishka Misra and Mallesh M Pai

 Patent Settlements Reach the CJEU; Pay-TV Licensing Commitments Annulled; Commission Analyses Patent Licensing Programmes: A Survey of Developments at the Intersection between Competition Law and IP Law in the Past Year. By Sophie Lwrance, Edwin Bond, Francion Brooks, Matthew Hunt and Helena Connors

Artikler fra World Competition

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra European Journal of Law and Tecnology

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra Antitrust Law Journal

- Intet nyt

Artikler fra Antitrust Bulletin

Volume 66, No. 2, juni 2021

 The New Competition Regime in India: Prospects and Challenges: Introduction. By Beena Saraswathy

 Inbound M&As in India: Issues and Challenges. By K. S. Chalapati Rao and Biswajit Dhar

 Economic Reforms and Market Competition in India: An Assessment. By Beena Saraswathy

 IPR Regime and Antitrust Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions: With a Focus on Software and Pharmaceutical Sector. By P. L. Beena

 Innovation, Patents, and Competition in Modern Agriculture: A Case Study of Bayer and Monsanto Merger. By Reji K. Joseph

 Application of Economic and Quantitative Tools for Merger Analysis in India. By Ramji Tamarappoo and Neha Malhotra Singh

 M&As by Business Groups and Market Competition: A Study of Tata Steel. By Beena Saraswathy

 The Role of Competition Reforms in Unlocking International Trade: Evidence from Africa’s Proposed Tripartite Free Trade Area. By Cornelius Dube

 Excessive Data Collection as a Form of Anticompetitive Conduct: The German Facebook Case. By Anne C. Witt

 Economic Reality at the Core of Apple. By Tirza J. Angerhofer and Roger D. Blair


Artikler fra Journal of the European Economic Association

Volume 19, Issue 2, april 2021

 Trade Credit and Product Pricing: The Role of Implicit Interest Rates. By Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobson and Erik von Schedvin

 The Long-Term Costs of Government Surveillance: Insights from Stasi Spying in East Germany. By Andreas Lichter, Max Löffler and Sebastian Sieglock

 Commitment and (in) Efficiency: A Bargaining Experiment. By Marina Agranov and Matt Elliott

 Ambiguity, Monetary Policy and Trend Inflation. By Riccardo M. Masolo and Francesca Monti

 Sources of Uncertainty and Subjective Prices. By Veronica Cappelli, Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci and Stefania Minardi

 Cost of Living Inequality During the Great Recession. By David Argente and Munseob Lee

 (MIS)Allocation Effects of an Overpaid Public Sector. By Tiago Cavalcanti and Marcelo Santos

 Financial Stability Regulation under Borrowing and Liquidity Externalities. By Flora Lutz and Paul Pichler

 Separating Predicted Randomness from Residual Behavior. By Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A.


 Health Information, Treatment, and Worker Productivity. By Andrew Dillon, Jed Friedman and Pieter Serneels

 Managerial Influence and Organizational Performance. By Heikki Rantakari

 Macroeconomic Fluctuations with HANK & SAM: an Analytical Approach. By Morten O. Rvn and Vincent Sterk

 Choosing Ethnicity: The Interplay Between Individual and Social Motives. By Ruixue Jia and Torsten Persson

 International Emigrant Selection on Occupational Skills. By Alexander Patt, Jens Ruhose, Simon Wiederhold and Miguel Flores

 Optimal Income Taxation with Composition Effects. By Laurence Jacquet and Etienne Lehmann

 Privacy, Personalization, and Price Discrimination. By Sinem Hidir and Nikhil Vellodi

 Parents, Schools and Human Capital Differences Across Countries. By Marta de Philippis and Federico Rossi

 Distributional Preferences in Larger Groups: Keeping up with the Joneses and Keeping Track of the Tails. By Raymond Fisman, Ilyana Kuziemko and Silvia Vannutelli

Artikler fra Competition Law and Policy Debate

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Artikler fra Competition Law Scholars Forum

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Artikler fra Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Volume 30, issue 2, sommer 2021

 Platform leadership and supply chains: Intel, Centrino, and the restructuring of Wi-Fi supply. By Roberto Fontana and Shane Greenstein


 Dynamic positioning, product innovation, and entry in a vertically differentiated market. By David P.


 Entrepeneurial experience and firm exit over the business cycle. By Erin McGuire

 The transfer and value of academic inventions when the TTO is one option. By Nicolas Carayol and Valerio Sterzi

 Historical patent data: A practitioner’s guide. By Michael J. Andrews

 Bargaining with informational and payoff externalities. By Mikhail Drugov

 Auctions with signaling concerns. By Olivier Bos and Tom Truyts

 Pre-emptive production and market competitiveness in oligopoly with private information. By Yuki Amemiya, Akifumi Ishihara and Tomoya Nakamura

 Intermediation in a directed search model. By Klaus Kultti, Tuomas Takalo and Oskari Vähämaa

 Nursing-homes’ competition and distributional implications when the market is two-sided. By David Bardey and Luigi Siciliani

Artikler fra Journal of Regulatory Economics

Volume 59, issue 2, april 2021

 Regulating corruptible certifier behavior. By Sungho Yun

 Macroprudential regulations and bank profit efficiency: international evidence. By Chrysovalantis Gaganis, Emilios Galariotis and Christos Staikouras

 Self-regulation and governmental oversight: a theoretical and experimental study. By Silvester van Koten

 Optimal destabilization of cartels. By Ludwig von Auer & Tu Anh Pham

Artikler fra International Review of Law and Economics

Volume 66, juni 2021 (in progress)

 Public law enforcement under ambiguity. By Bertrand Chopard and Marie Obidzinski

 How does liability affect prices? Railroad sparks and timber. By Colin Doran and Thomas Stratmann

 Does debt relief “irresistibly attract banks as honey attract bees”? Evidence from low-income countries’ debt relief programs. By Marin Ferry, Marc Raffinot and Baptiste Venet

 Are arbitrators biased in ICSID arbitration? A dynamic perspective. By Weijia Rao

 Asymmetric solutions to asymmetric information problems. By Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Sander Onderstal and Francesco Parisi

 Law enforcement with motivated agents. By Ken Yahagi

 Discovery, disclosure, and confidence. By Alex McLeod

 The CV effect: To what extent does the chance to reorganize depend on a bankruptcy judge’s profile? By Régis Blazy and Stéphane Esquerré

 Capital structure and the optimal payment methods in acquisitions. By Sami Attaoui, Wenbin Cao and Pierre Six

 Regulated occupations in Italy: Extent and labour market effects. By Sauro Mocetti, Lucia Rizzica and Giacomo Roma

 How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the courts of law? Evidence from Brazil. By Caio Castelliano, Peter Grajzl and Eduardo Watanabe

 Does regulation of defensive tactics with mandatory rules benefit shareholders? Evidence from event studies in China. By James Si Zeng


Artikler fra European Economic Review

Volume 133, april 2021

 Dynamic pricing and exchange rate pass-through: Evidence from transaction-level data. By Arne J.

Nagengast, Dirk Bursian and Jan-Oliver Menz

 Job ladders and growth in earnings, hours, and wages. By Joyce K. Hahn, Henry R. Hyatt and Hubert P. Janicki

 Does class size matter? How, and at what cost? By Desire Kedagni, Kala Krishna and Rigissa Megalokonomou and Yingyan Zhao

 Voting after a major flood: Is there a link between democratic experience and retrospective voting?

By Michael Neugart and Johannes Rode

 A cost-benefit analysis of R&D and patents: Firm-level evidence from China. By Zhiyuan Chen, Jie Zhang, and Yuan Zi

 Global banking: Endogenous competition and risk taking. By Ester Faia, Sébastian Laffitte, Maximilian Mayer and Gianmarco Ottaviano

 The power of time: The impact of free IVF on Women’s human capital investments. By Naomi Gershoni and Corinne Low

 How much Keynes and how much Schumpeter? By Guido Cozzi, Beatrice Pataracchia, Philipp Pfeiffer and Marco Ratto

 The value of a statistical life in a dictatorship: Evidence from Stalin. By Paul Castañeda Dower, Andrei Markevich and Shlomo Weber

 Non-parametric well-being comparisons. By Koen Decancq and Annemie Nys

 Information aggregation and the cognitive make-up of market participants. By Brice Corgnet, Mark DeSantis and David Porter

 Industrial policy at work: Evidence from Romania’s income tax break for workers in IT. By Isabela Manelici and Smaranda Pantea

 The optimal sequence of prices and auctions. By Hanzhe Zhang

 Working from home in developing countries. By Charles Gottlieb, Jan Grobovšek, Markus Poschke, Fernando Saltiel

 The signaling effects of central bank tone. By Paul Hubert and Fabien Labondance

 Worker and firm responses to trade shocks: The UK-China case. By Josh De Lyon and Joao Paulo Pessoa

Volume 134, maj 2021

 Purchasing-power-parity and the saving behavior of temporary migrants. By Alpaslan Akay, Alexandra Brausmann, Slobodan Djajić and Murat G. Kırdar

 Cognitive abilities and risk-takings: Errors, not preferences. By Luis Amador-Hidalgo, Pablo Brañas- Garza, Antonio M. Espín, Teresa García-Muñoz and Ana Hernández-Román

 Adaptive learning with term structure information. By Jesús Vázquez and Pablo Aguilar

 Moving on up: The impact of income mobility on antisocial behaviour. By Lata Gangadharan, Philip J. Grossman and Joe Vecci

 On the consistency of cognitive load. By Cary Deck, Salar Jahedi and Roman Sheremeta

 Land is back, it should be taxed, it can be taxed. By Odran Bonnet, Guillaume Chapelle, Alain Trannoy and Etienne Wasmer

 The effect of government spending on local economies during an economic downturn. By Johannes Räsänen and Erik Mäkelä

 Lone wolf or herd animal? Information choice and learning from others. By John Duffy, Ed Hopkins and Tatiana Kornienko


 Can ATMs get out the vote? Evidence from a nationwide field experiment. By João Pereira dos Santos, José Tavares and Pedro C. Vicente

 Capacity choice, monetary trade, and the cost of inflation. By Garth Baughman and Stanislav Rabinovich

 Search and credit frictions in the housing market. By Miroslav Gabrovski and Victor Ortego-Marti

 Price inattention: A revealed preference characterization. By Eileen Tipoe

 Testing dynamic consistency and consequentialism under ambiguity. By Han Bleichrodt, Jürgen Eichberger, Simon Grant, David Kelsey and Chen Li

 Optimal irreversible monetary policy. By Kohei Hasui, Teruyoshi Kobayashi and Tomohiro Sugo

 Robots and the gender pay gap in Europe. By Cevat Giray Aksoy, Berkay Özcan and Julia Philipp

 Deep recessions, slowing productivity and missing (dis-)inflation in the euro area. By Michaela Elfsbacka Schmöller and Martin Spitzer

 Do preferences and biases predict life outcomes? Evidence from education and labor market entry decisions. By Uschi Backes-Gellner, Holger Herz, Michael Kosfeld and Yvonne Oswald

 When a nudge is (not) enough: Experiments on social information and incentives. By Jingnan (Cecilia) Chen, Miguel A. Fonseca and Shaun B. Grimshaw

 Persuasion with endogenous misspecified beliefs. By Kfir Eliaz, Ran Spiegler and Heidi C. Thysen

 Does the education level of refugees affect natives’ attitudes? By Philipp Lergetporer, Marc Piopiunik and Lisa Simon

 The distributional impact of the pandemic. By Sinem Hacıoğlu-Hoke, Diego R. Känzig and Paolo Surico

 The dynamics of gender earnings differentials: Evidence from establishment data. By Erling Barth, Sari Pekkala Kerr and Claudia Olivetti

 Heterogeneity and wage inequalities over the life cycle. By Thierry Magnac and Sébastien Roux

 How puzzling is the forward premium puzzle? A meta-analysis. By Diana Zigraiova, Tomas Havranek, Zuzana Irsova and Jiri Novak

 Cheap talk? Financial sanctions and non-financial firms. By Tibor Besedeš, Stefan Goldbach and Volker Nitsch

 Worth the pain? Firms’ exporting behaviour to countries under sanctions. By Matthieu Crozet, Julian Hinz, Amrei Stammann and Joschka Wanner

 Talking to the hand: Bargaining, strategic interaction, and economic sanctions. By T. Clifton Morgan and Yoshiharu Kobayashi

Artikler fra Competition Law Journal

Volume 20, Issue 1, april 2021

 Access to big data as a remedy in big tech. By Nick Dadson, Iain Snoddy and Joshua White

 The UK’s proposed new national security regime: a sledgehammer to crack a nut. By Nicholas Levy, John Messent, Edward Dean and Chloe Hassard

 EU merger control: life without the UK – Brexit and beyond. By Gavin Bushell and Emma Whyte

 Algorithms and competition: the latest theory and evidence. By Ambroise Descamps, Timo Klein and Gareth Shier

 Economic analysis in merger investigations. By Ina Esser, Chris Whitcombe and Robert Ryan

 Book review: Nathalie Jalabert-Doury, Competition Inspections under EU Law – A Practitioner’s Guide (Institute of Competition Law, New York, 2020) 190 pp. By Matthew O’Regan


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Artikler fra Computer and Telecommunications Law Review

Volume 27, issue 3, 2021

 Employee monitoring during the COVID-19 lockdown – GDPR considerations revisited. By Robert H.


 TikTok – the latest social media trend and children’s protection: a study of its benefits and drawbacks with reference to the ASEAN region. By Nehaluddin Ahmad

 The “right to an explanation” of automated decision-making systems – highlights of the EU legal landscape referring to explainable AI: Part 2

 Amazon.com cleared of targeting UK and EU in trade mark infringement action (Case Comment). By Janet Strath

 The governance over “rating by bidding” in searching engines. By Qingxiu Bu

 The Law of Artificial Intelligence (Publication Review). By Matt Hervey

 EC computing, telecommunications and related measures. By Quentin Archer, Hannah Schofield, Mary Foord-Weston and James Sharp

 US federal computing, telecommunications and related measures. By David E. Halliday

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Seminar: EU Competition Law and Collective Bargaining for Self-Employed in the Gig Economy In the forthcoming paper “I’ll Call My Union”, Said The Driver – Collective Bargaining Of Gig Workers Under EU Competition Rules” (ERT 2021 nr. 2), Christian Bergqvist and Marie José Schmidt-Kessen discuss a variety of options for EU competition policy makers and courts to accommodate collective bargaining of gig workers under EU Competition law. They look for inspiration in general EU law, tax and social security law, as well as US antitrust law. The drawbacks and benefits of these options together with the options presented by the EU Commission will be discussed during the seminar by two authors of the paper, Christian Bergqvist and Maria José Schmidt-Kessen

Dato: 21. maj kl. 12.00 – 13.00 Tilmeld dig her

Løn og arbejdsforhold i Konkurrenceretten – Hvor står vi nu? Af Christian Bergqvist, Juristen, nr. 2, 2021, s. 48-56

Det er traditionelt antaget, at konkurrenceretten ikke reguler løn- og arbejdsforhold og derfor ikke rammer fx kollektive overenskomster. Hverken indholdet heraf eller processen med at indgå dem via strejke og lockout.

Som altid er realiteterne mere komplekse, da undtagelsen snævert er knyttet til det konkurrenceretlige lønmodtagerbegreb. Et begreb i opbrud, hvilket skaber konflikter og har fanget konkurrencemyndighedernes interesse.



In response to this, the European Commission recently published a proposal for a Digital Markets Act (DMA) to complement existing competition policy tools by means of

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For many years, it was a given that studies of the language in the Channel Islands would be a study of their French – Norman French, which was the original language of the

miljølovgivning og statsstøtte også hindre det fri marked. Eksempelvis kan forskelligartet miljøregulering i medlemsstaterne, hindre varernes fri bevægelighed, da varer fra

Vanskelige audiovisuelle værker ( 1 ) og koproduktioner, der involverer lande fra OECD's DAC-liste ( 2 ), er undtaget fra disse grænser. Film, hvis eneste originalversion er

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The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) stated: “There are two main sources of electricity for the industrial sector: Grid electricity and the captive power plants

16 The article then moves to the empirical case study with three subsections: introducing the Danish aid and race context and the celebritization of development aid; exploring